I have something new for you today. A homeschool community service record. But before I get to that, I had to share.
I just couldn’t wait. I had to share a picture or two because I just got back the graduation party pictures and I have a new planning page that I am excited to get into your little hands also.

At least now I have an updated family picture and loved how this one turned out.

I have a few more to share with you and then the rest I want to show you when I start my 10 days of planning a homeschool high school graduation. I have MUCH to tell you about what to do and what not to do when planning. Plus, I need to tell you about it when its fresh on my mind.

Here is the graduation picture that I am loving. I like it the best of the “official” cap and gown ones, but he did have some taken outside too.

Another project I had reeling around in my head for new followers and maybe not so new followers is to explain the steps for my planning pages. I know I put each step on a separate blog page, but having something for you to quickly glance at gives you an overall idea of how to do this.
I want to show you what constantly is going on in my mind as I continue to build the planning pages. I will put this new visual on my blog so that hopefully nobody gets overwhelmed as I continue to have ideas for new forms swirl around in my head.

Too because I realize I needed some new forms as I was record keeping for Mr. Senior 2013 through the last four years, I will slowly be sharing those as I go along too.
One that was real obvious to me right away was something to track his community service.
Sure he can write it down in his student planner, but “I” needed to track it too so I had a clear idea on the hours for record keeping purposes.

So here is the latest form for your highschooler. Too, some states require more intensive record keeping and so if you are doing anything to give back to your community and you need to track it for your children because it counts as school, this form will work for you.
It is a 7 day week because a lot of times community service is done on the weekends too. I have 2 slots on each day which is just enough room to jot down the total hours or time spent and a simple note for the type of service. Then a total for that week is at the bottom. Use the larger box at the very top for the total monthly time spent.
If you need more room and there was a specific community project or you are doing something different each week, then use the long dotted line out beside the week to make more notes for the project.
By keeping this a monthly form, you can print off as many or as few as you need. In other words, you may not be doing something for the whole year.
I have a bit of color creating withdrawal lately so this satisfies my color craving for just a short time anyway. I LOVE color and hope you do too.
Download Tracking Community Service Record Here.
You’ll love reading these other tips about high school. 10 Days of Planning a Homeschool High School Graduation, 3 Ways to Homeschool the BIGS (a.k.a. Older Kids) and How to Grade a Homeschool Unit Study for an Older Child (& high school assessment).
Luv ya, hope you like the new form and our latest family picture.