Today, I have ready the 2018 New Year Goals Free Printable ready.
I love this form because it not only reminds me to keep goal setting simple and not pen in a lot of goals so that I can reach them, but most important I remind myself to have Less of This.
It’s important to remind myself that some things I need to let go.
I don’t want to have pie in the sky goals, but to be reminded to homeschool and live simply.
New Year New Goals
I can only do that when I let go of things that are not working at the end of the year.
For some years, the goals have been to be less critical of myself, to be less hard on my kids, or to be less judgmental.
As homeschoolers we’re constantly criticizing ourselves and can be our own worst enemy when it comes to meeting goals. We push ourselves to do more and more.
Goal Setting Means Doing LESS OF THIS
I’ve learned doing more means that I have to let go of something. Different things can weigh me down. I mentioned being too critical of myself is one thing that holds me back.
Letting go each year or at least reminding myself to let go each year, I can start with a fresh slate.
Also, I am renewed to keep homeschooling.
Maybe this next year you need to do more of something which is productive. Just remember that being productive means doing less of something. It means making room for it.
What are you going to be doing LESS OF this next year?
Grab the form below. It’s easy to fill out because it requires few words! Keep goal setting simple.
Download here the 2018 New Year New Goals Printable (Get It Together Girl)
Also, you may like my 2 page per month Appointment Keepers calendar pages to keep you on track. Grab what you need below.
Hugs and love ya,Are you ready to begin building your UNIQUE Homeschool Planner? There is NOT another one like it because YOU created it!
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color” Begin building your planner
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers
Step 3. Choose Goals/Objectives
Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! Not a kazillion other people
Step 5b. Choose MORE Unique Forms JUST for You!
Step 5c. Choose MORE MORE Unique Forms Just for You!