I can hardly contain myself because I am so PROUD to be part of Omnibus again this year and offer this great bundle of SWEET homeschooling goodies!! I won’t make this long because there are SO many books to show you, but I wanted to be sure you read the fine print at the end of this post because I don’t want you to miss a thing.
Too, drool over this PARTIAL list here on my blog, but hurry and scoot right on over to iHomeschool Network which is managing the sale to read all the titles in the bundle, see all the extras like the freebies and discounts and grab your bundle!
Here is a partial list………………….
- 100+Notebooking Page Templates
- 101 Independent Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
- 2014 iHomeschool Studio MP3s by iHomeschool Network from iHomeschool Studio
- 2nd Grade Fruit of the Spirit Penmanship
- A Diligent Heart Planner
- A Gentle Answer
- A Life That Flourishes
- A Seasonal Start in Fall Chalk Pastels
- A Simple Guide to Saving Money on Food
- Alphabet Dictionary by Jenn
- And the Word Became Flesh:
- Basic Shapes for Beginners
- Beginner’s Cursive Fruit of the Spirit Penmanship
- Bible Writer-Vol. 2 Scripture Memory and Copywork that Teaches Who Jesus Is
- Blog Planner 2014
- Chalk Pastels-Art at the Beach
- Children’s History
- Circle Time: Plan the Best Part
- Classic Literature Pack Volume 2
- Color-By-Number ABCs by Lauren Hill from Mama’s Learning Corne
- Designing Your Language Arts Curriculum
- Elementary Art Color Theory Pack
- Encompass Preschool Curriculum
- Essay Tune Up
- Essential Chefs: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Essential Oils in Your Kitchen
- Family Homeschool Planner 2014-2015
- Family Mission Planner
- Famous Men of the Middle Ages – Text and Notebooking Pages
- Forever Blog Planner by Tina Robertson
- Freezer to Slow Cooker Week 2
- From Frazzled to Focused: 7 Planning Tools for Busy Moms
- Hands-On Learning
- Homechooling Your Kinesthetic Visual Learner
- Homeschool Teacher Planner
- Homeschooling an Only Child: When Just One is Just Right
- Homeschooling High School: Ten Steps to the Finish Line
- How to Choose “Just Right” Books: Helping Kids Grow as Readers
- Introductory Entomology
- My Book of Centuries
- Notebooking Success
- Out of this World!
- Picture and Writing: Older Ages
- Pocket Chart Calendar Bundle
- Reality Check
- Spice Up Your Homeschooling
- SQUILT Volume 2: Classical Era
And, and, and . . .
Scoot by iHomeschool Network to read the rest of the titles and grab your bundle!!
But read this fine print first:
- The deadline for refunds is September 5. Positively no refunds will be given if the file host shows that you have downloaded any files.
- The ebooks will only be available until September 25, please do not delay in downloading them. See the FAQ (http://www.homeschoolomnibus.com/faq/) or contact iHomeschool Network (http://www.homeschoolomnibus.com/contact) for more information.
- DVDs can be purchased until September 20.
If you do not understand all the techie things, be sure to look at the FAQ because it will answer a lot of your questions.
Grab It Now. The Sale Only Lasts 7 Days
Plus You Need LOTS of time to start your hot and heavy downloading!!!