Discovering Learning Styles is our next topic. Today is day 15 discovering learning styles for the 31 Day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers.
You will find an overwhelming amount of information on learning styles that is free and there exist volumes and volumes of scientific research galore too.
My desire is to whittle down this information into terms that we all can understand.
First, it’s important to realize that unless you have tutored your child up to this time, you may not be fully aware of his abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

True, from helping your child with his homework, you have an idea of his weak subjects, but it is quite another thing to be the full time teacher now.
What is a Learning Styles
Many homeschoolers come home to school only to realize that their bright and gifted child struggles with some concepts they feel should have been mastered in the lower grades.
On the other hand you may sense frustration because your child may have mastered some previous concepts. So now he finds learning tedious and boring drills a time waster.
It takes time to get to know your child.
1:1 tutoring is so much more comprehensive because you are now discovering his learning style.
Again, MANY definitions exist on the internet, but a learning style is the way a child prefers to learn.
It is easy to understand and talk about them like personalities than it is to talk about learning modes. Most references refer to auditory, visual and kinesthetic learner.
While it’s important to understand modes because it goes along with learning personalities, it is easier and more practical to understand their learning styles or personalities.
Cathy Duffy is queen of understanding learning styles.
Prior to the time she wrote the 100, 101, and 102 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum, we identified learning styles by quirky names like Golden Retriever or Concrete – Sequential.

In her book she uses terms like Perfect Paul, Competent Carl, Sociable Sue and Wiggly Willy to help you identify certain traits or characteristics.
I prefer to leave labeling alone, but information and knowledge on personality quirks can help you make a better choice in curriculum and it also helps to promote closer relationships with your children.
Unlike adults, children cannot articulate why they prefer to move when they learn math.
But if you make them think that something is wrong with them because they need to move, you may be heading toward problems and burnout.
Flexibility is needed to avoid the we-have-to-be-in-strait-jackets-before-we-can-learn thinking.
Day 15: Discovering Learning Styles
Another example is if you are a mom that enjoys doing projects in your home and you do not mind a fair amount of clutter, but your daughter is wilting away because she does not have an organized place to do school, then your stress factors are multiplied.
Educating yourself now as to all of your children’s learning style and yours too can help you to bring peace and calm to your home.
Insight into their weaknesses in one or more subjects will help you not just teach with excellence in mind, but to nurture your children.
Also, I have created an easy course where you don’t have to wait to learn about learning styles.

As you homeschool longer, it will be to your advantage to embrace differences and to understand them.
For example, I think about all the beautiful women and mothers whose personalities are opposite of mine.
We complement each other and use that strength for the benefit of our children when we meet together for a co-op.
Overlooking faults is a beautiful thing and finding the good in each personality, even your children sets them up to be the best at whatever they are capable of doing.
There is no one better than the other. We all have strengths and weakness.
New to Homeschooling Start with the Basics
Days 1 – 7 of the 31 day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers
- 1 Learn The Lingo (& free glossary)
- 2: Homeschool Roots Matter
- 3 What is NOT Homeschooling
- 4: Confronting Relatives & Naysayers
- 5: The Wheels on the Bus Go ‘Round & ‘Round
- 6: Homeschool Hangouts & Socialization Situations
- 7: Tied Up with Homeschool Testing?
Days 8-14 of the 31 day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers
- 8: Organize Your Home – Then School
- 9: Carpe Diem: Homeschool Schedule by The Day, Month, & Year
- 10 Grocery Shopping Cooking Laundry
- 11: Swoonworthy Learning Spaces & Homeschool Rooms
- 12: Creative Storage Solutions for Homeschool
- 13. Streamlined Record Keeping
- 14 Homeschool Supplies List

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