This 31 day free boot camp for new homeschoolers was created from my 10 years of conducting workshops in person with new homeschoolers. And here at Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus, I have an enormous number of tips.
They are tried and true tips that WORK. You will get tips on 4 major areas you need help with now.
Too, much has happened since I wrote this series years ago. I now have 3 homeschooled grads and I’m still in the homeschool world mentoring Mr. MunchKing.
In addition, I have both a comprehensive self-paced course for first-time homeschoolers and a book for new homeschoolers.

However, starting your first homeschool year can be daunting. So, I’ve organized my content here to help you get started easily, and quickly with a minimum amount of wasted time.
New Homeschooler Online Self Paced Course – Have the Details Now!
As I explained above, there is much to know about homeschooling. If you want what has been called the Cliff’s notes version, then grab my Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers: When You Don’t Know Where to Begin book.
Also, if you want the comprehensive details about how to homeschool, then you’ll want to take my online self-paced Kickstarter course.
I take First-Time Homeschoolers from Fear to Freedom.
You will learn in this online self-paced course for new homeschoolers.
MODULE 1 What I DIDN’T Learn From My Homeschooling Mother, But Should Have (1 workshop & Printables) Support is important and you should trust your ability to teach. You’ll walk away from this workshop knowing you’re capable of teaching your kids and why you’re capable. The nuggets in this workshop are golden for the beginner. | MODULE 2 Diving In (Leave Your Public School Mindset Here) (3 workshops & printables) If you’re struggling with your public school mindset or that there is one right way to succeed you’ll understand what it means to homeschool and why it’s not public school at home. Homeschooling is a superior approach for a reason. |
MODULE 3 How to Choose Curriculum (Wisely) (9 workshops & printables) The BIGGEST mistake new homeschoolers make is buying curriculum without knowing how to buy it other than the looks good method. Avoid stress two or three months into your journey by knowing EXACTLY what to choose for your children. | MODULE 4 Teaching the Stages of Homeschool (8 workshops & printables) Jammed packed with great information on understanding the transitions children go through from PreK to High School prepares you to homeschool for the long run. Each learning stage is broken down for you so that you gain the best tips for how to teach and what to teach. |
4 Areas New Homeschoolers Need to Focus On
MODULE 5 How to Organize it ALL ( 5 workshops & printables) Finding balance with all the new hats you’ll be wearing and time management are not easy. Using the AWESOME sample schedules in this module and the step by step plan, I walk you through creating a routine or schedule UNIQUE to your family. Beginning homeschooling by stuffing it into an already busy life is not the way to begin. Did I mention as an organized person I have many tidbits of organization help sprinkled throughout the workshops? | MODULE 6 Facing Your BIGGEST Fears Not If But WHEN They Happen (1 workshop & printables) There is a GREAT BIG list of wrong things you’re focusing on in your first or second year which will suck the life out of your homeschool journey. Begin your journey with the wisdom of the past which has worked successfully for thousands of homeschool families who have gone before you. |
As you can see, knowing the details instantly, but learning at your pace has many advantages.

Further, I’ve identified 4 areas that new homeschoolers need to focus on. This will save you time wondering where to begin.
First, I’ll share the basics of the homeschool world.
Second, I’ll share tips on how to organize for your new homeschool lifestyle.
And no, that means most blogs or sites are not living our life.
Tips shared on sites which are not living our lifestyle may give you the wrong impression of what is an organized homeschooler.
Third, curriculum is another topic which first-time homeschoolers focus on.
Although curriculum is important, there are other things you need to know first. Lastly, I’ll share a variety of tips which you may encounter in your first years.
More important, I’ll share ways to get you over the hump successfully.
Best Book and Course for First-Time Homeschoolers

Free 31 day Boot Camp for New Homeschool Educators
However, I still want to make available help for new homeschoolers without cost. Why? I CARE.
Having this 31 day free bootcamp for new homeschoolers will help you to stay on the road to homeschooling.
Sure there is NOTHING like my online self paced Kickstarter course for new homeschoolers. Why? It works and I know what you need to focus on your first year and what can wait.
However, primarily I love the homeschooling community and stand here to help you.
I’ve created this free bootcamp as a way to give you the light version of how to get started homeschooling.
And no, there is no way you can watch all the YouTube videos you want and still understand the basics.
Well, I take that back, you may go around, up, down and sideways to get the information for first-time homeschoolers.
I don’t want you to waste your time doing that. I want to give you the most direct route. My free bootcamp for new homeschoolers does just that.
Take your time going through each post. The first year of homeschooling is exciting and I want to be there for you.
Homeschooling Starting With the Basics Days 1 -7
First, look at days 1 to 7 of the free new homeschoolers boot camp.
Day 1 Learn The Lingo (& free glossary)
2: Homeschool Roots Matter
3 What is NOT Homeschooling
New to Homeschooling
4: Confronting Relatives & Naysayers
5: The Wheels on the Bus Go ‘Round & ‘Round – So Get Off!
6: Homeschool Hangouts & Socialization Situations
Homeschool Organization 101 Days 8 – 14
7: Tied Up with Homeschool Testing?
8: Organize Your Home – Then School
9: Carpe Diem: Homeschool Schedule by The Day, Month, & Year

10 Grocery Shopping Cooking Laundry
11: Swoonworthy Learning Spaces & Homeschool Rooms
12: Creative Storage Solutions for Homeschool

13: Streamlined Record Keeping
14: Homeschool Supplies List

Choosing Homeschool Curriculum Days 15 – 21
15: Discovering Learning Styles
16: Practical Tips for Learning Styles
17: How to Choose a Homeschool Curriculum

18: Teaching Young Children – Elementary Homeschool
19: Guiding Homeschool Teens
20: Homeschool Lesson Planning

Homeschool Preschoolers, Highschoolers, and Unique Learners Days 22-28
21 Time Tested Tips
22 Homeschooling Preschoolers
23 When Your Child Hates Homeschooling

24 Finding homeschool Curriculum For Unique Learners
25 Homeschool High School

More New Homeschooler Tips

It’s so nice of you to offer your boot camp for free. Thank you! As a veteran homeschooler, I constantly have new homeschooling moms as for help. I’ll be sure to send them to you resources.
Thank you so much Lisa for sharing the page. I do love having something for them♥♥ And I’m happy you scooted by..
Hi! I’m considering homeschooling and am so grateful for all your valuable content. I’m confused about this boot camp though. It says free in the title and you say you offer it free in the post. Was that for a limited time?
Thank you!!
Hi Empressa,
Just click on each graphic and it will take you through each day! Enjoy!
So I came across your page on the 3rd day of homeschooling my 1st grade daughter. We pulled her from public school so that we could teach her in an environment that we knew she would learn in. Oddly enough, we only have roughly 6 weeks of school left according to the public schools. Your blog is a blessing to the beginning of my journey! I plowed through your new bee homeschooler bootcamp last night and this morning and I learned so much in that short amount of time. Everything you have talked about were questions I personally had, and some that I didn’t even know I had until I read the 31 days of information. My daughter is extremely excited to learn at home now, and after reading this, so am I.
Thank you again for all of your wisdom that you have shared with all of us newbs.
Hi Diane,
Welcome here and welcome to homeschooling!!! I am glad that my free Boot Camp has helped you.
Be sure to share questions you have too here and I will be here to help you. YOU GOT THIS!! Once you remove yourself out from that mindset of public school, you are free to homeschool in the way that is best for your child.
Remember to scoot by my facebook group.