This unique flexible and beautiful preschool homeschool planner is the perfect homeschool planner to use for early learners. While creating this 47-page early learner planner I included flexible planning pages.
Forms like 21 thematic planning pages, a year at a glance page, and 12 months of planning your theme are a few included.
Adding in an editable lesson planning template and 4 colorful attendance sheets helps you to easily meet record keeping guidelines if necessary.
Early Learner Homeschool Planner
In addition, while I focused on creating this planner for preschool age, I know the early learning stage spans quite a few years.
So, the BEST part of this planner is that it can take you from the preschool years to first grade because of the flexible planning pages included.
Too, if all your kids are first grade and under, this is the almost perfect planner for you.

In addition, creating this beautiful and useful planner, I also guide you how to plan.
Guiding you how to plan is very important to me; I want you to have less stress while knowing you’re creating a strong foundation.
Using my over 20+ years of experience, I know what is helpful and what is not for the early years.
Planning for the Early Years
First, look at what I included as being foundational in a planner for your little learners.

- 2 beautiful and colorful covers
- an inside editable title page to personalize your planner
- a pre-homeschool year planning page because planning begins before your year does
- a form for adding books for your budding reader
- an undated year at a glance two page spread for adding in important concepts
- 12 months January to December for you to add your themes for each week of the month
- 1 two page spread editable lesson planning template.
- 21 themed pages to plan thematic unit studies
- 1 editable page for themes to add your own ideas
- 4 different color editable attendance records if record keeping is necessary

Next, look at 3 tips in how best to use this very flexible planner.
- The thematic pages can be used for any grade from preschool to first grade. While I planned many themes, I never had time to teach all I planned. Keeping your themes all in one planner allows you to use them again for kindergarten and first grade.
- Also, the 12 months of planning theme pages are not editable for a reason. At any age and especially the early years, learning is based on interests. Loosely planning or having a framework is how you want to plan. You need a direction. However, most of my planning occurred spontaneously when my children showed interest in topics. I don’t want to encourage the mindset some homeschoolers have thinking your whole year has to be planned all in detail. It should not be. You homeschool to move at your child’s pace not a standard.
- If you have a kindergartener or first grade, then use the editable lesson planning template. Otherwise, the thematic pages are just what you need for teaching preschool. This is how you use your planner all the way to first grade or with multiple children if they’re all first grade and under.

Thematic Planning Pages
Equally important to me as I mentioned earlier is helping you plan your preschool years — the right way
There is much hype in the educational world about pushing children earlier and earlier to learn formally.
I do not hail to that mindset because I’ve seen the harm of pushing a child too early to learn.
It normally backfires because an educator is going against the natural development of a child.
Children learn best through play learning. If you choose to include worksheets use them minimally.
Why? Because children learn best through hands-on using their senses and imagination. You are not wasting your time or theirs when you let a child lead in what they want to play learn.
To encourage you to follow your child’s natural love for learning, the following 21 themed pages are included in the preschool planner so you can plan your themes.
Also, where possible if I have a unit study or activity here, I linked the topic to one of mine to get you started.
- Eric Carle
- Winter Animals
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Bugs and Insects
- Ocean
- Fall
- About Me
- Weather
- Castles & Dragons
- Rocks

By giving you a suggestion for your topic, I want to encourage you to become an excellent home educator.
Year-Round Planner
Another feature is that you can use it for year-round homeschooling.
From the beginning, do not think like public-school meaning that learning only takes place on a public school schedule. Do not be stressed thinking homeschool preschool should start in August on your child’s fourth birthday.
Learning takes place gradually and that is why my planner is titled Early Learner Homeschool Planner. Your child learns 24/7 and 365 days.
All my forms encourage using a 12-month cycle to track your early learner’s progress.
Look at my other forms here that you can add to this planner for preschoolers to first grade.
- This super helpful reading aloud form helps you track how much your children are REALLY learning by the time you spend reading to them.
- If you’re in a state which requires record keeping even with little learner, this Daily Tracking Homeschool Core & Elective Subjects Form will help you meet record keeping guidelines.
- Finally, grab these free and fun Homeschool Colorful Reading Journal to Motivate Kids.
Furthermore, a planner is as good as the bling.
Okay, well it may not be a necessary part of your planner, but it sure makes the day better to add glam.
For example, I love this cute wire name paper clip for holding my place in the planner.
Preschool Lesson Planner to First Grade Planner

Finally, learning how to use your planner for your children from the preschool years to first grade is important. They are the foundational years; plan with hands-on ideas, getting outside to learn through nature, and by games.
Reading aloud is the single best things you can do for your early learner.
Grab this gorgeous planner to help you plan for the first-time little learners!
Before you email me asking where your download link is or tell me that it is not working, read this to ensure that you get your pretties timely and that you don’t pay for something and not get it.
• All my products are digital. You will not receive a physical product for anything in my store. A digital physical year calendar does not mean a physical product or calendar
.• Downloads are INSTANT. When you pay, you will receive an email with a download link INSTANTLY. Depending on your internet connection, the email could be just 30 seconds or so, or a bit longer. The point is it will be soon, not a week later, etc.
• The email with the download link will go to the email you used for paypal. If you used your husband’s paypal, your downloads will go to that email. Please check that email and your spam before emailing me telling me you can’t find it.
• Please put my email tina @ tinasdynamichomeschoolplus dot com (of course substitute the right symbol for dot) in your address/contact list so that your product does not go to spam.
MY GUARANTEE: To treat you like I want to be treated which means I know at times technical problems may cause glitches, so I will do everything possible to make your experience here pleasant. If you have problems getting your download OR have a question email me my web based email: tinahomeschools at gmail dot com.
More homeschool planner links:
- 3 Beautiful and Free Homeschool Planner Covers
- How to Choose the Perfect Homeschool Planner for Multiple Students
- Also check out my Planner page on my Amazon Shop for gorgeous accessory options.
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