Today, I’m sharing ten popular high school chemistry homeschool curriculum. Sorting through popular chemistry homeschool curriculum can be daunting. Check out my how to homeschool high school page for awesome tips.
However, a practical high school chemistry homeschool curriculum should be easy to understand.
Both a non-science oriented teen and strong science oriented teen can find a curriculum to match their interests.

Also, I’ve included choices for homeschool chemistry curriculum whether your teen is on a college track or career track.
The beginning of teaching chemistry can seem scary; I’m not sure how a fear of teaching chemistry began.
I know, I felt that way at first too.
However, as a non-science mom and after three homeschooled grads, my love and education for chemistry has grown.
With the right choices of curriculum and ideas, you and your teen can really enjoy the study of chemistry.
Besides, we practice or use chemistry every day.
From the food we eat to watching lightning produce fire, chemistry can be a fun subject to learn.
Once I moved past thinking it was only for science majors, my teens and I could dive into learning even beyond the basics.
The point is chemistry can be fun and should always be hands-on.
And one of my favorite parts is that any science study can be tied to learning the history of it. Chemistry is no different.
5 Pointers Before Choosing High School Chemistry Curriculum
And as you sort through each one, here are a few points to be aware of:
- A lot of the major providers suggest prerequisites like having completed Algebra 1 and/or Geometry before chemistry;
- And some providers integrate physics and chemistry because they feel all science subjects are intertwined and best taught together;
- Still other providers which integrate physics and chemistry don’t require complex math to encourage student curiosity;
- Too, some courses are a honor course and still others are basic chemistry; and
- Lastly, pay attention to the credits assigned, if any, and the worldview. Some are secular and some Christian.
High School Chemistry Homeschool Curriculum
Next, look at these ten popular high school chemistry homeschool curriculum.
BJU Press offers Chemistry in the 11th grade. They recommend that students should be taking Algebra 2 and Chemistry at the same time. According to their site, students in Chemistry have already completed Algebra 1 and Geometry.
This set is an example of an all-in-one. The complete set has a student edition, teacher’s manual, lab manual, assessments, and answer key. And like their other courses at this level, it is a solid college prep course and strong Christian worldview.
2. DISCOVERING DESIGN WITH CHEMISTRY for non-science student
Then, Discovering Design With Chemistry series were designed for use in 10th grade and require Algebra 1 math level. Too, they have a strong Christian worldview.
Designed as an all-in-one, they also offer video on demand classes.
Another awesome option is Focus On High School Chemistry.
When Real Science 4 Kids came on the homeschooling scene homeschoolers swooned. They’re still swooning at the ease and options offered.
Focus On High School Chemistry is offered for grades 9 to 12. It introduces students to high school basic chemistry and some concepts found in college-level chemistry.
This curriculum goes into more depth than a lot of chemistry high school programs, but does not cover all topics.
You’ll love how the experiments are broken down and easy to implement.
This original series is a one-semester course and can count as half of a high school credit. One more note of detail is that this course has a secular slant.
If your student is wanting a basic overview of chemistry, is undecided about chemistry as a science major, or wants just an overview, this curriculum keeps all options open.
Further, there is a reason this next chemistry option is called Friendly Chemistry.
This high school chemistry curriculum uses friendly language and introduces chemistry in a fun way.
I’ve not looked at the current editions, but some of the first editions had several typos. To some this can diminish the weight of the content.
Although I don’t like typos, I know it happens. I have a higher standard for curriculum providers. But I do not think it is a reflection of the content and the way the chemistry is taught.
Many homeschoolers love using it because their teens can use it independently.
The same lessons are taught in like a traditional high school course.
Unlike some other courses, motivated junior high-aged children complete the lessons in Friendly Chemistry.
Because this is a high school level course, you can count it as a credit because it’s intended to be completed in a year.
Next, if your teen prefers to learn online and take a college-prep course, then ChemExplained may be a good option.
Taught by a chemistry teacher, the videos are short and explanations are well.
Too, you’ll want to encourage your teen to take notes while learning.
Additionally, it’s hard to find faith-neutral curriculum.
A faith-neutral curriculum strives to leave religious or secular slants out of their curriculum. If you want to teach your own worldview, this is an option.
Not to be overlooked is Integrated Physics and Chemistry by Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum. I’ve used several of their worktexts and my teens have loved the different courses.
Unlike other programs, the pacs are separate worktexts.
Encouraging the teen to learn independently with minimal supervision is the focus on their courses.
The course has twelve chapters of text and twelve companion student activities.
Whether your student chooses 9th or 10th grade to study Integrated Physics and Chemistry by Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum, it introduces students to the people, places and principles of physics and chemistry.
Also, it is a secular curriculum, but I found it easy to add faith-based ideas.
Then another solid choice is Conceptual Chemistry.
As the title of the textbook states there is emphasis on concepts, but with a fun conversational quality.
Non-science majors will love the practical part of the explanations in easy to learn language.
Introducing easy hands-on activities is another strength of this curriculum. With structure to encourage an independent learner, there is enough content to also foster critical thinking skills.
If your will teen will be a non-chemistry major or has a solid, but basic understanding of math, this is a great option. It can be used for any grade in high school.
9. Chemistry in the Kitchen
In addition, Chemistry in the Kitchen by Guest Hollow is a fun slant on chemistry.
Cooking their way through learning chemistry, teens in 9t to 12th grade don’t have to have higher levels of math.
Just a love of science and to learn in a different way are all that are required.
10. Homeschool Buyer’s Selection.
Finally, another popular option is the assortment which Homeschool Buyer’s Co-op offers each year. It’s popular because who doesn’t like to save money when you can.
Each year, Homeschool Buyer’s Co-op will list chemistry options and supplements. Be sure to check what is discounted there too.

Be sure to look at my fun ideas for all ages to add to supplement your curriculum.
What do think? Are you feeling a little less intimidated about choosing a homeschool high school chemistry curriculum?
Chemistry Homeschool Ideas
If have some other chemistry homeschool ideas to help make teaching this subject fun like it should be.
- Homeschooling High School: Curriculum, Credits, and Courses
- Homeschool High School Chemistry & Free Reference Sheet and Resources
- Atomidoodle Chemistry Game App
- Medieval Chemistry and Homeschool History – Fun Hands-On Activity
- Easy Hands-On Science: Label the Atom Playdough Activity
- EASY Hands-on Earth Science: Fun Water Testing Kit