In Geronimo Stilton Race Against Time, our favorite mouse finds himself smack dab in the middle of the Ice Age, Ancient Greece, and The Renaissance with the help of The Paw Pro Portal. Be sure to grab more Geronimo Stilton Books ideas and crafts on my page.
Geronimo shares a fun tale (or is it tail) which takes us through a very important period of ancient history.

One thing I always enjoyed about the Geronimo Stilton books is that they introduce famous historical figures and places in a somewhat silly way, in graphic novel format.
We will focus on the second tale about Ancient Greece in the book The Race Against Time (Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time #3.

The Race Against Time (Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time #3
Kids really love the series. This story even gives an illustration of the Greek alphabet.
Your child will be introduced to Phidias the Greek Sculptor, playwright Sophocles, and historian Thucydides.
Too, they’ll learn about symposiums, Agora, the main square, and “visit” the Parthenon.

Ancient Greece was a period of massive growth in the arts, wars, fashion and had busy ports, architecture, and astronomy.
The Ancient Greeks made their pots from clay.
Their pots were used for cooking, storing food to eat and drink from, as decoration, for perfumes and oils, and even urns to store the ashes of those cremated.
Sure, they were very useful, but they were also works of art.
Over time they went from simple decorations on their pottery to more intricate artwork.
For example, they used zig-zag patterns, gods and goddesses, chariots, buildings, people, and animals.
Pottery was a dark orange with black designs and later became reversed.
We are going to recreate our Greek pottery using a terra cotta pot and turn it into something that might be found as archaeologists dig through the sites of Ancient Greece.

Then I have more Geronimo Stilton book activities for kids.
Geronimo Stilton Book Activities
Next, look at these other crafts to go with the books.
- Geronimo Stilton Back in Time Second Journey Through Time and Fun Mayan Mask
- The Race Against Time Geronimo Stilton Activity Craft Fun Dragon Eggs
- Geronimo Stilton The Second Journey Through Time Sun King Fun Medallion
- The Journey Through Time Book And Knights Armor Engraving Fun Kids Craft
- Journey Through Time Geronimo Stilton Time Warp Fun Lost City of Atlantis
- Race Against Time Build a Fun Greek Water Clock
- Out Of Time Fun Sir Francis Drake Ship Craft
- Stilton Journey Through Time Series Fifth Journey Fun Eiffel Tower
- 10 Things to Learn From The Fun Geronimo Stilton Chapter Books
- The Fourth Journey Through Time Fun Cleopatra Collar
- Learn About Mozart The Eight Journey Through Time Geronimo Stilton Series
- The Geronimo Stilton Book Fourth Journey Fun Egypt Game
- Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time Craft a Fun England Tower Guard
- Mouse in Space Fun Puffy Moon Craft (Glow in the Dark)
- Down and Out Down Under Make a Fun Edible Coral Reef
- Field Trip to Niagara Falls Summary And Fun Corn Craft
- The Journey Through Time #2: Back in Time Colosseum Craft
- The Race Against Time Geronimo Stilton Activities: Fun Edible Spine
- #2: Back in Time Mayan Craft
- The Curse of The Cheese Pyramid Barbie Mummy
- Who Is Geronimo Stilton Rodent Notebooking Page
Also, add these other activities to your learning day.
Activities to Learn About Ancient Greece
Too, after reading about Geronimo’s adventures, here are more fun hands-on ideas.
- Free Greek Mythology Unit Study and Greece Lapbook & Fun Hands on LEGO Zeus
- Easy Hands-on Fun Ancient Greek Games for Kids DIY Knucklebones
- Free Awesome Ancient Greece Lapbook and Fun Hands-on Activities
- Geronimo Stilton The Race Against Time Build a Fun Greek Water Clock
- Free Ancient Greece Go Fish Game
- 9 EASY and Fun Hands-on Ancient Greece Kids Activities
- Hands-On Ancient Greece Study: Politics and Pottery
- Ancient Greece Unit Study. Play Stomachion Like Archimedes {Explore Geometry}
- Hands-on Activity. Ancient Greece Chariot
- Hands-on Activity. Refraction
- Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts – Great Big List of Ancient Greece Freebies
- 13 Living History Books about Ancient Greece
- Cursive and Free Greece Copywork Poetry

Finally, look how to make this fun Ancient Greek pottery designs.
This art project is a great learning activity because first they are researching Greek designs and pottery, and then it leads neatly into a discussion about archeology.
You can even add a third component by having them attempt to put the pieces back together like a 3D puzzle at the end.
The broken pieces of pottery look great lying in a basket or loose on a shelf to create a fun-themed vignette in your homeschool space.
Before starting your project, examine pictures of Greek pottery that archeologists have uncovered to get an idea of the types of designs they used. Here is a great video on YouTube about Ancient Greek Pottery.
Geronimo Stilton Race Against Time – Recreate Greek Pottery Craft
You can purchase inexpensive terra cotta pots at home improvement stores, Walmart, or Dollar Tree even.
We found this one abandoned in the garden and loved the aging of it so we gave it a good cleaning and used it rather than a new one.
You will need:
- Terra Cotta pot
- Permanent marker
- Pillowcase
- Hammer

First, let your child decorate their pot using a black permanent.
You can also paint it, but I find that a permanent marker flows so nicely on the pots and makes a lot less mess.

You can draw on famous Greek landmarks.

Add some Greek men and women.

Or whatever you like. Let them take their time adding whatever they want, you can even make it comic style with large individual cells around it to tell a story.
Now at this point, you can leave your pot as it is or move on to the next step which is to create broken pot shards like archeologists often find.
Place the pot in an old pillowcase or wrap it in a towel.

Give it a few good hits with a hammer, you may prefer to take this part outside. I like to try and leave some larger pieces, so the art is still identifiable.

Carefully, remove the pieces from the pillowcase, the edges may be sharp.

Use them to decorate a shelf or move onto another step and challenge your child to put the pieces back together if they can.
I would recommend only doing this with older children as any glue, but hot glue is going to take too long to dry.
Here we assembled a few of our pot shards back together with glue and tape.

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