The Trail of Tears vocabulary words is the next minibook I have ready today. We are almost ready to start placing them on the file folder. So I will have that for you next so you don’t have to guess where to place them.
I will have to hunt down some file folders because I have not been able to find any yet, but again, even construction paper or scrapbook taped together works too instead of a file folder.
Also, I don’t want to confuse you but because of my love for options and because I know you have children of different ages and abilities too, I try to keep all my minibooks flexible.
For example, with this minibook, I have 2 different ones. The first one (pictured above) has vocabulary words already selected. The second page (pictured above) also has the definitions typed out. Simply research and glue them under the tab.
The second minibook (not pictured) is blank. The second page (not pictured) is blank too so that your children can write in the definitions.
With options comes the ability to use the minibooks for the various ages and abilities of your children. For example, you may want to use the definitions already filled in with a younger child or like me, you may be using the lapbooks for enrichment and so there is no need for tons of writing.
Maybe you want to use the minibooks for writing if that is what you are focused on.
You are teacher and you decide with each of my lapbooks what is best for your children at the time. So I try to give you options and want to keep lapbooks fun, easy and not stressful.
More Trail of Tears Activities
- Free The Trail Of Tears For Kids Fun Unit Study Ideas And Lapbook
- Books About the Trail of Tears
- Trail of Tears Indian Removal Act Minibook
- Cherokee Garden Pan Bread
- Trail of Tears Notebooking Pages
How to Get the Free Trail of Tears Lapbook
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