I have three free high school planner cover designs for your teens. Whether your teen is building his own homeschool planner, diy student planner or just wants checklists, you’ll love these choices. Check out my how to homeschool high school page for awesome tips.
These brand new homeschool high school planner covers come in three different color choices.
And if your teen is building his or her own planner, these covers would be the first step to build their planner.

In addition, I have 12 free homeschool high school planner covers on the DIY Best Student Planner pages for more choices..
Too, these mew homeschool student cover pages are full color like most all of my planner pages.
Plus, when your teens have their own planner it encourages them to learn how to manage time.
How to Use the High School Planner Covers
For example, when you don’t buy a full put together student planner, your teen has choices for each section.
Individualizing a planner is not only something we love to do, but our teen too.
Some teens prefer to only include lesson planning pages.
Other teens include time management sections and tips, goals, or even journal pages.
By planning and printing exactly the pages you want your teen will be more motivated to use it.
Also, printing these high school planner covers do not really require any special printer.
I have used the Canon PIXMA TR150 Wireless Mobile Printer for years and love it.
It’s not the most expensive and doesn’t have tons of bells and whistles.

But I like to put together my planner slowly.
So I used an inexpensive printer and take my time.
Other Homeschool Planner Sections to Add
Furthermore, look at some of these options that can make your teen’s homeschool planner unique.-
Add a two page month calendar. Not all teens plan everything on their phone. Some prefer to jot down appointments.
Too, teens may prefer to use their own lesson planning pages.
I have some unique ones which helps them to track time by 15 minutes increments.
In addition, add some growth mindset pages or pages to help plan for college or a career.
Even fun growth mindset coloring pages are a whimsical add if you have a creative teen who loves to color still.

Look at these different color combinations.
The first cover above is blue, the second one has a bit of a floral touch and the last one is a gorgeous green.

Just remember that my pages are not created to print black and white but that is your choice.
Other Planner Forms for Your Teen
Not only can your teen use my calendars in his or her planner, but any of my forms which help your teens to manage their day.
- Choose Goals and Objectives Forms
- Choose lesson planning pages for teens or choose from my editable lesson planning pages.

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