Is homeschooling right for your family? As parents we have one view of what is homeschooling, but children can have quite another view.
Instead of explaining why homeschooling has been a superior choice for many families, let the homeschooled kids tell you in their own words.

I asked the brilliant homeschooled kids in my facebook group and they responded. And yes, I have their permission to tell you their words because they want you to know.
Note: This was an informal and relaxed conversation on my group; I didn’t ask the kids to write their response with correct sentence structure and grammar. Enjoy their uncoached words from their heart.
Do Homeschooled Kids Like Homeschooling?
Again, my question was why do you like being homeschooled and the kids’ answers are:
- Not having to deal with school drama, being able to sleep in and to work on what is best for me and my way of learning. – Age 17 –
- Everyone’s much nicer than the kids at school. – Age 11 –
- Because I get to be home more than before. I can do my schoolwork anywhere, living room, kitchen, Mom’s craft room, outside with my chickens and dog, park, anywhere. I can take a break whenever I need to get up and move. I get to spend time with Dad when he is off in the middle of the week. I don’t have to wake up really early. – Age 10 –
- Not getting sick all the time. -Age 7 –
- That it’s at home. – Age 6 –
- Because it doesn’t take 8 hours. I also asked her if she felt like she needed more friends. She says, “No. I have enough. I love my friends.”
-Age 7 –
Will Homeschooling Ruin My Child?
- I don’t have to wait quietly while no one else is respecting the rules; I don’t have to sit feeling like “I don’t get it”. When I don’t get something when we are in school you kinda know that I don’t get it even before I realize I’m confused. I think it’s because you are actually looking at me; I like that I don’t have to be in a classroom and ask to go to the bathroom every time I have to go; I love getting to be with you (her mom) because who else is so worried about me and my future and what I’m learning; I love getting done earlier in the day as well as earlier in the year than other kids; A lot of the kids in summer camps are really rude and disrespectful, glad I don’t have to deal with that all the time. -Age 11-

- My oldest (6) is in Kindergarten at a private Christian school – well until the lock down and everything. My husband and I went on vacation and my kids stayed with family friends that homeschool. My son took all his catch up work and did it while their kids did their work. When we got home, my son said he wants to homeschool! Soon after, everything got shut down and my son Loves it! He occasionally talks about one or two friends from school but otherwise has no desire to go back. He still wants to homeschool!
Deciding to Homeschool
- Coz it’s better, I can study in peace and not have to deal with all the agro. -Age 16-
- Because I can go at my pace. -Age 13-
- Because I get to be with you mama and you kiss my hands when they hurt from writing, I wouldn’t want the teacher doing that. -Age 8-
- No bullies. You are my teacher. We can take breaks when I need it.
-Age 9-
- Said that it is Saturday and she doesn’t answer homeschooling questions on Saturdays. -Age 9-
- Architecture & Engineering & cause I love Mommy & Professor Bunny & Professor Mr Bear. -Age 4- (Mom’s note: His favorite stuffed animals learn alongside him.)
- Because I don’t want to go to regular school for 6 hours a day with no room to run and play. -Age 8-
- Because it’s fun and you won’t yell at us if we get something wrong. Also, the field trips. -Age 12-
New Homeschooler
- It’s really fun and I like my mom as my teacher. We can go to really cool museums together. -Age 10-
- Because I get to spend more time with my family. Because I like my teacher, I love her so much, because it’s you (her mom). Get to do lots of nature study. Get to spend a lot of time with my dogs. -Age 7-
- Because I get to spend time with you and get a good education instead of being at the school where the teacher was rude and kinda didn’t know what she was doing, and I get to play outside more. -Age 10-
- I don’t get thrown by the bullies like in public school. No active shooter drills every month. Those were scary. They taught me to hide and throw things at a shooter. I didn’t like that. I can call my teacher mom. I get challenged more; I like that. I can play with my own toys at recess. If it is too hot outside, I don’t HAVE to stand outside for half an hour recess like public school. I don’t get pinched and smacked like I did in public school. I don’t get sick all the time. The lunch food is better. No one threatens me anymore. If I forget something, I can just get it. I don’t get embarrassed if something embarrassing happens. In public school, if I had a question, sometimes the teacher wouldn’t call on me to answer it. -Age 11-
- I get to be with my dog. Mommy is funny; she makes funny pictures. I do harder stuff and don’t get bored. At public school they kept giving me spelling words I already knew. I like learning new spelling words. I like that we do experiments in homeschool; they didn’t do science in public school. -Age 9-
Homeschooling the Family
- There are no bad bullies. Mom knows what I’m good at and bad at. I don’t have to rush to the bus. No one hurts me on the bus anymore. I can snack when I’m hungry. I don’t have to pack my lunch. I don’t have to wait for all the other kids to finish their work when I’m done. I don’t have to wear shoes. -Age 9-
- Because she doesn’t have to deal with the mean kids or the teacher silencing her. She tested just under for the advanced placement so they placed her in a standard classroom and her teacher would never let her answer. She would be practically the only one with her hand up and then throughout the day she would get in trouble for talking because she was done and bored. She said I get to learn what I want in a fun way, take breaks and talk when I want. Lol She even said “I even don’t mind doing school on the weekends because we have weekends whenever we want. -Age 9-
- I get to sleep in, I get more breaks, I can get ahead, mom knows what I know, mom knows what I need to know, I can ask questions whenever I want. -Age 11-
- I love being homeschooled because I am smarter because I get to learn from my mistakes instead of the class just keeps going with you.
-Age 9-
- Because I like my freedom… I get more sleep… I’m safe from physical and sexual assault and I’m not bullied. I don’t have to put up with the constant drama from peers my age. I can have a job. -Teen-
- Because it’s fun. -Age 7-

- Because if I need a week off I can have it. And if I have a hard time finishing something I can come back to it in a couple days. And because I get more free time. -Age 13-
- That I’m with my family most of the time. -Age 8-
New to Homeschooling
- My kids like sleeping in, and they like having conversations with me about what they’re learning. They also like binge doing stuff they’re passionate about.
- Every day is pajama day and I get to have class in my playhouse outdoors. No bully teachers or kids either. -Age 10-
- I was scared at school and the teacher said I was dumb. You (her mom) make me understand and say I’m smart. -Age 11-
- I like it because I like being home, and you’re my mom, and I like having company from my mom. -Age 8-
- I can do more crafts and get to be with my family more. -Age 9-
- I get to play more. -Age 6-
- I actually get to do stuff during the day. -Age 18-
- Gets to sleep in. -Age 15-
- I like that we get to do fun experiments and I get to spend more time with you guys. -Age 9-
Beginning to Homeschool
- That’s a hard question. I guess because I get to see you guys more often. -Age 7-
- Mommy is my teacher. -Age 7-
- I like that I learn things they do not teach in public school. I get to do topics that interest me. I also can do things as fast as I want or take my time. I have time to do the things I want to do like work part time or volunteer at the food pantry and do trail clean up. I get to wake up late like at 7 a.m. -Age 14-
- I like being homeschooled because I can learn at my own pace and not get made fun of or bullied. -Age 8-
- I like being homeschooled because you (her mom) make learning fun and I don’t have to do boring worksheets all day long. I finish my work and I can go play. -Age 7-
- Because then I can spend the rest of my day playing games. -Age 8-

You’ll love these other reads after homeschooling 20+ years:
- How To Start Homeschooling the Easy No Stress Way (Maybe)
- 100 Reasons Why Homeschooling is a SUPERIOR Education
- Socialization – A Homeschool Hallucination?
- Why Buying Curriculum Won’t Make You a Homeschooler (But What Will)
- Is Homeschooling Making the Grade? It’s in and the Grade is ALL Fs!
- How to Know What A Homeschooled Child Should Learn Yearly?
- Homeschool Critics: How Do You Know You’re on Track?
- 12 Easy Ways Homeschooled Teens and Tweens Socialize
There you go. Out of the mouth of babes about what it’s really like to homeschool your kids.
What do your kids say about being homeschooled?
Hugs and love ya,