Today, Day 28 is homeschool mom burnout tips and sanity savers. You’ll love the other tips on my 31 Day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers.
When I started homeschooling, I printed out EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING that I had found on a topic that we were going to study.
I put it all into huge 3 ring white binders.
Oh, it was organized, but like I have said before my organization skills had nothing to do with knowing how to teach.
Before I knew it, my shelves were overflowing with “unit studies”.
Well that is what I thought anyway. In reality, not the world I was living in at the time, my shelves were full of torturing tools for my toddlers.

Over scheduling and over planning are the telltale signs of not just the inexperienced, but of those that do not know how to say no.
We are going to practice how to say no in a minute, but right now, I want to share some questions with you that can be used to evaluate your planning and scheduling when burnout is brewing.
Questions for Homeschool Mom Burnout
Mark this and come back to them anytime you feel tension in your routine.
Have I been home or am I on the road too much?
Have I forgotten how to say no?
Have I taken time to pray, and get spiritual nourishment?
Have I taken time to share my concerns with my husband?
Do I need to switch curriculum or switch out my children with somebody else? Okay okay. Or is it that I don’t need to have my children do ALL of what a curriculum is telling me to do?
Do I need to obtain curriculum that is more structured so I am more accountable?
Do I need to incorporate more fun and relaxing times in my day?
Have I forgotten that curriculum is not magical, accredited or teaches character? I am teaching a child not a curriculum. So a relationship, capturing their heart and a (serving heart) attitude toward my children makes me view them correctly and that is as “individuals or persons”.
Have I forgotten that a child is entitled to a childhood with free time to explore, investigate and have a separate opinion from mine?
I have already shared with you how to realistically plan for your day on Day 8: Organize Your Home – Then School and a simple how to on lesson planning Day 20: Lesson Plan or Lesson Journal.
But I have not explained the secret to maintaining moderation and balance.
It is a simple exercise I do with my newbies in my workshop.
And that is to put your lips together and say NO! Let’s try it now—-say it out loud: NOOOOOOO!!! There, you said it.
I know you may be just the perfect person for heading up the potluck dinner for your friends.
Or, maybe you’re hosting a baby shower, or leading that volunteer group this year, but PLEASE hear my heart when I say: Give Yourself THIS year to learn how to homeschool and do not over commit.
Think: Are not my children worth the things that I let go this year?
Place a high value on your children’s education and for being there not just in body when they have a question, but with a refreshed mind.
Learn the homeschool ropes and don’t make it extra stressful on yourself by trying to be supermom.
We all try on the supermom cape at various times in our journey and then put it away back in the closet. Some of us try to wear it constantly and wear ourselves out.
Change your homeschool mood by turning over scheduling, over planning and over load into overjoyed.
New to Homeschooling Start with the Basics
1 – 7 Start with the Homeschool Basics
- 1 Learn The Lingo (& free glossary)
- 2: Homeschool Roots Matter
- 3 What is NOT Homeschooling
- 4: Confronting Relatives & Naysayers
- 5: The Wheels on the Bus Go ‘Round & ‘Round
- 6: Homeschool Hangouts & Socialization Situations
- 7: Tied Up with Homeschool Testing?
8-14 Homeschool Organization 101 for Beginners
- 8: Organize Your Home – Then School
- 9: Carpe Diem: Homeschool Schedule by The Day, Month, & Year
- 10 Grocery Shopping Cooking Laundry
- 11: Swoonworthy Learning Spaces & Homeschool Rooms
- 12: Creative Storage Solutions for Homeschool
- 13. Streamlined Record Keeping
- 14 Homeschool Supplies List
15 – 21 Best tips for New Homeschoolers Choosing Curriculum
- 15: Discovering Learning Styles
- 16: Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- 17: How to Choose a Homeschool Curriculum
- 18 Teaching Young Children – Elementary Homeschool
- 19: Guiding Homeschool Teens
- 20: Homeschool Lesson Planning
- 21 Time Tested Tips For Homeschool
22- 28 Homeschool Preschoolers, Highschoolers, Resistant Learners, Homeschool Mom Burnout
- 22 Homeschooling Preschoolers
- 23 When Your Child Hates Homeschooling
- 24 Finding Homeschool Curriculum For Unique Learners
- 25 Homeschool High School
- 26: Tips for Resistant Learners
- 27 10 Homeschool Tips to Break Out of a Homeschool Rut