One of the main reasons I wanted to cover an ancient civilizations unit is because sometimes a history study can get draggy. More important, I wanted to include other ancient civilizations to add to our Ancient Civilizations II unit study.
Focusing on the details of history, can get a bit sluggish because you lose the momentum of the overview.
There are lot of kids and teachers alike that are I-have-to-see-the-big-picture-before-I-get it people.
Me? I love history, but I can get buried in all the details.
I appreciate the big picture too.
It is important to pull up and away and look at the big picture so you understand the major players of ancient history.

For us, I think after we examine the big picture and come up for air, it gives us another bunny trail to go down. You know what I mean? Often times, I end up with more units or topics than school months to learn about them.
Ancient Civilizations
Too, if you start homeschooling with older children sometimes they just get a glimpse of them in public school.
So, if you’re wanting to cover ancient civilizations, then a unit focusing on great empires or ancient civilizations is key to understanding them.
It is key to keeping history fun and relevant. Although Mesopotamia is an early civilization, it can be confusing to understand about Sumer.
So I made it a separate minibook.
Understanding that Sumer developed in Mesopotamia is the first place to start.
From there it is easier to associate the Sumerian ruler, Sargon, with the time period.
This time I made a minibook focusing more on the Sumerians invented which was a system of writing and irrigation.
Because they were farmers, irrigation was an important livelihood.
Understanding how irrigation helped them to live farther away from the rivers is an important concept in explaining how they thrived as a civilization.
Sure, it probably is not as glamorous to study about farming and irrigation as maybe studying about mummies, but it is solid; farming and irrigation is at the roots of ancient civilizations.

As usual, I try to give some accompanying facts and as always you don’t have to use them.
Ancient Sumer Printable Minibook
I provide information as I can because we do lapbooks as enrichment and my time is limited.
Also, these minibooks can be glued on pages for notebooking. You decide.
Sometimes we do a lapbook, sometimes the older boys glue the minibook on pages for a notebook.
One curriculum that we are using right now too because I am interested in getting a bird’s eye view on history is Western Civilization Study by Brimwood Press.
The reason I am excited about this one is because in a few short lessons you span several thousands of years of history. I
n fourteen lessons you span 5,000 years. A great teaching tool for getting a sweeping overview of history. We are already loving it. You have to check it out below.
I can’t wait to tell you more as we are so engaged going through it. I hope you enjoy the Sumer book. It makes it easy when you can cover civilizations, hitting the highlights and move on.

Download the next minibook on Sumer below
Sumer-Ancient-Civilizations-Unit-by-Tina-Robertson.pdf (2567 downloads )Do you find it hard to teach the highlights of history?

Hugs and love ya,