Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are two of some of the most well-known and famous explorers in American history. Every time I read about something or someone they encountered, I can wait to read about it and discover some other gem they uncovered. We never get tired about reading about their journey.
So today, I have gathered resources from the four corners of the world (okay..maybe just the U.S. corners) to share the Lewis and Clark Expedition – The Ultimate Guide. This gives you the go to place for what you and your kids want to learn about Lewis and Clark.
It’s important to tell you that though more resources may exist, I have spent time combing through tons of them to find ones that I find are more useful in helping you to teach about the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Lewis and Clark Expedition – The Ultimate Guide
Remember to grab my Free Lewis and Clark Lapbook from this page.
And Grab any new activities for Lewis & Clark from my category section too.

Lesson Plans, Resources & Printables – Lewis and Clark
Activities – Lewis and Clark
Books – Lewis and Clark
Animals on the Trail with Lewis and Clark
Seaman’s Journal: On the Trail With Lewis and Clark
Plants on the Trail with Lewis and Clark (Lewis & Clark Expedition)
The Lewis and Clark Expedition Coloring Book
My Name Is York
A Picture Book of Lewis and Clark (Picture Book Biography)
How We Crossed The West: The Adventures Of Lewis And Clark
Who Was Sacagawea?
Adventures of Lewis and Clark (Step Up Books)
Seaman: The Dog Who Explored the West With Lewis and Clark (Peachtree Junior Publication)
Your Life as a Private on the Lewis and Clark Expedition (The Way It Was)
Lewis and Clark for Kids: Their Journey of Discovery with 21 Activities (For Kids series)
Lewis and Clark for Kids!: The Amazing Story of the Most Famous Explorers in American History (History Books for Children Series)
The Lewis & Clark Expedition: Join the Corps of Discovery to Explore Uncharted Territory (Kaleidoscope Kids Book)
I hope you love studying about Lewis and Clark as we have in our first study and now this revisit.
Check out my other free Ultimate Guides!
Ultimate Guide for New Homeschoolers
The Unrivaled Guide to Civil War Activities for Kids
Ultimate Guide to Learning Activities in a Jar or Bottle
Hugs and love ya,

Don’t forget to follow BOTH of my Pinterest accounts for more AWESOME pins.
Visit Tina Robertson’s profile on Pinterest.
Visit Tinas Dynamic Homeschool ‘s profile on Pinterest.

This blog hop is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutual beneficial projects.
We haven’t studied Lewis and Clark yet, but this looks like a fab resource!
Thanks Erin.
I tried to keep it more compact because I have so many other posts too with information so hopefully it keeps it from being too overwhelming..