You’ll love my recommendations for the best fourth grade homeschool curriculum from online to hands on ideas. Also, you’ll love my page Homeschool Curriculum for more ideas and grade level curriculum.
Fourth Grade homeschool is generally a year of instruction in phonics, copywork, literature, spelling, and continued cursive/composition.
You can opt for American History and Geography or go a different route.

One typical science scope is earth and space, plants, the cycle of life, animal, electricity and magnetism, and motion.
By this age kids are becoming used to more formal lessons and able to hold attention for longer and longer periods of time.
That means you can increase their workload a little bit in preparation of middle school, which is on the horizon before you know it.
Before we get into those recommendations look at a few tips I have for this year to help it go smoothly and give you a fresh outlook.
More Fourth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Tips
- 2-3 hours is a good guideline for a homeschool day at this age. I would still recommend a few breaks here and there throughout the time.
- Make grocery trips and other errands more intentional by allowing them to compare prices, address letters to be dropped off at the post office and negotiate deals at yard sales.
- Create a dedicated daily reading time for 20-30 minutes, even if it means the whole family curls up on the couch for quiet reading. I think a combination of required reading and letting them choose age-appropriate books is a great idea.
- Especially in the younger ages I like to at least work in some supplemental learning if not schooling year-round through the summer to help with learning loss. This can be easy workbooks, apps, and some light reading.
- Don’t forget to work in some fun things like gameschooling, poetry tea time, and unique art challenges.

Next, look at more curriculum recommendations.
Best Homeschool Curriculum For All Grades
- Homeschool Preschool Curriculum | Tips And Recommendations
- Kindergarten Curriculum
- First Grade Curriculum | 7 Tips And Recommendations
- Second Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Third Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Fourth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Fifth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Sixth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Seventh Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Eighth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Ninth Grade Curriculum | Tips And Recommendations
- Tenth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- 11th Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- 12th Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- The Best Fourth Grade Homeschool Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Easy Hands-On Science: Label the Atom Playdough Activity for fourth grade
- 5 FREE and FUN Hands-on Science Activities for Homeschooled Kids. Free Science Guides.
- Do Homeschoolers Need to Know What is a Scope and Sequence 4th Grade
- The Dos and Don’ts of Homeschool Objectives – fourth grade writing objectives
- 35 Simple But Powerful US History Homeschool Curriculum Resources K to 12
4th Grade Homeschool Curriculum
4th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations
The 4th Grade Math Boxed Set contains all 10 student worktexts, plus a comprehensive Teacher's Guide. With Math LIFEPAC curriculum, repetition, drill and application ensure mastery of basic computational skills. As problem-solving ability increases, students progress to higher-level cognitive reasoning and analysis.
The book was created by a mother of children with dyslexia and memory problems - therefore the way this book is organized works very well for children with these challenges. The book may be too repetitive for some students because of the extra multiplication tables.
As kids grow older, they become more curious about the world around them, often asking, "How does this work?" Awesome Science Experiments for Kids teaches young brains the nuts and bolts of the scientific method using fun, hands-on experiments designed to show kids how to hypothesize, experiment, and then record their findings.
main spine can be used by multiple children from 1st-4th grade making it easy for larger families to combine the subject.
Package includes: one Teacher's Manual and one Student Packet.
Also be sure to take the free placement test. Children at this level are all over the place and you will want to place according to ability and not grade.
When Will steps through a mysterious portal at the zoo he's transported into the World of the Night Zoo, and thrust into an incredible adventure
The Orange Student Activity Book is the perfect companion for the Orange Teacher Book! Everything in one student instruction, a place for writing, and a tool for easy record keeping. Allows for more independent work, a BONUS for teachers. The Orange SAB provides Enrichment Activities such as word puzzles, analogies, logic/reasoning activities and more found ONLY in the SAB. (Answers are found in The Teacher Book.
Word Search Puzzles Boost Cognitive Skills, increase spelling skills, introduces new words,
builds short term memory, helps with executive function.
Online music courses at home and self-paced!
Your Homeschool Curriculum Needs Life Skills……And Your Life Needs Kids Who Help Out.
Connect with your kids in the kitchen, build life skills, and put PEACE into your homeschool day.Introduce your kids to a new artist each month & ignite their creativity as they make art from their own imagination!