I have 100 reasons why homeschooling is a superior education. Also, you’ll love more tips on my page The Dynamics of How to Homeschool Easily and Smarter.
In the early 1980s, my mom homeschooled my youngest sister.
Then, folks thought homeschooling was illegal. It wasn’t, but it felt that way.
As my mom researched about homeschooling, I read the same research as meager as it was, but I came to appreciate that homeschoooling is a superior education for many reasons.
I was in public high school and close to graduating when my mom began her homeschool journey.
Later, I started my family and now I have 3 homeschool grads. I’ve seen many changes – big and small.

One thing which has exploded for me is my BIG list of reasons why homeschooling is better than school.
Too, we have stats now for you to analyze, but the hundreds and hundreds of personal success stories are of greater value to me.
I don’t think homeschooling is for everyone.
There are valid reasons why folks can’t homeschool, but not having favorable circumstances doesn’t negate the superior value of the homeschool approach.
I wished EVERY family could give their kids one-to-one tutoring. Those odds are hard to beat.
Reasons Why to Homeschool
Look at these 100 reasons why the homeschool approach is better than a public school education.
- Education is different than schooling. ALL children can be educated, but if a child doesn’t step in sync to public standards in a school he is failed. The public standard is put ahead of the child. The self-confidence that a child has is undermined.
- Bullying by students and teachers isn’t tolerated in the homeschool world.
- Education at home is in sync with how a child develops and as he masters concepts.
- More time is spent outdoors and nature becomes the child’s schoolmaster.
- Sleep, diet, and wellness of the child is superior at home because of the ability to adapt to the needs of each child.
- Passions are intensely pursued which turns to mastery of topics by children.
- Children will read well on their timetable which sets them up for lifelong success. Waiting on a child to read sets them up for loving to read instead of having to read. One is a delight the other is drudgery.
- The parent is hands-on with their children and children flourish with personal and loving attention.
- Freedom. It’s the true meaning of a superior education when you’re not told what to learn each day.
- Open-ended questions becomes the segue to mastery of material, not being spoon-fed.

Reasons to Choose Homeschool
- Learning is not looked at as grade levels, but for longer periods of time. Did you know that a lot of homeschooled kids don’t care what grade they’re in until they get older? Grade levels compartmentalize learning.
- We trust the fact the children have a natural curiosity to learn and it shouldn’t be contained in workbooks.
- Homeschooled kids learn excellence without the two Ws that public school enforces – walls and workbooks.
- Education happens while you travel and see the world. Even a child’s own backyard is his science lab.
- Customized learning is the BEST.
- Children are not exposed to active shooter drills. Children focus on celebrating childhood not being in fear of it.
- By not being up at 5 a.m. to walk in the dark and catch a school bus, children wake up later rested and go for a nature walk. Playing piano or practicing art before the formal part of their day begins is the norm.
- Instead of constantly cutting or washing their children’s hair because they’re exposed to lice, they are outside playing in a leaf pile or making snow angels.
- Instead of focusing on how vaccines are harmful to children, the family is focusing on a vacation to learn about caves or the beach.
- Sex education is the parent’s right to teach their children at a time he is ready. A parent protects the innocence of her children because she knows the exact time to expose her children to sensitive matters.
Why Parents Homeschool Their Kids
- Fear of gangs does not have to be present.
- Parents and not peers are the best to influence their children.
- The family chooses ideals they want their children rooted in instead of society deciding what is accepted and not accepted.
- Education is not forced-fed.
- When it comes to what our children are learning, most families want more.
- Gifted children can move ahead and not get in trouble because they became bored in a traditional classroom
- We want our children to learn how to read proficiently and to be a lifelong reader.
- Our children are exposed to more topics and are not learning to just pass state required tests.
- We teach our kids skills that will be practical for them in life.
- Does anybody else find it bizarre to turn your children over to a complete stranger who spends most of his day with them?
- Children are not constantly sick and missing out on learning opportunities.
- You can teach in a relaxed way without jumping through hoops to meet rules.
- Learning at home is more exploratory and not workbook driven.
- It’s unhealthy for children of any age to sit for six hours a day.
- Home fosters a love for learning.
What is a Superior Education?
- We teach things that public school can’t teach like how to budget, how to save, and how to not get in debt.
- As parents we ARE the experts. An expert is one who has an authoritative knowledge of a skill. Parents are the experts for their children.
- We change curriculum instantly when it’s not working. We don’t wait on red tape or even the start of a new school year to make changes.
- Adjusting the hours and days to suit our family’s life keeps learning a privilege and something children look forward to each day.
- Pushing our children out of their comfort zone, but in a secure environment elevates their learning to another level.
- We want our children to pursue learning as a lifestyle and not a list to check off.
- It takes less time to learn at home. There are no unnatural interruptions at home. Children are used to natural interruptions like younger siblings or a change in a parent’s schedule.
- We have the choice to put our children in front of a computer for school, crack open a physical book, or both.
- We do not need to answer to the government. It’s been my experience that most parents exceed any government standard.
- Tests should have a purpose, not be meaningless. Parents are the ones to best determine if a tests suits their needs.
How to Start Homeschooling
- Face to face discussions everyday with your children gives you a window into their heart and what is on their mind. Channeling children to do good is part of a superior education.
- Academics can be delayed for young children so they have more time to play and be little boys and girls.
- Children learn from experiences and not just from children their same age.
- Children can be ready for higher level courses on their timetable. Sometimes that is earlier than what is considered the high school years.
- Instead of reading about science in a boring textbooks, children get their hands dirty doing science.
- Homework is a nightmare. While at home, children learn at times that are good for them. What are they doing all day in public school?
- Parents don’t want to feel disconnected from their children because children get up at dark:30 and are exhausted when they come home.
- Free public school doesn’t mean better. Parents decide which curriculum is free and which curriculum is paid.
- Children learn at home what is a true entrepreneur.
- Children learn cursive at home which always been the standard of a well-educated man. Learning to read cursive is a skill that many children are losing.
- There is no mind numbing busy work at home.
- Public school suffers budget cuts, but at home even the most modest budget is ample for children.
- No one gets left behind at home because the pace is set to each child.
- The learning style of each child is important and learning is tailored to strengths.
- There is not constant focus on what a child cannot do, but how to pursue what he can do.

Why You Homeschool
- Home is the best place to prepare children for adulthood which is the true meaning of education.
- Special needs children can learn in a safe environment instead of being made fun of by both teachers and children.
- Extracurricular activities can be increased or limited to the needs of each family.
- Common sense is used as a measure of what to teach and not common core.
- There is less pressure on young children at an early age.
- Parents want the say over what to teach their children.
- One approach or curriculum can be used for one child and a completely different curriculum and approach for another child.
- Teens don’t have to spend four years in high school and waste time on subjects they’ve mastered. They can move on to college level work in high school or sooner if they’re ready.
- Mistakes by a child are viewed as learning experiences. Failure is a good teacher. Learning that early on teaches a child to try again and critical thinking skills.
- Getting children out of their comfort zone teaches them to take charge of their learning.
- Unless you plan to homeschool under a rock, children have frequent socialization with adults and children. They learn the true meaning of socialization which is how to behave in a mixed aged group.
- Children learn compassion and kindness when they take care of family members who have become sick. Waiting to teach children how to be kind when they’re adults could be turning out self-centered people. Children learn early to put their needs on the back burner while caring for those hit with sickness.
- Religion or lack of it is the SOLE responsibility of the parent.
- Being at home allows children to dig deeper and not have to move on until their curiosity has piqued.
- Parents are the ones enjoying the best times with their children instead of someone else. That love fosters a strong desire to learn because children know they’re in a secure and safe environment
Individualized Homeschool Education
- When a child has medical issues, his learning is not delayed.
- Children do have to have a substitute teacher who may care little to none about a child.
- Parents want their children to enjoy learning as long as possible.
- While being educated, children have the flexibility to run a family-based business.
- Time spent with children is superior quality.
- Field trips in the homeschool world can happen every week if the family chooses to and not just while children are in Kindergarten.
- It’s just a better education tailored to each child.
- Parents don’t want their children away from them for so many hours.
- Families aren’t locked into school calendars of when children should learn.
- Children want to be outside a lot and play.

- Some children choose a career or college track and can pursue their objectives better at home with the freedom they need.
- The pace in Kindergarten has gone to ridiculous for little kids. Standardized tests in Kindergarten is becoming the norm.
- Children can travel the world and learn about it instead of inside a crowded classroom.
- Families teach children about being a member of society by being in it and getting children involved it.
- There are not tons of useless meetings with teachers or administrators who may care little about the success of your children.
More Posts on Why Homeschooling is a Superior Educational Approach
- Why My Homeschooled Kids Are Not Given the Choice to Go to Public School
- Transitioning from Public School to Homeschool For a Relaxed Lifestyle
- It’s a New Homeschool Year and My Child Wants to Go Back to Public School
- Deschool – Get off the Public School Treadmill!
Top Reasons to Homeschool
- Families can address immediately any perceived gaps in a child’s education.
- Testing is not used as the gauge of what children know and do not know.
- A school setting is arbitrary and unnatural.
- Families can allow humor and grace to meet in the day which aids children to be emotionally sound.
- More time is spent reading together as a family.
- Children are valued instead of demeaned by being told to raise their hand to go to the bathroom, eat, or drink. That is very opposite of the real world.
- It is the right of a parent to pick associates or peers instead of children being poorly influenced in a classroom.
- Nobody knows children better than the parents. Nobody.
- College tuition is overpriced and homeschool parents have options like CLEP and dual credit.
- Public schools cannot simply meet the needs of all children.

I don’t EVER talk folks into homeschooling because some days are flat out hard, but in the end it’s been worth every bit of stress.
Nothing beats the unique journey which each of my children have had. They’ve all had a private and elite education with less then half the cost of public education.
In the process, they have formed lifelong friends; we constantly have had to cut back on time spent in 4 H club, art classes, foreign language classes and ballroom dance classes to name a few so we could be at home.
What else will I add to my list in the next 10 years?
What questions do you have about homeschooling?