If you missed any days, grab them below:

Day 4.Look to Free Unit Studies

Moving on along through our series: Look Alive:Winter Homeschooling Ideas & Downloads, Day 5 is Look to Free Teacher Guides.
If there is anything that will get me pumped about homeschooling during the long cold winter days is the thought of planning.
I love to plan anytime of the year. These free teacher’s guides I rounded up are about a variety of subjects and have tidbits of cool facts in each one.
Some of them are from a museum and they talk about tours, but the rest of the pages have great background information on each topic.
Sometimes you don’t want to plan a unit study, you just want to cover something different for the day and these free guides are the perfect bite size pieces.
The first set of guides are at the Field Museum.
Look at a few of the subjects they have:
Gregor Mendel: Planting the Seeds of Genetics.
George Washington Carver.
Plants of the World.
Maps: Finding Our Place in the World.
Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters.
There are four pages of great freebie awesomeness to look through and a variety of grades. Be sure to download what you want in case it ever goes away.
Then this next site, SunSentinel, is equally awesome and has so many freebies I can’t count them.
Look at a few of the things they have and take your time downloading the overflowing amount of freebies.
Opera – It’s for Everyone! Grades 6-Adult
Degas in Bronze-Grades 6-Adult
Power of You – Grades 8-12
Your Character Your Choice! It’s Up to You
Amazing Orchids-Grades 3-5
LegoLand, 4-5
STEAM – Grades 9-12
Then I love this whole page of resources to learn about the winter for the upper grades (6 to 12th). I always strive to maintain the fun and hands-on ideas even in the upper grade.
Look at at just a few of the things on this super page.
From the site:
Lesson Plans
Storm Clouds
Students in grades 6-12 use CERES cloud data and a weather map to explore cloud coverage during a winter storm.
Getting Physical: The Physics and Other Science Behind Winter Olympic Sports
Students in grades 6-12 research, write, and perform sportscasts that explain the physics behind their favorite sports in these cross-curricular activities.
Glacier National Park: “Hibernation-Migration Fascination”
Students in grades 7-12/ compare two different types of hibernation — the hibernation of bears and marmots.
ICS — Energy ( PDF, 901 KB, 21 pgs.)
In this module, students in grades 9-12 investigate how energy absorption and water affect temperature.
Physics and Biomechanics
A learning module for grades 11-12 that uses the sports of luge and figure skating to teach four basic mechanical concepts: linear kinematics, linear dynamics, projectile motion, and conservation of angular momentum.
Games & Activities
Don’t Be Too Flaky
Students measure the relative densities of water, ice, and snow. Data can be submitted to the website and displayed with data from around the world.
I hope you have enjoyed this 5 days series of winter homeschooling and now we have enough activities to keep us planning through the long cold winter days.
Are you ready for winter? Grab the other ideas below!

Hugs and love ya,