Today is Day 5 home graduation ideas remember the day for the updated 10 days series for planning a homeschool graduation. Also, look at more ideas on my how to homeschool high school page.
By this time in the stage of planning, I am feeling better because we have hired a baker for the cake, a caterer for our chicken and prime rib dinner, had invitations ordered and a place to hold our graduation.
Now came the nitty-gritty details of planning for the big day and for the fun part – decorations.

Here were some of the ideas going through my mind for the events of the big day.
- How would my son want his diploma given to him?
- Did we want a table showcased with his achievements, hobbies and interests?
- How comfortable was my son with a slide show presentation of our journey?
- Did he want to give a graduation speech?
- Did he want to play the piano?
Surprisingly, my son wanted it pretty simple for the day.
He wanted a dinner, give a short but gracious speech, have lots of pictures taken and reflect back by looking at pictures from previous field trips and events.
Home School Graduation Ideas
The Mr. gets emotional only on a few occasions, but wanted to give my son his diploma in private so the could tell him how he felt. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
A lot of our friends are homeschooled too and have been with us from the beginning, so they know his achievements.

Would my son feel differently or want something more elaborate if we had started homeschooling in high school? I don’t know.
I do know that I learned that my son was not affected by the things of this world like I am because I went to public school. He didn’t have any preconceived ideas of what a graduation was suppose to look like.
Was I still trying to do things the public school way, even on his graduation?
Remembering that the day is more about what our family wanted, I started planning to keep it simple, but fun for the night.
Understanding that my son wanted pictures at the party more than a slideshow focused on him, I started preparing a photo collage.

I started at one small corner by making letters of his name. Of course, you know my love affair with washi tape, so it has to go on anything I make. It can’t hurt.
Home Graduation Ideas
After slowly adding more pictures I think I had something that Mr. Senior 2013 would allow at the party. Boys! They have to be sure everything is not too girly looking or too big.
ME? I wanted a whole wall of pictures, but restrained myself to a smaller display.

Fast forwarding you to the day of the party. What do you think?
The photo collage turned out to be just enough of his accomplishments, but focused on friendships we built through the years.

But oh no, I couldn’t stop there with decorations.
I had way more ideas. I will show you another project or two we did with the help of hubby and some more ideas for THE day.
More Homeschool High School Graduation Planning Resources
- Start the Planning Day 1.
- High School Senior Portraits Day 2
- Invitations Day 3
- Graduation Menu and Party Venue Day 4
- Home Graduation Ideas Day 5
- DIY Decorations Day 6
- Table Decoration Ideas Day 7
- High School Graduation Gift Day 8
- Free Editable High School Diploma Template Day 9
- Graduation Celebration Day 10
Every family and teen is different too.
It’s not like I didn’t already know that, it just became more of a reality check when planning the graduation.

As I stopped trying to follow what I think our special day should look like or be according to everyone else and started planning for an occasion unique to my family, things started to fall in place.
If you missed the other posts in this series, you can catch up below:

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