Day 14 is about a homeschool supplies list for the free 31 Day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers.
Homeschool hoarders of supplies are a common and growing group.
This is one area where I feel it takes some finesse to find exactly what will work for you, but it is common to have overflowing supplies at first.

Look at my chart below as I divided up supplies into two categories.

New to Homeschooling Start with the Basics
Days 1 – 7 of the 31 day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers
- 1 Learn The Lingo (& free glossary)
- 2: Homeschool Roots Matter
- 3 What is NOT Homeschooling
- 4: Confronting Relatives & Naysayers
- 5: The Wheels on the Bus Go ‘Round & ‘Round
- 6: Homeschool Hangouts & Socialization Situations
- 7: Tied Up with Homeschool Testing?
How to Organize When You’re New to Homeschooling
Days 8-12 of the 31 day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers
- 8: Organize Your Home – Then School
- 9: Carpe Diem: Homeschool Schedule by The Day, Month, & Year
- 10 Grocery Shopping Cooking Laundry
- 11: Swoonworthy Learning Spaces & Homeschool Rooms
- 12: Creative Storage Solutions for Homeschool
- 13: Streamlined Record Keeping
Have you started on your back to school list? What do you have so far?