I have been trying to focus this month on finishing up some of those partly done units that I used one year. My art notebooking pages are part of those items on my to-do list. My goal is to have all 7 grades done.
Art is one of those subjective subjects meaning sometimes grades don’t matter. So having all of them done, I hope to use the rest of them as I go along.

Free Art Notebooking Pack {Set 4}
I have completed grades 5, 6, and 7. You can find them on my art unit page.
Today, I have completed grade 4 or Packet 4.

Just to remind you of how to use them, I added the picture above to show you.
Both notebooking sets are almost the same except for one minor detail or one box.
One set has a sketch box at the bottom right and the other set has a text box at the bottom right.
You decide how much writing/research or sketching your child needs to do. Too, you can mix and match the sets. Download both and decide what you need that year.
For example, you can print one page for one piece of art work to sketch and print another page from the other set to write more facts on another art piece.
For each page, have your child record
- the artist’s name
- a few facts about the artist which you can find in the download on my site
- the title of the art where the parenthesis are and
- a few facts about the art
Then depending on which set you chose, your child will either sketch a small picture or write more interesting facts.
Now, how to grab the free art curriculum. This is a subscriber freebie..
1) Sign up on my list.
2) Grab the freebie instantly.
3) Glad to have you following me by email!
Thanks for the the contest — love currclick!