Homeschool teaching styles wasn’t something I understood when I wanted to know homeschool learning styles.
Too, after researching for years and even teaching a workshop about it, there is still much confusion about how to identify homeschool teaching styles.
In addition, terms like modalities, teaching styles, and learning styles are terms that need to be clarified.

However, tapping into the way a child prefers to learn is essential to success
Do you wonder why it seems like one child understands exactly what you mean when the other one seems clueless?
You know it’s not because that child is not trying to understand you.
It can be frustrating and discouraging to feel like you’re not getting your point across.
Homeschool Styles
First, for years research has been based on 3 types of learners.
They are either visual, auditory, or tactile or a combination of them.

And some of the characteristics of visual learners are:
- Normally they learn through their eyes.
- These types of learners love photos, maps, visuals,
- diagrams and maps.
Next, look at a few characteristics of auditory leaners:
- They tend to be good listeners.
- And they can learn better through music, discussions, and sounds.
- In addition, they love to record discussions and topics to listen back to later.
Lastly, some of the characteristics of tactile learners are
- that they learn best by doing.
- Hands-on projects, acting out, and performing experiments.
However, a lot of research has been done since this.
And although the science is not conclusive about exactly how we learn, we can agree that both children and adults have preferred ways of learning.
So instead of focusing on trying to funnel all people to categories or labels, I focused on understanding learning personalities.
Identifying Homeschool Learning Personalities
When you understand the way your child prefers to learn then you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning.
To learn about personalities means to understand your and your child’s strengths and weakness.
Additionally, a learning personality means the skills a person uses to gather and perceive information.
So, a learning personality will include learning styles like visual, auditory, or tactile but it also includes personal preferences. That is more unique to individuals.
Too, I feel like understanding a personality is easier to identify than a learning style since many do not agree even on how many learning styles there are.
4 Ways Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- You can plan a successful course with your child’s strengths and weaknesses in mind;
- Specific goals can be set and met because your leaner will know how to meet them;
- There is individualized education; and
- Your learner will be eager to learn lifelong instead of struggling with why he doesn’t understand some subjects as well as he does others.
Identifying Your Homeschooled Child’s Learning Personality
Finally, after years of putting the pieces together, I have created an online self-paced course on how to identify your homeschool child’s learning personality.
This course will give you solid beginning points and look what you will learn.

- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.
Tapping into the way a child prefers to learn is essential to success.