Today, I have a field trip tracking guide for homeschool field trips. Also, look at my Homeschool Planner page for more forms.
Homeschool field trips are an important piece of the educational puzzle.
We homeschool so that we can experience learning while living.
I never imagined when I had my then 4 year old and 1 year old in tote as we went to the zoo that I already started homeschooling with field trips.
Field trips just felt like a natural part of learning, and it is one important reason I have held on to the homeschooling lifestyle.

Without going all sappy on you as I look back to some of our fondest homeschool memories, I also can tell you that some of the most significant educational milestones were met while we were out on carefree adventures.
No, lightning bolts of information didn’t infuse my sons, at least not then anyway.
But our learning adventures nurtured the thirst for a wide range of topics.
Little did I know that all the hard work of planning field trips paid off.
6 Advantages of Exploring Field Trips
Look at some of these ways that field trips inspire a love of learning.
1. They are a breeding ground of learning for hands-on learners.
When a child can touch and interact at places like a museum or zoo, your teaching can’t compare. It instills learning moments for life not found in the confines of 4 walls.

{Our field trip at the park where we had a bird presentation.}
2. Professionals, whether they are members of an Audubon society or are geologist come alive and speak about their profession or hobby in their own natural surroundings
Their passion for their hobby or profession leaves an impression on your child that they won’t easily forget. Instead of competing with natural born teachers of their craft, utilize them to teach your children.
3. Sometimes homeschooled kids choose their profession later in life because of what they were exposed to while on field trips.

{Tiny as he feels one of the birds.}
4. Children can appreciate art and culture while experiencing it.
It is sad that some public schools have had to almost leave field trips out of the school year because field trips are an excellent way to build respect for the arts.
5. Field trips build higher critical thinking skills.
When writing numerous topics and essays throughout the years, the boys have been able to tap into their memory as they recalled what they have learned
6. The needs for socialization by both mom and child are met.
Though you and I both know that unless we crawl under a rock someplace, that homeschoolers are pretty savvy and socialized folks.
But as homeschoolers we love to meet up with our friends and savor the time we are together.
Because field trips are enjoyed best with a well-behaved group, you may want to form a group. A field trip can build quickly if you know where to look.
More Homeschool Field Trips Resources
- 7 Benefits of Virtual Field Trips that May Change Your Perspective
- Homeschool Field Trips Free Field Trip Planning Page
- Homeschool Field Trip Journal Pages
- 22 Awesome Homeschool History Field Trips

Homeschoolers Hangouts
One of the best ways to connect with other homeschoolers is through friends.
You know that Kelley and I are life-long friends and she had a friend who homeschooled and I had my sister, and we built our group from there.
If you live in a place where you think you are the only homeschooler, a good place to start is your library and go during the day.
Look for places that homeschoolers frequent like local book stores and places that teach music or dance lessons and for goodness sake, the park.
I met another homeschool mom because our sons were taking Kindermusik.
Though I would recommend connecting online it can be tough.
Be friendly, but be cautious about giving out personal information until you know somebody a bit better.
Homeschool Field Trip Planning Tips
After you form a small group, some places give a small discount for a group if you will pay at one time. Be sure you call ahead and ask.
Formulate a few rules for field trips.
We always make sure everybody knew that though we were having fun, when we had a guide on our field trip or somebody was talking that the kids (and moms) were to be quiet and listen and learn.
We keep a database for our member’s phone numbers so that if anybody had problems on the road, we would have each other’s cell numbers.
The field trip leaders knew everybody that was coming and would mark off the list as they arrived.
We take seriously if somebody votes and then doesn’t come or communicate with us for good reasons. Why? Because we may have told another family that we were full or our price discount may depend on having enough people show up at the event.
Members constantly not communicating, showing up late or voting and not coming, would be reason for dismissing them from my group.
It may sound cruel and we didn’t do it a lot, but when you have volunteer field trip leaders, then all members should make their job easy and keep in mind their actions may affect the rest of the group.
I am looking forward to taking more field trips as we prepare for our move to South America. Who knows? Maybe we won’t just do a lapbook about the Amazon rain forest, but may actually get to visit it now for a field trip.
Look at my form I use to track our field trips.

Do you cherish your time away from home while learning? You should because the time will pass quickly.
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