Today’s P is for pineapple craft is a fantastic simple idea for summer that can double as home decor to give your space a tropical fun vibe. Also, I have more alphabet letter fun on my page How to Homeschool Preschool.
Besides, handprint crafts are a wonderful way to preserve those tiny hands.
Before you know it, those hands grow into large ones that reach for the car keys and shy away from having their palms slathered in paint.

You can create today’s craft on sturdy paper or even on a canvas to create a sturdier art piece.
Even though it’s summer, you can still have lots of fun learning with your preschooler and incorporate the summer theme at the same time.
They will never know all the “juicy tidbits” they are learning about science, geography, math, and more.
It will seem like child’s play.
Next, look at more phonics or letter activities for your little learner.
More How to Homeschool Preschool Letter of the Week Activities
- Alphabet Letter A is for Apple Craft for Preschool | Fun Apple Study
- Letter O is for Owl Preschool Craft | Fun Great Horned Owl Study
- Alphabet Letter H Handprint Craft For Fun Preschool Horse Study
- How To Make An Alphabet Teeth Cleaning Activity | 5 Preschool Letter T Crafts
- Alphabet Letter R is for Rainbow Craft for Preschool | Fun Rain Mobile
- Alphabet Letter M is for Monkey Handprint Preschool Fun Monkey Study
- Alphabet Letter G is for Gorilla Fun Paper Plate Preschool Mask
- W Is For Winter Craft Easy Snowman Oobleck Activity
- Letter E Is For Eagle Easy Preschool Eagle Study
- Alphabet Letter N Is For Nest Handprint & Fun Nests Preschool Craft
- B is for Bird Craft | Free Preschool Bluebird Study
- X is for X Ray Craft | Unique Crayon Resist Skeleton

Next, look at some fun facts about pineapples.
Facts About Pineapples
First, just a few important things about this tasty fruit:
- Pineapples belong to the family Bromeliaceae, the only edible fruit of its kind.
- Their scientific name of Ananas comosus means” excellent fruit” (agreed).
- They were found in the West Indies by Christopher Columbus. And now can be found all over the world in tropical locations.
- They are grown from cuttings, not seeds.
- Each pineapple plant only produces one pineapple at a time.
Additionally, look at ideas for teaching phonics.
P is for Pineapple Craft Phonics Tips
- As you are creating your pineapple handprint craft repeat the P sound often to help reinforce it in your child’s mind.
- Grab any letter tiles or alphabetic magnets that you have in the letter P and point as you say the letter and its sound.
- Hide letter tiles or pieces of paper with a P drawn on it around the room and have your child find them, identifying what it is each time they find one.
- If your child is at the stage for writing you can make P’s lightly with a pencil and have them trace over them with a highlighter or crayon to practice.
- Use pineapple as a starting point, what other words make that sound as well? Pinecone is an easy transition, but also look at the supplies you are using today- paint, pencil, paper. Have your child call out words and write them on a piece of paper for them to look at as they list them.

Also, look at these hands-on ideas for learning about pineapples.
10 Pineapple Hands-On Activities
- Research where the most pineapples are produced, the big 3 countries are Indonesia, the Philippines, and Costa Rica. Hawaii is also known for pineapples. Locate these places on a map.
- Middle school students don’t have to miss out on the summer themed fun, check out my Fun Pineapple Candle For Fun Summer Activities for Middle Schoolers
- Grab some fresh pineapple from the store and a can as well, taste test each and compare flavor and quality. Encourage your child to use descriptive words like sweet, juicy,sour, etc..
- Cut off the pineapple top and plant in soil, this one’s an investment in time but in 18 months or so you can be harvesting your own fresh pineapple.
- Put their afternoon snack in a pineapple boat! To do this all you have to do is cut off the bottom of the pineapple when you’re chopping it up for snack time, hollow it out and use it for an ice cream treat or fruit salad.
- Learn About Fruits Around the World Fun With Food Activities
- Measure a pineapple from base to the tip of the crown, then use a flexible measuring tape to measure its circumference, weigh on a scale if you have one.
- Make a Pineapple Volcano, eruptions are always a hit with the preschool bunch!
- Try pineapple lacing for an easy way to work on fine motor skills.
- Here is another idea for older kids so that they can join in on the fun too, make a Pineapple Sorbet using just two ingredients, including fresh pineapple.
Handprint Pineapple Craft
You will need:
- Green craft paint
- Yellow craft paint
- Paint brushes
- Black marker
- Sturdy paper or canvas

First, lightly draw a pineapple shape on your sturdy card stock, we are going for the general idea here, not perfection.

Then erase it until you can just barely see the outline. This is just to give your child a rough shape to follow.

Dip a thumb or finger into the yellow paint and add dots all over within the circle including the outline. Set aside to dry.

Once the yellow has dried completely you can erase some of the visible pencil lines if you like.
Paint the entire hand green and have them press it onto the top of the pineapple firmly, repeat two or three more times to get a full pineapple top.
Let the picture dry and don’t forget to write P is for the pineapple at the bottom to help your child make the connection that letters make words and words tell us what something is.