In addition to 6 great kids movies about Paul Revere I’m sharing fun resources, hands-on activities, and an upcycled lantern craft. Also, look at my page American Revolution Unit Study and Lapbook 1775 – 1783.
While some were still loyal to the British crown many colonists were not happy with the overreaching hand of their government.
They wanted to decide who had the authority to impose taxes – Britain or colonial governments.

This led to the American Revolutionary War in a fight for independence and the exciting birth of a new nation – The United States of America.
Paul Revere has been lauded throughout history for his part in the events that led to this.
“To arms, to arms! The British are coming, the British are coming!”
Those words were uttered by the revolutionary war hero Paul Revere on the night of April 18, 1775.
While he wasn’t the only one who made the ride that night to warn of the British patrols, he has been the most famous.
Besides Paul Revere making the ride, Samuel Prescott, Israel Bissell, William Dawes, and Sybil Ludington made the late-night ride.
“One if by land, two if by sea!”
As a way of communicating, he arranged that if two lanterns were hung in the church then the British were approaching by land across the Boston Neck, and two lanterns meant they were coming by sea across the Charles River.
Kids Books About Paul Revere
First, look at these books about Paul Revere.
We use living books when we can find them. Also, I like to add reference books to our study.
8 Paul Revere Resources & Books for Kids Who Love to Read and Be Read To
I couldn't ride off into the night without giving you a handful of fantastic resources to make your Paul Revere study even more fun and memorable.
In 1775, Paul Revere of Boston made his now-famous horseback ride warning colonists of an impending attack by the British. This event went largely unnoticed in history until Longfellow celebrated it in a poem in 1861. So who was Paul Revere? In addition to being an American patriot, he was a skilled silversmith and made false teeth from hippo tusks! This biography, with black-and-white illustrations throughout, brings to life Paul Revere's thrilling ride as well as the personal side of the man and the exciting times in which he lived.
Landmarks of American History, Vol. 3: Paul Revere and the Minute Men. 1950 American history book.
Everyone knows about Paul Revere's midnight ride. But not everyone knows the harrowing details and narrow escapes that occurred along the way. This timeless and witty book highlights little-known facts about patriot Paul Revere.
Paul Revere didn't make his famous midnight ride alone. Meet a patriot unlike any other: Scheherazade, the mare who doesn't mind mentioning she was once the fastest and most admired horse in the King's army. But on arrival in America, "Sherry" is quickly let down by her British rider and recruited by Sam Adams to join the Sons of Liberty. Before long, she finds herself teamed with Raul Revere to play a key-if unnoticed-role in the American Revolution. Full of wit and wisdom, this beloved classic presents an unforgettable view to the birth of a nation-straight from the horse's mouth!
"Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere." So begins the immortal poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, one of America's most famous poets. With racing, musical verse and dazzling illustrations, readers will experience the thrilling night that Paul Revere raised the alarm throughout the countryside and stoked the fires of the American Revolution.
Tricorn Hat With Colonial Jabot and Cuffs Costume.
History leaps off the page and captures even reluctant readers as early colonial protests, such as the Boston Tea Party, bring even more tyranny from King George III. With a declaration of war from England and the appointment of George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, the revolution’s real battles begin.
Historic Figurines: This Designer TOOB contains 5 figurines significant to the Revolutionary War - a flag bearer, a musketeer, a drummer boy, a fifer, and the iconic George Washington. These figures stand proudly in their battle-ready poses.
Next, look at some fun facts about Paul Revere.
Facts about Paul Revere
The main importance of Revere’s ride was to warn revolutionary leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were planning to arrest them.
This act helped them evade arrest and escape.
A few fascinating things to note about Paul Revere:
- Was also known for his art such as copper plate engravings and his illustrations were used in books, magazines, political cartoons and tavern menus.
- He was the father to 16 children.
- Born in Boston he was the son of French immigrants.
- He was a silversmith by trade.
- The horse he rode that night was borrowed from a man named John Larkinand believed to be named Brown “Beauty.”

Next look at some movies about Paul Revere.
6 Kids Movies About Paul Revere
- Watch Paul Revere For Kids on YouTube from Homeschool Pop, one of my favorite homeschool resources.
- Liberty’s Kids 105 – The Midnight Ride with Paul Revere & William Dawes
- America The Story Of Us Season 1 episode 2 and 3 cover the American Revolution specifically but this is a great history series.
- Paul Revere and the American Revolution – Fast Facts is a great option for families with older kids to dig a little deeper into this period of history.
- Make it a really fun and whimsical watch with this LEGO movie of Paul Revere’s ride. This is the kind of history kids love to get into.
- Here is a video listing 10 Facts About Paul Revere, simple and straightforward.

Additionally, look at some hands-on activities for the American Revolution.
Look at my 10 American Revolutionary War Activities | Amazing Tea Bag Rocket Science and Amazing and Free American Revolution Lapbook for Multiple Ages.
Finally, look at how to make a lantern to use with a Paul Revere unit study or about the American Revolution.
How To Make A Lantern
You will need:
- Cardboard milk carton
- Craft paint
- Straight blade or knife
- Paintbrushes
- Pipe cleaner
- cardstock
- Battery operated tea light
- Hot glue

First, wash out the carton well with water and a little soap and rinse thoroughly.
Make a template for your lantern as long and as wide as you would like the opening on each side to be.
I did this by cutting a rectangle from a piece of cardboard backing from a paper pack.
Trace template on each of the 4 sides.

Use a sharp blade to cut each of the 4 sides out.

Dry the inside with a paper towel.
Paint the outside and inside as well if you like.
To give mine an old, tarnished look I painted it black and while it was still wet streaked gold paint lightly over it.

Allow it to dry completely.
Make a loop with a pipe cleaner.

Hot glue the loop to the top of your lantern with one curve on each side for stability to create a hanging loop.

Add a small battery-operated candle inside the lantern for the light and it is ready to warn of invasion!