When I started creating the 7 Step Homeschool Planner quite a few years ago and before I started sharing with you, I had no idea that other homeschoolers had the same needs that I did.
Before I share the 7 Step Homeschool Planner – Top 10 Favorites of my readers, I wanted to take a minute to explain how to use it so that you are getting the most benefit from it.
Homeschool Planner Favorites
What makes the 7 Step Homeschool Planner so UNIQUE?
The top feature of the planner is that YOU pick exactly what you need each.
Your needs change each year and so should your planner.
No downloading one huge .pdf of forms that may not be what you need for this year and laid out in way that works for somebody else. You are in control. (I love that word.)

The nightmare of paying and downloading a planner that is set up to suit the needs of somebody else never works exactly the same for you.
The other top feature is that I guide you STEP by STEP through the 7 Steps or sections needed in a planner. I got you covered so that way you don’t miss something significant for the year.
I take the guesswork out of it for you.
Too, though I suggest that you put them in the order that I explain, a huge advantage to you hand picking each form is that you get to arrange the order of the sections.
Everybody has a method to their madness and your planner should speak volumes about the way you prefer to organize.
Although I could go on about how I add forms each year, give you tidbits on organizing along the way and tell you there are free forms at every step, which is another perk, the last advantage is that each planner is unique because my pages are not matchy-match.
The mix and match style keeps your planner just plain awesome. Your planner will always be unique because of the pages you choose each year
You can read some more key features of my planner on the 7 Step Homeschool Planner main page.
Without making you wait any longer, here are my readers’ Top 10 Favorites of my 7 Step Free Homeschool Planner.
Going from dazzling to totally awesome order, I started with number 10 on the list.
My teacher’s schedule gives you a glimpse of at least 3 kids at one time.

10. Teacher’s Schedule. Look here on STEP 5b, Form 13.Class & Teacher Schedules to find this form.
9. Then, you loved the planning sheet when planning for multiple children.Look here on STEP 5c, Form 2. Planning Sheet for Homeschooling Multiple Children to find this form.
And you can read about how I use the planning sheet on 5 Days Of The Benefits & Challenges of Teaching Mixed Ages Together – Day 4: Embrace Homeschooling Multiple Grades.

Look here on STEP 5c, Form 1. Community Service Record to find this form.
I love forms created out of a need because they are always the best instead of a fluff form for the sake of busy record keeping.

8. Then the community service tracker was created out of my need to track my highschoolers community service projects and apparently some of you were in need of it too.
7. Then like me, you also liked the 5 page holiday reference page in your planner.It is perfect in any planner and print off as many as you like. You were really fond of the turquoise luv (me too.)
Look here on STEP 2 Option 5 Holiday Reference Page to find this form.

Be sure you check out my Ultimate Unit Study Planner and Glam it Up Planner because each one serves a different purpose just like each of my unique forms do.
Look here on STEP 2, Option 5 Long Range Planning to find this form.

6. Then you know I am big on long range planning and goals because otherwise we just meander through homeschool with no plan. So you took it to heart too because the Long Range Planing form was number six.
Homeschool Lesson Planning Forms
5. Then you chose a back cover for one of the forms you used this year. I think this means I need to create some more choices too since you are using it like I am.
Look here on STEP 1 Choose a Homeschool Planner Pretty Back Cover to find this form.

Look here on STEP 4 Daily Homeschool Lesson Planning form to find this form.

4. Then the daily lesson pages which are undated, thank you, so we don’t feel like we are behind from the beginning came in at number four. A lot of you are using this lesson planning set up.
3. Then there was a real need to clearly identify which curriculum resource was needed for which term and which child. So the Curriculum Resources page was in your top 3 choices as a way to track curriculum resources.
Look here on STEP 5a, Form 4. Curriculum Resource Checklist – Editable Too! Up to 4 students on one page to find this form.

Look at these other fun planner pages
Glam It Up Package
$4.99 Add to cart -
2. Ultimate DIY Homeschool Unit Study Planner
$5.99 Add to cart -
Editable Homeschool Lesson Planning Pages – Mink Over You
$2.50 Add to cart -
Editable Weekly General Planning Page
$1.99 Add to cart -
Dynamic and Fun Human Body Lapbook for Multiple Ages
$5.00 Add to cart -
Doodle Coloring Curriculum Planner Cover
$1.75 Add to cart -
Sunkissed Curriculum Planner Cover
$1.75 Add to cart -
0. Westward Expansion History Fun 10 Coloring Pages
$1.75 Add to cart -
00. Ancient Civilization History 20 Coloring Pages
$3.50 Add to cart -
1. The Best Undated Dynamic Daily Homeschool Planner
$8.25 Add to cart -
Awesome Reading Aloud Tracking Time Homeschool Form
$2.75 Add to cart -
Editable Front Cover – Coral Inklings
$1.75 Add to cart

2. Then number 2. This is the beautiful 2 pages per month calendar with bigger boxes to write in for appointments.
Look here on STEP 2 Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers to find this form.
and then drum roll please . . .
Curriculum Pages for Planner
1. Weekly General Planning page came in at first place with 8,384 of you downloading it.
Look here on STEP 5b, Form 17. General Weekly Planning Page. You can choose the free version or I have made the paid version editable with a WHOPPING 74 boxes. Of course since it’s undated, it’s a one time purchase.

A lot of my other forms were neck in neck with these, but these showed the top number downloaded. Did your favorites make the list?
Remember too, I always, always take your suggestions for new forms because this is planner is for me AND for you.

I am so glad that I have a place here where I can share all my homeschool planning forms.
Are you seeing what I have already created free for this coming school year?
Click here to go to my Free Organizing Printables category to grab them.

Hugs and love ya,

Ready to start building your own UNIQUE planner?
{The only thing quick here are the steps because this free planner has grown to over 500+ free downloads spread throughout the 7 easy steps and still going strong! Grab your cup of caffeine, coffee!}
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color”
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers
Step 3. Choose Goals/Objectives
Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! Not a kazillion other people
Step 5b. Choose MORE Unique Forms JUST for You!
Step 5c. Choose MORE MORE Unique Forms Just for You!
I am PROUD to be part of iHN. This blog hop is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutual beneficial projects.