Sharing the oceans lapbook starter today for my Oceans Unit Study and Lapbook,
So we were able to get a bit of school done this week and I was also able to create minibook four today, which is How Low Can You Go.
Tiny was reading to me the other day about how deep the ocean is and we were trying to picture how far a diver could go. This next easy minibook gives a visual example of the depth of a diver and also of submarines.
With a little bit of supervised research on google, your child should be able to arrange the pictures or clip art in order from the top of the page or sea level to the bottom of the page or the deepest.
Then glue the pictures on the page.
Too, we have started to arrange minibooks 1 – 4 on the file folder. Above is the beginning layout or lapbook starter of where we have decided to place the minibooks so far.
Too, when we place them, we try to arrange them so that we have as much room as possible for the rest of the minibooks.
I have some notebooking pages coming up too because this a big unit and I think it needs a bit more research by Tiny.
Are you following along or are you breaking right now for summer? If you are, then you can save this unit for when you start back to school.
Other Ocean Unit Study Resources:
- Super Easy and Fun Aquarium Jar Craft For Summer Activities for Middle Schoolers
- Fun Making Ocean Layers Soap | Summer Activities for Middle Schoolers
- Beware of Ocean Pollution: Fun Science Activity for Kids
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