I have the second color choice for the 2018 to 2019 Year Round Homeschool Planning form and I named this color scheme Sunset.
Remember that I create both academic and planing calendars. Though they may seem similar they are not.
When you take a closer look, you’ll see that each calendar has a different purpose. The form today is for you to PLAN your school year and track the number of days and weeks your kids are doing school.

I have all 12 months on one page which means you can start on any month that you begin homeschooling and move forward to plan your year.
Plain calendars (okay, they are not so plain) are just for noting dates and for your reference. I don’t create them to write appointments on them OR to track your school.
Free Curriculum Planner Pages
Plain calendars are always on Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers. The 2 page spread appointment keepers are for appointments and have more room for writing.
The form today is to plan your homeschool year with days off, teacher planning days and holidays to take off. It gives you a glimpse of your homeschool year. Plan and track your school year on it.
Because this form is not a calendar but more of a planning tool, I keep it each year at Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You!
If you need to see how to use it go to that step Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! to look at my sample copy.
This form today is NOT the 2 page spread calendar. You can grab that too.
Look at a picture below of a 2 page spread calendar, which gives you room to write appointments.

If you’re looking for the 2 page per month calendars to write down your appointment, then grab this smokin’ hot color choice of tide pool.
Download here free (Sunset Option) 2018 to 2019 Year Round Homeschool Planning Form.
Grab the other color choice too here at Free 2018-2019 Year Round Homeschool Planning Form (Tropical Breeze Color).
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color” Begin building your planner
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers
Step 3. Choose Goals/Objectivesur
Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! Not a kazillion other people
Step 5b. Choose MORE Unique Forms JUST for You!
Step 5c. Choose MORE MORE Unique Forms Just for You!
Hugs and love ya,