We’re learning how do mollusks breathe and making a fun snail craft.
Mollusks are one of the largest groups of animals.
For example, they include octopus, snails, clams, and squid.
And they are soft bodied creatures. Because they do not have a backbone, they are called invertebrates.

In addition mollusks can be divided into 3 main groups.
They are Gastropoda (snails and slugs), Bivalvia (clams, oysters, and mussels), and Cephalopoda (octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish).
Gastropods make up the largest group of mollusks.
Next, look at some of these books about snails.
We love to read living books when we can find them.
6 Books About Snails
Add some of these books to your home library or to your unit study for the day.
A young snail's artistic trail inspires a whole class of children to be creative too!
"Brilliant illustrations and a short text invite an unnamed sleeping, pajama-clad child into a garden teeming with wildlife. The boy gradually shrinks until he is so small he experiences things as a snail would. The incredibly detailed drawings and the idea of shrinking to enter another world should capture children's imaginations
Escargot is an adorable French snail who only wants two things: 1) To be your favorite animal, and 2) To eat the delicious salad at the end of this book. Except this delicious salad has a carrot in it. And Escargot hates carrots. But when he finally tries one―with a little help from you!―he realizes that it’s not so bad after all.
Here is the story Grandma tells one evening on her wide veranda steps. It has Michael and Hannah and the disappearing baby in it, a tigerish bird, raindrops like sacks of water, and the hugest apple you ever saw. Oh yes . . . and the Snail House. So gather round, climb up now into Grandma’s lap. Darkness is falling, the air is still, and the story is just about to begin.
A snail's life from the time it is hatched to the time it lays its own eggs.
A young snail dreams of having the biggest house—or shell—in the world. Then one day, his wise father tells him the story of another snail with the same dream. He grew and grew, adding bright colors and beautiful designs, until he found that his house came at a terrible cost. The young snail decides that a small, easy-to-carry shell might be best for a life of adventure and exploration.
Also, look at these facts about how do mollusks breathe.
Most mollusks live in water. For instance, clams, oysters, and snails use gills.
However, land snails breathe through a lung-like organ called a “pallial cavity,” which works kind of like our lungs.
The majority of mollusks live in marine environments.
Additionally, two groups, the bivalves and the gastropods, contain freshwater species.
And only the gastropods have animals that live on land (snails and slugs).
For breathing, the gills or lung-like organ is located inside their bodies.
Water or air flows through an opening in their body called the mantle cavity.
So mollusks have different ways of breathing depending on where they live.

Look at more activities about mollusks.
- Under the Sea Science Activities With Amazing Disappearing Octopus Ink
- How do squid swim?
- Exciting Swiss Family Robinson Activities | From Oyster To Pearl
- Clam shell cookies. How fun!
- Easy Paper Snail Craft | Rocking Snail Craft | Crafts for Kids
- Peek-a-Boo Snail Craft for Kids
- Blue-Ringed Octopus craft for kids
Finally, look at how to make this adorable pipe cleaner snail.
First, look at this short list of supplies.
- Colorful pipe cleaners
- Googly eyes
- Craft glue
- Round object (pen or marker or sharpie)
Step 1:
Select 3 pipe cleaners, 2 of the same color and 1 different color.

Step 2:
Take that one pipe cleaner and a round object such as a pen or a sharpie.

Step 3:
Coil the pipe cleaner around the round object firmly and evenly.

Step 4:
Coil the entire pipe cleaner.

Step 5:
Take out the coiled pipe cleaner carefully.

Step 6:
Now, place the 2 other pipe cleaners adjacent to each other.

Step 7:
Insert both pipe cleaners through the coil and draw out about 1.5” of their length from the other end of the coiled pipe cleaner.

Step 8:
Bend that 1.5” to 90 degrees.

Step 9:
Twist the longer sides of the pipe cleaners evenly.

Step 10:
Start by making a small coil at the open end of the longer end.

Step 11:
Continue to coil the twisted pipe cleaners.

Step 12:
Coil and bring them near the 90-degree bent part.

Step 13:
Bent the open ends of the 1.5” sides by a cm. Select 2 googly eyes.

Step 14:
Use craft glue to join the googly eyes to the bent parts. Allow the glue to dry.