To be ignorant of the past is to remain a child. (paraphrase from an observation by Cicero ) History is one of our very favorite subjects. I’m sure you can tell by what I upload, that we enjoy it.
To help you get the best use of this page as it grows, we want to explain how it is developed. It is divided up by area or country. As with a lot of ancient civilizations, some disappeared, others emerged.
Civilizations intermarried so you can see where it might get complicated. But where possible, I like simple–so I will try to keep the topics divided up by area. Obviously the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia will hold a majority of the events taking place at this time.

So I have started by adding our pages that we use as dividers in our notebook or as cover sheets on the front/back of our lapbooks. Please feel free to use them anyway you would like.
Ancient Civilizations
Study of History

What-is-history.pdf (13551 downloads )
More Ancient Civilizations Ideas
ASIA – Mesopotamia Lapbook Pieces

THE INDUS VALLEY Lapbook- (Modern Day Pakistan)

Ancient China Lapbook

How to Get the Free Ancient China Lapbook
Now, how to grab the free lapbook. It’s a subscriber freebie.
That means when you sign up to follow me, you get my emails in your inbox and you get this freebie.
1) Sign up on my email list to get my emails in your inbox AND this freebie.
2) Grab the freebie.
3) Last, look for all my emails in your inbox. Glad to have you following me!
Ancient China Notebook Pages
Ancient-China-Layout-1.pdf (6747 downloads )
Ancient-China-Layout-2.pdf (6579 downloads )
Ancient-China-Layout-3.pdf (6490 downloads )
PHOENICIA Lapbook pieces – (modern day Lebanon)

Glass-Blowing.pdf (6462 downloads )
Phoenician-Ports.pdf (6452 downloads )
Add my Glass Blowing Lapbook to enhance the study of glass.
ASSYRIA Lapbook – (modern day Iraq or northern part of Mesopotamia)

Assyria-Cover-Page.pdf (6737 downloads )
At Nahum 2:11, the Bible calls Assyria’s capital Nineveh, the “lair of the lion”.

Assyria-LawsLiteratureCulture.pdf (6851 downloads )

Kings-of-Assyria.pdf (6789 downloads )
Sennacherib & Ashurbanipal – Shamshi Adad
Jonahs-Warning-to-Nineveh.pdf (6446 downloads )

ANCIENT PERSIA ( Modern day Iran)
ANCIENT BABYLON Lapbook pieces

Ancient-Babylon.pdf (7011 downloads )

King-Nebuchadnezzars-Dream.pdf (6841 downloads )
Hanging-Gardens.pdf (6767 downloads )
To tie in the Hanging Gardens add 7 Ancient Wonders of the World minibook from my Ancient Greece Lapbook
Tower-of-Babel-notebook-page.pdf (6366 downloads )
Layout-1-Ancient-Babylon.pdf (6243 downloads )

Next, look at these hands-on history crafts when studying about Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptian Crafts
Egypt – Famous Pharaohs and Queens Lapbook
(Please note: For this section as is the same for most of my units, I have more than enough printables to make one or more lapbooks.
Here is our lapbook: Famous Pharaohs and Queens of Egypt. There are more printables for another unit below this lapbook.
Picture of Layout for Famous Pharaohs and Queens
Covers/Coloring Pages/Decorating Pieces

(Note: This download includes three minibooks, Queen Nefertiti, Queen Cleopatra VII and Hatshepsut. It also includes the label or caption shown above Nefertiti to glue to your page or flap.
Too, you can write your own facts or use the facts given in this download also that look like the picture below. Glue the facts given inside your minibook.
Note: The picture below is for the facts glued inside the Famous Pharaohs mini books, but the facts for inside the mini books for Queens looks the same.

(Note: This download includes three minibooks, Menes, King Tutankhamen and Ramses II. It also includes the label or caption shown above Menes to glue to your page or flap. Too, you can write your own facts or use the facts given in this download that look like the picture above Mene.
Crook/Flail Atef Hedjet/Deshret

4 minibooks in this download pictured above. The Crook/Flail, Atef, Hedjet/Deshret, Sphinx and the caption “Symbols Of Power” are in this download.

5 mini match books. Cut out as one unit or use individually as you need them.

Hatshepsut Fact Card, two choices

How to Grab the Free 26 page lapbook Ancient Egypt Pharaohs and Queens
This free printable is a subscriber freebie.
This is how you get access quickly.
1) Sign up on my list.
2) Grab the freebie now.
3) Last, look for all my emails in your inbox. Glad to have you following me!
Animals of Africa. Thank you to St Aidens Homeschool in South Africa!
LION_ACTIVITY.pdf (6041 downloads ) CHEETAH.pdf (6106 downloads )
Notebooking Pages

Egypt-Notebook-page-Layout-1lines.pdf (6520 downloads ) Egypt-Notebook-page-Layout-1no-lines.pdf (6352 downloads ) Egypt-Notebook-page-Layout-2.pdf (6238 downloads )

Egypt-Notebook-page-Layout-3.pdf (6351 downloads ) Egypt-Notebook-page-Layout-4.pdf (6165 downloads ) Egypt-Notebook-page-Layout-5.pdf (6248 downloads )
Geography/Culture/Home/Tribe of Africa Notebook Pages
Thank you St Aidens Homeschool!
African-Countries-blank-outline-maps54.pdf (6741 downloads )
African-maps.pdf (6116 downloads )
huts-homes.pdf (6408 downloads )
Although this book, Famous Figures of Ancient Times by Cathy Diez-Luckie is not free, it certainly is worth the investment if your children learn well by hands on activities.
The book has ancient history figures or paper dolls that move and compliment the study of Ancient Civilizations and we are thrilled to use it in our study of Ancient Civilizations.
Here is a picture and download of Narmer of Ancient Egypt for you to sample. (By permission of Cathy Diez-Luckie). Copyright Figures In Motion. Here is the link to her site, Figures in Motion.

Narmer.pdf (6753 downloads )
Favorite Links for Egypt. Ancient Egypt Lapbook – HubPages by Jimmie and lots of wonderful links for printables to continue your study of Ancient Egypt.
Because Greece was such a big unit, I have now devoted a whole page here on our site to this one Ancient Civilization.
Click here to go my Ancient Greece Lapbook
Free Ancient Rome Lapbook – Download Below
Important: Please note that I am sensitive to each homeschooling family’s right to teach about the mythical gods or not. This unit does include the gods that influenced the Romans which of course were the ones they adopted from the Greeks.
In my very humble opinion I feel that the gods played an important part of the Romans everyday life and it enriches our learning to understand their view of them, but not necessarily study their gods. In addition, I have been very careful not to include pictures of nudity.
We know in history and art this has always been around but since our children use this site too, I prefer you as the parent judge whether you want your child to view that in the name of history or art.
Since I prefer my sons to not view them, nudity among the gods is not used and/or won’t be used in any of my units. I have tried very tastefully to choose appropriate images.
Rome Lapbook Layout picture. This is a letter size folder to help you in placement of the mini books.
Left flap Middle Right flap

We focused on learning/understanding the chief gods of the Greek which were essentially the same chief gods of the Romans. The fact cards ask for their Roman and Greek name. And of course an answer key is provided

Note these three mini books can be filled in by your child or you can use the information we provide. Both options come in this one download.
Notebook and/or Decoration pages

How to Get the Free Ancient Rome Lapbook 26 page download
Finally, how to grab the free page lapbook and notebooking pages. It’s a subscriber freebie.
1) Sign up on my list.
2) Grab the freebie now.
3) Last, look for all my emails in your inbox. Glad to have you following me!
Great pages to go along with our studies on the Roman Empire! Thank you!
Your map for Ancient Egypt looks strangely like one in a unit study book I have written by Jennifer Steward yet I do not see credit given to her. Am I missing it?
Hi Amber,
First, thank you for being here. Also, I’m a professional blogger and all my work on my site is mine with a lot of hard work and thousands of hours spent on my unit studies.
Jennifer Steward’s book sounds wonderful, however, the map is clearly marked by giving credit where I purchased my clip art as I stand behind every image I have carefully chosen, asked permission for and/or paid for.
Have a super evening.
Relly creative good cultural resources. I couldn’t use because of my different school subjects/titles but I like it! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Tuba, glad you enjoy them and thanks for being here.