Finishing Strong- Homeschool Link Up Party
Thank you for joining us this week at Finishing Strong–the link-up that focuses on middle & high school students.
Happy Wednesday! It’s time to get to know our co-hosts.
Today Eva Varga from Eva Varga is sharing about herself, her family and her blog.
After you read Eva’s story, make sure you take the time to check out the other great posts linked up below and consider adding one of your favorites as well!
Hello. Hola. 你好. My name is Eva Varga. I am a science educator, homeschool mom at Academia Celestia (the name selected for our homeschool years ago), and author of Science Logic Curriculum. We have a nature centered curriculum and use a unique blend of materials and methods suited to our lifestyle. We take our cues from the rhythm of nature and the children’s many and varied interests.
Our approach to education is largely based on the classics with a heavy emphasis on travel, nature study, and foreign language. It is a little unschoolish, a little Charlotte Mason, a little unit-study, but mostly just us!
I have always loved teaching and sharing my passion for science. My mission is to provide my readers with the tools and inspiration to engage their students in meaningful, hands-on science and service learning experiences through tangible curriculum, shared resources, and real-world contexts.
I have been blogging for as long as we have been homeschooling and I have learned as much from my readers as I have from other bloggers I follow. It has been a very rewarding journey. Looking back, I would like to share with you a few of my most popular posts.
Shortly after we began homeschooling, my kids were really into bridges and so I devised an engineering unit to capitalize on their interest, Building Toothpick Bridges: A Lesson Plan. As a part of the unit, they constructed their own toothpick bridges and tested each design for strength. To this day, this post has been my most popular.
Another popular post took me by surprise. Our heritage is important to us and I frequently share activities to engage children in the culture of Scandinavia. When I wrote Learning the Norwegian Lyrics to “Let it Go!”, I wasn’t aware of the extent of popularity of Disney’s Frozen.
This past year, I have started to use interactive notebooking, particularly in math and science. I have shared many of the notebooking printables on my blog; and Scientific Classification and Dichotomous Keys has been a favorite of my readers.
Lastly, I would like to share with you a post I am particularly proud of, Wonder & Asking Questions: 6 Steps to Project Based Learning. Here I share an example of one particular project we have recently undertaken utilizing the Project Based Learning Cycle. Perhaps it will inspire you to follow the interests of your children!

Make sure to join us this summer as we take some time to get to know all of our co-hosts!
Easy Details to Remember & Even Easier Guidelines.
- The link up party goes live at 5:00 a.m. CST each Wednesday and stays open until the following Tuesday at 11:55 p.m.
- Each week we will pick our favorite links as features and share them.
- You can link up to 3 posts. Please do not link up advertising posts, or other link ups, or parties. I will remove them. Homeschool related reviews are permitted and of course all topics related to homeschooling middle to high school students.
- Grab a button to add to your post after you link up and if you were featured, grab an “I was featured” button.
- By linking up with us, you agree for us to share your images and give you credit of course.
- That’s it! Glad to have you here and let’s party!