Today, I have 20 free homeschool science lapbooks to teach hands-on. Because homeschool lapbooks are perfect to pair with unit studies, most of the lapbooks include a unit study.
Too, science requires gathering quite of bit of data at times, but it also should be hands-on. It shouldn’t just be recording data or filling out lab journals.
So, while concentrating on one science topic, a hands-on learner can complete minibooks on each subtopic.

Most lapbooks will contain anywhere from 7 to 15 minibooks. Science lapbooks are no different.
You can determine if all the minibooks will be about one science topic or about different subtopics on the main theme.
Homeschool science lapbooks can be so fun to create because of the huge amount of information that may interests your children.
Lapbook Ideas for Science
For example, if you’re wanting to do a lapbook on one topic, here are a few ideas.
- Look at your reference book and assign one minibook per chapter. Your child now has a quick overview of the topic.
- However, if you want to dive deeper into one topic, then use the 5Ws – Who, what, when, where and why. This will give you a framework of minibooks and then build from those topics.
- And if the science topic is about a famous scientist, then divide the minibooks by his or her time periods in life. Then focus more minibooks on what the scientist is known for.

In addition, decide whether you want letter size or legal size file folders. They both have their pros and cons.
While a legal size folder holds more, it’s also harder to store legal size folders for the long term.
Free Printable Lapbooks
The best thing about these lapbooks is that most of them have minibooks which contain some information or facts.
Whether you want your child to do all the research or use some of the premade minibooks, you decide how much time you have to spend on the free printable lapbooks.

Lastly, most of the science lapbooks are in color. And you don’t need an expensive printer to print them.

I still use my small Canon mobile printer.

Other Science Lapbooks
Free Homeschool Science Lapbooks
Lapbooks make great hands-on tools and you’ll love these fun lapbook ideas for science
Sharing this wildflowers unit study and lapbook along with some hands-on ideas, I hope they’ll help your kids get excited about a fun wildflowers unit study.
can smell the beach from here! Okay, maybe not where I live now, but I feel that way since I grew up with the beach a short 30 minute drive. And we never missed a chance to go to it.
We would cook crab or gumbo, spend hours on the shoreline and build a fire. Seashore watching was an activity I loved as a kid and I made sure my kids knew about it. I think you’ll love these ideas for a seashore watching unit study.
These lapbook about the Amazon Rainforest covers so many subtopics that each of your children can spend time on whatever topics interest them. Besides you can make many or one from the different minibooks.
Take your time putting together this huge lapbook because it has about 35 minibooks.
Whether you study a pond in winter or summer, a pond unit study makes for a great hands-on science project. You can add in so many different nature topics.
There are just as many things that grow above a pond as there are that live below in a pond.
My kids have always loved ways of learning how to live off the land. This foraging and feasting nature unit study is not only a way to teach Tiny some basic survival skills, but a great way to sneak in tips about how to cook.
I don’t want to give you the wrong impression about our foraging efforts because we’re currently city dwellers although not by choice.
We made a detour on finishing up high school for a quick nature read about sea turtles. I chose Our Sea Turtles as a spine and we weren’t disappointed. Today, in sharing from egg to sea turtle nature unit study and lapbook, I’ve rounded up some awesome links and ideas for you.
I have the rest of the minibooks to go with the free earth science lapbook, which is Earth’s Structures. Too, I have a cover which can be used as a lapbook cover or for clip art to decorate notebooking pages.
Remember, for this lapbook, I am using the free middle science book that I shared with you earlier as a quick science spine.
Note to the middle school student: This lapbook can easily be done on your own. It was created to give you an introduction to the Turdus Migratorius.
The strawberry belongs to the genus Fragraria in the rose family, along with apples and plums. The name of the scientific classification was derived from the Old Latin word for fragrant.
Native Americans called the fragrant fruit “heart-seed berries” and pounded them into their traditional cornmeal bread. Discovering the great taste of the Native Americans bread, colonists decided to create their own version, “Strawberry Shortcake.”
When some people think of winter, they think of frozen slush, sleet, and freezing fingers and toes. Adults might think of driving on frozen roads and struggling with cars that won’t work in subzero temperatures. But when you ask any child about winter, most think of tumbling through snow and building a snowman.
The Arctic is literally the end of the world. It takes its name from the Greek word for bear, arktos, because the land is under the constellation of the Great Bear.
The Arctic region is located at the top of the Northern Hemisphere. The Arctic Ocean is about 5.5 million square miles of water, so the Arctic is really a giant sheet of sea ice that floats on top of the Arctic Ocean.
The Arctic is surrounded by land in Greenland, Canada, and Russia. Parts of these countries, along with a part of Alaska, are in the area called the Arctic Circle.The oceans cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface. Though the waters on the earth are really one world ocean, they are referred to by many names: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern.
Here is where you place each of the minibooks and pockets within your lapbook. I put all of the downloads below so you can easily find them. Too, I’m including my Hands-On Activities so you will have a quick reference for where to find those.
We love this time of the year! Here in Texas as least we have some leaves that change colors not to mention how wonderful spices and sweet potato pie smell
Are you looking for a fun and educational activity to do with your kids? This dandelion unit study workbook unit study is the perfect addition to your homeschool unit studies.
In ancient times it was called the gold of the North. Amber has been called freezing gold, a window to the past, a time capsule, captured sunshine and a golden tear. It is all of these things.
The term carnivorous plant may conjure up in your mind a scene like this one where the unsuspecting victim in a swamp is being snatched up by a flesh-eating plant. But carnivorous plants are a very interesting group of plants that aren’t near as big as they are shown in this picture.
Coral reefs swarm with brilliant colored fish, starfish, giant clams and sea slugs. They are not only beautiful to look at; but they are home to thousands of other species. Coral reefs can be large or small and are some of the oldest ecosystems on the planet.
The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the “Duck Hawk” in North America, is a bird of prey in the family Falconidae.
Your homeschooled kids will love this huge toads-amphibians unit study and lapbook.
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