You may find by the time you are putting together your third grade homeschool curriculum you may have found what you are using is a perfect fit for your child’s learning style. Also, you’ll love my page Homeschool Curriculum for more ideas and grade level curriculum.
Orr you may need to change some or all of it up.
I have a few unique suggestions for every subject as well as a handful of extras and some tips for choosing and using a third-grade curriculum.
By third grade your child can be a bit more independent in his work.

He can understand more complicated math concepts and read at a higher level which means you may have to dig a little deeper to challenge them.
This is a transitional year that moves them from the most basic of learning to more complex topics and challenges like perfecting their cursive and preparation for higher math like double digit multiplication.
At this age children should be learning about the six areas of geography.

The 6 areas include the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and how geography is used.
Third Grade Homeschool Tips and Recommendations
- Read to them every day with fantastic classic books, fairy tales, and new engaging chapter books to help develop language, vocabulary, and of course imagination.
- Also include quiet reading time. Add anytime of day including right before bed.
- Create a schedule that works for your family, if you work during the day, start school in the afternoon and finish up in the evening or dive right into learning in the morning right after breakfast.
- You can begin to challenge them with more involved projects like dioramas, and expect more details in their writing.
- Practice parts of speech in silly and memorable ways like with mad libs in addition to or instead of worksheets for a learning experience that feels more like fun.
- Purchase or check out a wide variety of beautiful science picture books to naturally incorporate reading and science into the day.
Next, look at more curriculum recommendations.
Best Homeschool Curriculum For All Grades
- Homeschool Preschool Curriculum | Tips And Recommendations
- Kindergarten Curriculum
- First Grade Curriculum | 7 Tips And Recommendations
- Second Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Third Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Fourth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Fifth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Sixth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Seventh Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Eighth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Ninth Grade Curriculum | Tips And Recommendations
- Tenth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- 11th Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- 12th Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations
Our mission: to make math a fun part of kids' everyday lives.
We all know it's wonderful to read bedtime stories to kids, but what about doing math? Many generations of Americans are uncomfortable with math and numbers, and too often we hear the phrase, "I'm just not good at math!" For decades, this attitude has trickled down from parents to their kids, and we now have a culture that finds math dry, intimidating, and just not cool.
Bedtime Math wants to change all that. Inside this book, families will find fun, mischief-making math problems to tackle―math that isn't just kid-friendly, but actually kid-appealing. With over 100 math riddles on topics from jalapeños and submarines to roller coasters and flamingos, this book bursts with math that looks nothing like school. And with three different levels of challenge (wee ones, little kids, and big kids), there's something for everyone. We can make numbers fun, and change the world, one Bedtime Math puzzle at a time.
The LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Math Set was designed with you and your student in mind! Because building on a firm foundation is the key to success in math, LIFEPAC Math courses use mastery-based learning along with spiraling review to maintain student success. In ten colorful worktexts, the LIFEPAC 3rd Grade Math Set presents instruction in the following skill areas: word numbers, addition with carrying, fact families, money shapes, subtraction with borrowing, fractions, coins, weight, roman numerals, graphs, temperature, word problems, times facts, and much more.
The book was created by a mother of children with dyslexia and memory problems - therefore the way this book is organized works very well for children with these challenges. The book may be too repetitive for some students because of the extra multiplication tables.
DK Workbooks: Math: 3rd Grade will sharpen the math skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand problem solving, multiplication and division, times tables, estimating, fractions and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas.
Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun!Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments.
Complete Kit includes 3rd edition Teacher's Guide Book, write-in Student Activity Book and four reading books used for book studies. 36 weekly lessons have easy-to-use daily plans. The following 4 books are used for the Book Studies as directed in the book and are included in this Complete Kit: The White Stallion by Elizabeth Shub, Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans, Meet George Washington by Joan Heilbroner, and The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh. Integrated language lessons include: phonics, reading, spelling, grammar, phonics review and higher order thinking skills. Spelling tips help with memorization of spelling rules.
Package includes: one Teacher's Manual and one Student Packet.
Also be sure to take the free placement test. Children at this level are all over the place and you will want to place according to ability and not grade.
Word Search Puzzles Boost Cognitive Skills, increase spelling skills, introduces new words, builds short term memory, helps with executive function.
Now more than ever, our children need to learn about the people who live all around the world. This engaging guide to other lands weaves world history into a storybook format. Designed as a read-aloud project for parents and children to share (or for older readers to enjoy alone), this book covers the major historical events in the years 1600-1850 on each continent, with maps, illustrations, and tales from each culture. Over 1.3 million copies of The Story of the World have been sold. Newly revised and updated, THE STORY OF THE WORLD, VOLUME 3 includes a new timeline, 40 brand-new illustrations, and a pronunciation guide for unfamiliar names, places, and terms. 40 new black and white illustrations and 35 maps

- ROLL THE CUBES & MAKE A STORY: What would happen if your spy sneezed in the middle of a mission? If a scientist broke his test tube in the middle of an experiment? Anything is possible with these cubes, and any situation too! Combine items, characters, places and animals to create and share unique tales in this game of limitless imagination and infinite stories!
- USE YOUR IMAGINATION: Roll all 9 cubes to generate 9 random images and then use these to invent a story that starts with "Once upon a time..." and uses all 9 elements as part of your narrative.
Online music courses at home and self-paced!
Your Homeschool Curriculum Needs Life Skills……And Your Life Needs Kids Who Help Out.
Connect with your kids in the kitchen, build life skills, and put PEACE into your homeschool day.Introduce your kids to a new artist each month & ignite their creativity as they make art from their own imagination!
Bring your digital adventures to life with real-world craft projects inspired by the world of Minecraft and other pixelated games!
- 15 easy-to-make craft projects including toys, jewelry, wearables, and accessories
- Use your favorite crafting items and techniques like perler beads, duct tape, paper crafting, painting, sewing, and crocheting
- Bring Minecraft game elements to life by making your own creepers, characters, tools, and blocks
- Step-by-step instructions
- Color photos throughout
Kids and families can use this imaginative book to create instantly recognizable toys, jewelry, wearables, and accessories, based on one of the most popular video games of all time. The blocky pixelated graphics of video games are perfect for so many different kinds of crafts. This book helps children to expand their imaginations and develop their creativity as they acquire creative hobbies that will last a lifetime.