I’m over the top excited about my book for new homeschoolers. Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers: When You Don’t Know Where to Begin is a book I wrote especially to help new homeschoolers get started with homeschooling.
New Homeschooler Homeschooling How-Tos
Look at the 4 ways this book is unique from other homeschool books:
- I don’t claim to have a very unique homeschool journey from other seasoned veterans of 20+ years of homeschooling, but I do claim it’s my attention to the unique needs of new homeschoolers that sets my book apart.
- My book is also set apart because not only do you get the benefit of my many years of experience, but I conducted workshops with ONLY new homeschoolers for 10 years.
- Prior to writing my book, I organized about 5 homeschool groups in various larger cities in Texas where my leaders who were trained by me conducted monthly workshops for new bees. You get the benefit in my book of my many years of helping new homeschoolers.
- Although I know the popular questions new homeschoolers are asking when they begin, I also know that many things they don’t know. I address those unknown things in my new book
Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers: When You Don’t Know Where to Begin

You’ll love these 3 special features in my new book:
- Knowing the needs of the new homeschoolers, I carefully chose the order of the chapters or topics. What you want to know and what is essential to know your first year are organized with your immediate needs and long-term goals in mind.
- It’s written with the first year homeschooler in mind. That may seem an obvious fact, but it has been my experience that seasoned veterans give advice based on what they now know. It may not be helpful, but cause more stress when seasoned veterans makes absolute statements as to what works and what does not work. One example is the encouragement by some seasoned veterans to not use a boxed curriculum. In reality, a seasoned veteran needs to know more about a new homeschooler’s circumstances to know if purchasing a boxed curriculum will bring stress or alleviate it. I give details in my book to explain how that works.
- Because new homeschoolers can be quite overwhelmed, I have a HIGHLIGHT Section every seventh chapter so that important foundational points are understood and not overlooked. This section helps the new bee homeschooler to glean quickly what she needs to do to get started homeschooling.
How to Homeschool Book

If you’re looking to begin homeschooling, my online self-paced boot camp may be for you.
Want more? You’ll love my DETAILED self-paced Boot Camp
It will benefit the 1st and 2nd year homeschooler the most. And of course I always welcome your questions. Click here to read about the self-paced online homeschool boot camp.

Look at these other helps for new homeschoolers:
- Homeschool Critics: How Do You Know You’re on Track?
- How to Use Summertime to Put a Foot in Homeschooling
- Deschooling: Step One for the New Homeschooler (the Definitions, the Dangers, and the Delight)
- 5 Top Mistakes of New or Struggling Homeschoolers
- 8 Colossal Pitfalls of Homeschooling in the WHAT IF World
- Socialization – A Homeschool Hallucination?
- 10 Biggest Homeschool Burnout Triggers (and how to cope)

Do you have a friend that needs this new book? Can you help me to make it number 1?