I am glad you are following along with me as I am finally sharing how I menu plan, which is 31 days at a time.
Today, I have 31 days of dinner ideas for May.
Here are my reasons why I menu plan for 31 days and how I do it so quickly:
- Dinner is the time of the day which I need help with the most because it is a busy time in my household and I need to go through the motions of preparing dinner without wanting to think about or compromise my family’s health;
- I use to look ahead and plan for field trips, doctors, days off of homeschool,etc. but I don’t plan that way anymore because I can quickly move around any of my 31 days of dinner ideas. Putting them down is more important and having a plan than trying to make my life line up with each meal;
- My dinner ideas reflects my family’s tastes and health issues. We do love meat, but we have never eaten a lot of red meat or fried food because of my husband’s health. When I add them to my menu, it’s a treat or once in a while. So we eat a lot of chicken;
- Too, my dinner ideas reflect how we like to eat during each season. For example, we love to grill when we can or eat one pot meals or lighter pasta or salad meals with a bit of meat added when the heat is hot here in Texas. We love more soups in winter and lighter soups during summer months.
- I am not into fancy food, but meals my children will eat and enjoy.
- We don’t have any issues like gluten free, so our meals reflect that fact.
- I do try to get as many organic and fresh products as I can and then choose frozen food next.
- I always have a few crock pot meals spread throughout each month. On busy homeschool days, I have one or two crock pot meals to choose from.
- It’s much easier to plan for 31 days and use the rest of the month relaxing than it is to plan for the next 7 days, which comes quicker than you realize.
As I go along this year, I have been planning tips for long-range menu planning and I hope one of my ideas above will inspire you to plan for a longer period of time.
You can grab next month’s 31 days of dinner ideas below.
31 Day Planning means Flexibility, Saving Money and Being Healthier. That Equals Smarter.
Download Here May 31 Days Dinner Ideas
If you need some more ideas, grab some of the other 31 days of dinner ideas.
January dinner ideas along with an editable menu planner
February dinner ideas
March dinner ideas
April dinner ideas
We’re almost half way through the year and I think I have only repeated two or three meals. Variety truly is the spice of dinner!
Are you still with me?
Hugs and love ya,
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