Homeschool confession my homeschool mistakes. Besides mistakes are part of learning how to homeschool. Do you want to hear about some of my blunders?
Homeschool mistakes are part of learning not what to do when homeschooling. However, in the beginning it’s hard to view it that way.
Too, nobody wants to do the trial and error method with their kids.
We have a few short years to homeschool our kids and we want to maximize our efforts.

If I share just three of my mistakes maybe they can save you some grief.
Isn’t that hard to do? Especially because I was the product of public school.
For example, I never questioned why I needed to test, I just blindly followed the masses.

I realized that leaving the public school mentality didn’t mean not using some of the practical tips that did work in public school at home.
It just meant to leave behind what I didn’t need because I was not teaching my kids, not a classroom.
New Homeschooler
Because we live in this world, it’s hard to not be affected by the pressure of test, perform and out do.
My sons are just normal boys who have been privately tutored by me. That’s all.
I left public school because I didn’t want to model it at home, not just change geography.
I am guilty. It seemed like some other mom had this whole homeschool thing figured out.
Then I find out later her beginnings were as humble as mine.
I thought other dads did more of the teaching until I realized that statistics show that about 85% or more of the teaching is shouldered by the mother.
I guess it just sounded good when dad did a science experiment with their sons. My science experiments were not that exciting in the beginning. Can you say boring teacher?
Boring and now a show off. Yes, I thought I had to “show off” my progress to my mother-in-law who was not supportive of our decision to homeschool in the beginning.
I had to prove her wrong and was humbled in a lesson I won’t forget.
Trying to show off my teaching skills to her, I asked Mr. Senior 2013 who I was then teaching to read to show us the long i sound. Yes he did.
He promptly went and got the longest piece of white butcher paper he could tear off the roll.
Laying the paper down on the floor, which was twice as long as grandma, my poor baby proceeded to draw the longest i I had ever seen. I shuffled off in shame.
What to Expect from the Homeschool Kickstarter
From my struggle, I created a curriculum for new homeschool educators. And taught this course in person to new homeschoolers. I’ve now put my course online for all new homeschoolers
More shamed at the fact that I was trying to show off instead of what really was funny at the time though I didn’t feel that way.
Humble me for I needed it for the road ahead.

With the 6 modules and 29 workshops, I walk you step-by-step through beginning homeschooling, understanding the homeschool lifestyle, choosing curriculum, and understanding how to fit it all in a day.
Look at what you’ll learn.
- Learn how to identify what is and what is not homeschooling. It can mean the difference in succeeding or succumbing to the mindset you want to leave behind.
- Choose curriculum wisely instead of using the oh it looks good method.
- Organize the areas of life that collide when you begin to homeschool.
- Identify and create the right schedule for your family’s rhythm.
- Understand what is important to teach from K to High School. (Oh, did I tell you I have kids well past 10 years old?)
Like many new homeschoolers, I too focused solely on my children and their need for a support group, curriculum, socialization and field trip.
It took me a few years before I realized that the best way to help my children was to become the best teacher I could be.
A public school teacher is required to take continuing education classes. Why shouldn’t I?
If I didn’t take time to read blogs, join support groups, buy teacher helps and attend homeschool conventions I couldn’t say I was schooling for my children.
Feelings of guilt that I had associated with longing to interact with other homeschool moms had to be left behind.
Association has to be a vital part of my everyday teaching. Online forum groups were not a waste of time but needed for refreshment and encouragement.
New to Homeschool
Like all things, the time I took for educating myself and camaraderie had to have a place in my life to be balanced.
Your turn: Do you have a story we can learn from? I hope you can learn from my mistakes.

I thought about this quote today because after many repeated failures, pursuit can turn to passion for homeschooling.
“Life is filled with so many exciting twists and turns. Hop off the straight and narrow whenever you can and take the winding paths.
Experience the exhilaration of the view from the edge. Because the moments spent there, that take your breath away, are what make you feel truly alive.”
~ Stacey Charter ~
You’ll also love these reads for New Homeschoolers:
- When Homeschooling is a Mistake
- 5 Top Mistakes of New or Struggling Homeschoolers
- Dear New Homeschooler – Are You Making this BIG Mistake? (I Was)