Today, on 5 Days of Clever DIY Hacks for Your Homeschool Spaces Day 3 Eazy Peazy Learning Tools, I get excited thinking about all the ways to use our creative spark as the teacher in building learning tools for our kids.
Sometimes store bought just doesn’t beat daddy built tools. I remember when I started homeschooling how excited I was to be able to design our built in bookshelves to the exact height of my books.
On top of that some of that pretty nifty stuff at the store costs a pretty nifty penny and it just doesn’t make sense to pay a high price for something you may need a year or less.
Gathering up a few ideas that sparked my excitement like the ladder turned art board and all the possibilities of using a humble muffin tin or cookie sheet, I hope you can use an idea or two this year.
I am loving the divider too because it’s a great way to separate the kids’ learning spaces.

Have you used any of these ideas?
Hugs and love ya,

Did you miss the first day in this series?
5 Days of Clever DIY Hacks for Your Homeschool Spaces Day 1 Small Spaces
5 Days of Clever DIY Hacks for Your Homeschool Spaces Day 2 Repurpose and Reimagine
Look at some of these other creative ideas!
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