Today I have free printable physical landform vocabulary words for a fun geography activity. Also, look at my page Homeschool Geography for hands-on and simple ideas and tips.
Too, look at my Geography, Country Studies, and Timeline page.
Do you know your butte from your isthmus? Okay, couldn’t resist.
But you’ll love this hands-on geography activity for your kids.
I have a set of 10 pages of words to learn about physical geography.

Besides, teaching geography doesn’t have to be boring or be just about maps.
True, here is an easy way to remember what is a geographer.
Geo = earth, graph = to write or draw, and er = one who.
So, while a geographer is one who writes about or draws maps, geography entails so much more.
Why Use Hands-on Geography
Learning by doing is the best way to learn because what you do sticks.
Reading is a good way to learn but hands-on activities help your child to remember what he is learning.
In addition, there are many ways to learn about geography hands-on.
For example, salt dough maps are not only fun, but children can touch and feel landforms while they’re creating them.
Also, geography entails learning about not just the physical parts like mountain ranges and water systems but it’s about the flora and fauna that make their home in places.
Too, you want to learn about the people and the culture.
Children can appreciate the culture of a country when they study the dress, the food, and even the music and musical instruments of each country.

Too, look at some of these geography resources.
Homeschool High School Geography Resources and Books
Geography for high school should still be fun and hands-on. It can take years to find the right resources. However, I’ve gathered up some of my favorite books and resources.
North Star Geography covers basic geography skills (maps, navigation) as well as physical geography (topography, biosphere, structure of the earth) and human geography (environmental stewardship, agriculture, culture, heritage & more)—all from a Christian perspective. Each lesson in the Reader is approximately 10-15 pages and geared toward junior high-high school students, though it may be adapted for younger students; the text features full-color maps, illustrations, and interesting sidebars. Accompanying each lesson on the Companion Guide, hands-on project options, as well as an “atlas building” section where students label outline maps, are provided. Note-taking pages feature ten questions taken from the text that can be used for review or comprehension questions, as well as for a study guide for the exam
Brenda Runkle’s World Physical Geography makes an often-boring topic come to life!
With our world seeming to shrink with each passing week, knowing about virtually all peoples and nations is more important than ever.
It focuses on physical geography, providing the basis for learning the fundamentals of geography.
Challenges students to remember important facts and encourages them to enjoy themselves in the process.Deals with facts and principles related to the study of life science, physical science, and earth and space science.
Around the World in 180 Days is a geography and history program covering the history, geography, and culture of each continent. And yet this is not a textbook. It is a series of questions that the student must research in order to answer. Plenty of resources are suggested to help students conduct their research, and the teacher's edition provides all the answers. This revised and updated curriculum is written with a multilevel approach with study questions for students of all grade levels, making this a curriculum your whole family can do together! This two-volume set includes an illustrated teacher's edition and a student workbook.
Get out the sombrero for your Mexican fiesta! Chinese egg rolls! Corn pancakes from Venezuela! Fried plantains form Nigeria! All this and more is yours when you take your family on a whirlwind tour of over thirty countries in this unique international cookbook. Jam-packed with delicious dinners, divine drinks, and delectable desserts, this book is sure to please.
Student worktexts include daily instruction and review as well as ample opportunity for assessment of student performance using self tests and unit tests. To encourage individualized instruction, we have included a teacher's guide designed to help you guide your student's learning experience according to his specific interests and needs. This essential teaching resource includes teaching notes for each unit, a complete answer key, and information about additional resources and learning activities.
If you would like a geography course that includes mapping activities, atlas usage, research, notebooking and culture with very little teacher preparation, look no further. The Trail Guide to World Geography is a week one, day one kind of teacher s manual with daily geography drills (answers included) and numerous weekly assignment choices. <P> Multi-level geography course for 36 week school year for elementary through high school. <P> Assign as much or as little as YOU decide.
How to Use the O Ring Geography Vocabulary
Next, after you download the free vocabulary words you can use them in many ways.
First, you will want to put them on an O ring.
After you print, fold them in half.
On the front you will see the word and, on the back, will be the definition.
Then laminate them.
After you laminate them, punch hole, and put them on an O ring.
They are easily stored, or you can take them on the go for learning.
In addition, they make a fun hands-on tool which fosters independence.
A child can pick them up and learn with any subject.

Similarly, look at more hands-on geography activities for multiple ages.
Geography Activity Hands On
- 3 Reasons Hands-on Geography is Important in Middle and High School Homeschool
- First Grade Homeschool Curriculum for History and Geography
- 11 AWESOME Ways to Learn Geography (Other Than Labeling a Map)
- Simple and Fun Homeschool Geography Ideas for High School
- Fun Outdoor Activities For Middle Schoolers Geocaching and Nature Study
- Hands-on Geography Wool Earth Craft to Celebrate Earth Day
- The Benefits Of Using Games That Teach Geography | Review Of Scrambled States
- 18+ Fun and Interactive Ways to Learn Geography With Kids
- STEM and Geography: How to Build an Ancient Viking Ship
- Hands-on Geography Mesopotamia: Fun Salt Dough Map
- 100 BEST Books for Kids from all 50 States (Easy Geography)
- 5 Ways to Raise a Natural Geography Lover Easily
- Hands-On Geography Activity: Make a Pangaea Puzzle
- Hands-On Geography: Australia Awesome and Deadly Animal Art
- Hands-on Geography: Longitude/Latitude Mapmaking Activity
- 35 Hands-on Geography Activities to do in 15 Minutes or Less
- 5 Steps to Choosing Geography Living Books Your Children Will Love
- John Muir Spring Unit Study (and Hands-on Geography Ideas)

How to Get the Free 10 Page Physical Landforms Geography Vocabulary
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