We are excited you are joining us for another link-up, full of posts written specifically to encourage those families homeschooling older students.
Finishing Strong Homeschool Link Up
Hopefully you’ve been learning as much as we have from the amazing posts being shared!
Here are our favorites from last week:
Heather from Blog She Wrote loved fellow co-host Heidi’s post on Preparing your High School Student for the PSAT.
She said, “Heidi does a thorough job of preparing parents for the world of college testing. As a homeschooling parent of a 10th grader this year, we’ve already gone through one testing period and we are gearing up for another round. I appreciate the information on the breakdown of the tests as well as the timeline and prep tips.”
Heather also suggests checking with your local school system on the PSAT before getting too far. Her school system does not allow 10th graders to take the exam, so it’s best to make sure in May that a test will be set aside for them in the fall. Many schools order the tests in May.
Also, remember that the PSAT is taken during normal school hours while the SAT and ACT are take on weekends.
She also enjoyed Homeschooling High School – A Plethora of Resources from Sweetness and Light
Heather loved the way Meredith pulled together many resources for high schooling parents. There are some faith oriented items, along with online partners to help you with high school.
“I enjoy reading about all the ways parents can offer up a unique high school experience for their teens. Thanks for the list!” says Heather.
Do you want to connect with other parents homeschooling older kids? Join our Finishing Strong Community on Google+!
Tina from Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus loved To Sow A Seed from Roots and Wings.
Tina said, “As I reflected on graduating my first son last year, the words written in To Sow a Seed, echoed how true it is that as parents, we face a daunting task in raising our teens.”
“Gaining independence is a gradual process and the time comes soon enough for our teens to take charge of their life. Roots and wings matter.”

Easy Details to Remember & Even Easier Guidelines.
- The link up party goes live at 5:00 a.m. CST each Wednesday and stays open until the following Tuesday at 11:55 p.m.
- Each week we will pick our favorite links as features and share them.
- You can link up to 3 posts. Please do not link up advertising posts, or other link ups, or parties. I will remove them. Homeschool related reviews are permitted and of course all topics related to homeschooling middle to high school students.
- Grab a button to add to your post after you link up and if you were featured, grab an “I was featured” button.
- By linking up with us, you agree for us to share your images and give you credit of course.
- That’s it! Glad to have you here and let’s party!