I have a Geronimo Stilton book list because we love the series. Be sure to grab more Geronimo Stilton Books ideas and crafts on my page.
First, the books originated in Italy and were written by Elisabetta Dami and use the name Geronimo Stilton as the author. Clever pen name, right?
Geronimo Stilton is written from the point of view of a young nervous mouse who keeps finding himself drawn into adventures (and sometimes in a pickle) in all sorts of different places around the world.
For example, he travels to the Outback, Egypt, New York, into the jungle, and sailing with pirates to name just a few of his adventures.

They are great books for visual learners, young readers transitioning to chapter books, struggling readers, reluctant readers, and pretty much any other type of reader.
Additionally, they are recommended for ages 7-10 but depending on your child’s age I feel like that span can go a little wider in either direction.
Besides, you can see from the list below that Geronimo has quite a variety of adventures.
Geronimo Stilton Spin-Off Series
Too, we are just talking about the first 20 in the original series today but here is a quick overview of the different spin-off series and how many in each.
- Geronimo Stilton-82
- Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time-8
- Geronimo Stilton: Cavemice Series-15
- Geronimo Stilton Reporter Series-11
- Thea Stilton Series-35
- Thea Stilton Graphic Novel Series-8
- Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novel Series-19
- Geronimo Stilton: The Graphic Novel Series-4 Books
- Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy Series-16
- Geronimo Stilton: Special Edition Series-7
- Geronimo Stilton Classic Tales Series-1
- Geronimo Stilton: Spacemice Series-12
- Geronimo Stilton: Creepella Von Cacklefur Series-9
- Geronimo Stilton: Micekings Series-7
- Thea Stilton: Mouseford Academy Series-8
- Thea Stilton and the Treasure Seekers Series-3

Next, look at the top 5 reasons to love the Geronimo Stilton book list.
Top 5 Reasons to Love Geronimo Stilton
- They are super fun to read. And they are written in a comic book or graphic novel style with bright and fun illustrations. This helps kids get a better picture of the locations and keeps their interest. The different sizes and styles of fonts help put emphasis on words, phrases, and themes throughout the book. Often these highlighted words make for a great introduction or review of spelling/vocabulary words.
- Teaches great life lessons- Geronimo’s books tend to have some kind of lesson woven in like being open to adventure, recycling, being brave, friendship, family, and other character concepts that are laid out simply for kids.
- Loaded with great facts and information- While telling the crazy stories they naturally weave in facts about people, places, and things so your child can’t help but learn while they enjoy the tale. Each of these elements is casually introduced in the story so your child is learning as they enjoy a story without it being a textbook at all. There is special emphasis on geography and history and make for a great history series for younger children.
- Great for boys and girls- While they do have a spin-off series about his sister Thea Stilton, Geronimo is written to appeal to both boys and girls, no matter what theme the adventure. If you have multiple kids in the house you are going to get a lot of bang for your buck on these books.
- They cover a variety of topics and locations- Whatever you are learning about or piques your child’s interest there is a great chance that there is a Geronimo Stilton out there for them. Looking for a book for them to read on the flight to a family vacation in Hawaii? Try book #72-The Hawaiian Heist, need something to supplement your Egypt study? Go with #2 The Curse of The Cheese Pyramid.

Moreover, I have many hands-on activities to go wiith many of the books.
Geronimo Stilton Book List Activities
Also, look at these other crafts to go with the books.
- Geronimo Stilton Race Against Time And Make Pottery Like Ancient Greeks
- Geronimo Stilton Back in Time Second Journey Through Time and Fun Mayan Mask
- The Race Against Time Geronimo Stilton Activity Craft Fun Dragon Eggs
- Geronimo Stilton The Second Journey Through Time Sun King Fun Medallion
- The Journey Through Time Book And Knights Armor Engraving Fun Kids Craft
- Journey Through Time Geronimo Stilton Time Warp Fun Lost City of Atlantis
- Race Against Time Build a Fun Greek Water Clock
- Out Of Time Fun Sir Francis Drake Ship Craft
- Stilton Journey Through Time Series Fifth Journey Fun Eiffel Tower
- 10 Things to Learn From The Fun Geronimo Stilton Chapter Books
- The Fourth Journey Through Time Fun Cleopatra Collar
- Learn About Mozart The Eight Journey Through Time Geronimo Stilton Series
- The Geronimo Stilton Book Fourth Journey Fun Egypt Game
- Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time Craft a Fun England Tower Guard
- Mouse in Space Fun Puffy Moon Craft (Glow in the Dark)
- Down and Out Down Under Make a Fun Edible Coral Reef
- Field Trip to Niagara Falls Summary And Fun Corn Craft
- The Journey Through Time #2: Back in Time Colosseum Craft
- The Race Against Time Geronimo Stilton Activities: Fun Edible Spine
- #2: Back in Time Mayan Craft
- The Curse of The Cheese Pyramid Barbie Mummy
- Who Is Geronimo Stilton Rodent Notebooking Page
Finally, look at the list of Geronimo Stilton books.
Geronimo Stilton Books 1 - 20
It is not necessary to go in order, each book is its own stand-alone story, and the main characters are properly reintroduced each time. So, you can choose the books based on your child's current interest, the season, or a unit study topic.
Who Is Geronimo Stilton? That's me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here on Mouse Island, my books are all best-sellers! What's that? You've never read one? Well, my books are full of fun. They are whisker-licking good stories, and that's a promise!Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye. It all started when my sister, Thea, discovered a mysterious map. It showed a secret treasure on a faraway island. And before I could let out a squeak of protest, Thea dragged me into her treasure hunt! In no time at all, we'd set sail for the island. It was an adventure I'd never forget....
I'm off to Egypt! I climbed onboard a crabby old camel that would take me across the desert to the Great Cheese Pyramid. There, among mummies and hieroglyphics, I would learn the secret of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Mouse World....
I was lost in a dark, spooky forest! Until I stumbled upon Curlypaw Cannycat's Castle.
Well, my books are full of fun. They are whisker-licking good stories, and that's a promise! I'm Too Fond of My Fur! I was on my way 'round the world to Mouse Everest! The trip was long and dangerous. I almost froze my tail off on the way. And then I was kidnapped by the Abominable Snowman! Yes, it was truly an amazing adventure....
Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.I have never been a brave mouse... but lately, my fears were taking over my life! Soon I was too afraid even to leave my mousehole. That's when Thea and Trap decided to cure me. They dragged me away on an airplane (I'm afraid of flying!) all the way to the jungle. There I was forced to eat bug soup, climb trees as high as skyscrapers, swim in raging rivers, and even wrangle snakes! How would a 'fraidy mouse like me ever survive?
Who Is Geronimo Stilton? That's me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here on Mouse Island, my books are all best-sellers! They are whisker-licking good tales, and that's a promise!__PAWS OFF, CHEDDARFACE!It was the strangest thing... all across New Mouse City, rodents kept telling me I'd done things I had no memory of! I soon discovered why... there was a Geronimo look-alike out there, pretending to be me. He'd even fooled my sister Thea! And worst of all, he was trying to take over my newspaper. I had to find a way to strike back -- but how??
They are whisker-licking-good tales, and that's a promise! Red Pizzas for a Blue Count My troublemaker cousin was trapped in Transratania! And before I could even squeak, my sister, Thea, dragged me along on her rescue mission. Little did we know that Transratania is the land of vampire bats! Holey cheese, bats give me mouse bumps! Why? Well, there's nothing a bat likes more than sinking its teeth into a nice, juicy mouse....
Oh, what a day! I had just published New Mouse City's first phone book -- and almost every single number was wrong! My customers were out for my fur. So when Thea, Trap, and Benjamin asked me to join their quest for a legendary island covered in silver, I agreed. But no sooner had we set out than we were attacked by a ship of pirate cats! They mousenapped us and threatened to make us their dinner. Would we escape with our lives... or find ourselves in the soup?
Sometimes a busy businessmouse like me needs a nice, relaxing vacation. But of all the rotten rats' luck -- every time I tried to get away, disaster struck. My aunt Dizzy Fur's mouse hole caught on fire, my office was flooded, and our printing press broke down! When I was finally ready to depart, all the good trips were booked up. I was stuck in a flea-ridden old hotel, sharing a room with a bunch of Gerbil Scouts! I couldn't wait to get back to my comfy home in New Mouse City....
I, Geronimo Stilton, was in love! I went out for a cup of coffee one morning and laid eyes on the most beautiful rodent I'd ever seen. Unfortunately, I immediately tripped over my paws and ended up with my tail in a toaster! I was one mortified mouse. But I was determined to prove that I wasn't a complete stumblemouse. So I decided to join my family on their most daring adventure yet -- a journey to the eighth wonder of the world! There I made a discovery so truly amazing, I knew I could win the heart of my darling ratlette....
When my sister Thea told me a ghost was haunting New Mouse City's subway tunnels, I knew I had to get the scoop for The Rodents Gazette! So I set off with Thea, Trap, and my assistant editor Pinky Pick. We soon discovered that Sally Ratmousen, the editor of The Daily Rat, was also on the trail of the mysterious ghost. But we were all in for the fright of our wee mouse lives... because the ghost turned out to be a CAT!
It was my most thrilling adventure yet! My old friend Professor von Volt had discovered the location of the famous Ruby of Fire. And before I could let out a squeak of protest, my sister Thea had dragged me into race to be the first to find the legendary gem. The jewel was protected by thousands of ancient booby-traps -- a 'fraidy mouse's worst nightmare? Would I make it through with my fur?
Do you like art? I do! So when Thea heard that there was a secret map hidden beneath Mouse Island's most famous painting, the Monamouse, I knew we had to get the scoop! Together we began to investigate, and soon we discovered secret clues that led us to the most fabumouse secret. And it all lay beneath the streets of New Mouse City!
My grandfather William Shortpaws -- also known as Cheap Mouse Willy -- was back at The Rodent's Gazette, and he was determined to torture me. He wanted to publish a guide book to Ratzikistan, the Siberia of Mouse Island. And he ordered *me* to go there to write it! But as you know, dear reader,
Cheesecake! A mysterious one-eyed rat was trying to steal The Rodent's Gazette from under my snout! I had to stop him -- but how? My business manager, Shif T. Paws, came up with a plan. He arranged for me to appear on a TV quiz show. If I won, the Gazette was safe. But if I lost -- SQUEAK! -- I had to give up my tail!
My sister had come up with a new way to torment me. She'd combined my two least favorite things - travel and ghosts! Thea had heard rumors of a haunted pirate treasure buried on a desert island. And before I could say "avast ye scurvy rats," she'd dragged me into her treasure hunt!
Have you met my very young assistant editor, Pinky Pick? She is only thirteen years old, but she is one of the cleverest mice I've ever known. If you've ever wondered how Pinky came to work for me at The Rodent's Gazette, this is the book for you! It's a looooong story... and one that's full of adventure, laughs, and of course, like all of my books, lots of embarrassing moments for yours truly!
Ah, there's nothing like a relaxing vacation on the beach! I would spread out by the crystal-clear water with a good book. What more could a mouse want? At least, that was the plan. But somehow, my vacations never seem to go according to plan. Instead of a beautiful seaside resort, I found myself in a fleabag hotel that was falling down around my ears! Oh, would I ever be able to relax and enjoy my vacation