When you begin to homeschool, you wouldn’t think of leaving out one of the 3 R’s which are essential to teaching your child. Everything else is built on the foundation that you lay in those subjects. The 3 R’s of beginning to homeschool are equally important and essential to you maintaining the course when times are tough.
Whether you begin to homeschool in the toddler years, middle school or high school, each season holds it own tests of your new conviction.
Today, I want to share one of the essential R’s to building a strong foundation when you begin to homeschool.
What are the reasons you want to homeschool?
Right now is the time to write down all the reasons when they are so vivid and new in your mind and heart. It may sound way out there, but draw them, paint them, or add them to your newest techie device that you love because when your love for homeschooling wanes and it will happen, you will want to be reminded of why you made the best choice for your family.
Don’t be discouraged from your conviction so early on by avoiding the mind-set that is easy to get caught up in which is “I’ll give it a try for a year”.
Sometimes we have no control over how long we can homeschool and I too homeschooled each year with the question looming over my head if I had to return to work. I never had to and I am ever so thankful, but I didn’t stop there. Each year I worked hard to stay within our means and budgeted when I needed to because homeschooling was a lifestyle choice for us and I was determined to make it work for us by sacrificing. Certainly it is not martyrdom, but motherhood that keeps me going.
From my experience, I can tell you that budget sometimes never really enters into why a new homeschool mom wants to return her child back to public school. I am hoping you will address those fears now and avoid any setbacks.
When You Don’t Know Where to Begin in Homeschooling The 3 R’s for New Homeschoolers Part 1
Whether your reasons are strictly academic, faith based or a combination of both like me, they are the very thread of your journey. Make them strong now by deciding not to waver when you may feel weak.
Painting them clearly like I mentioned whether you write them or journal them is the way to make them real.
Visualization is a powerful tool because your children will grow up, your homeschool journey will fly by and you want to visualize your end result.
Visualize what type of children you want your children to be when they are grown. It means to ponder the possibilities of your choices.
Looking back now with my oldest son graduated I can truthfully say that I didn’t even come close to pondering the blessings that I have received. When I held him in my arms at three years old wrapped up with a blanket as I helped him sound out words and helped him with his first pencil grip, I fell way short of imagining my end result. I should have imagined and dreamed with a lot more effort. It is hard to picture something real with weak conviction.
Take time to list your reasons to homeschool and cherish them and renew your love for them each year.
When you have been sleep deprived by a precious newborn for many nights with no end in sight and your not sweet oldest child has hit raging hormone level and he can’t say one thing out of his mouth that is less than fighting words each day and your house looks like mini-bombs have gone off in it, know you are not alone. It is part of the down side to the journey and it is not even realistic to say you can avoid the stresses of homeschooling.
However, more than anything your attitude and outlook at the lifestyle you have chosen affects the way you deal with it when it comes up. Falling back on the reasons you homeschool strengthens your resolve.
Don’t give up something that is precious to the very core of your family without a fight anyway. From those tests that you live through comes a conviction and dogged determination for homeschooling.
How many reasons do you have on your list? Want to share some of them with me?
Hugs and love ya,
Look at some of mine on my list, though I do feel it might be time to update it too.