I went ahead and started planning and arranging the minibooks, that we have so far, on a file folder for our South America Unit Study. Remember these can be glued notebook style too. Nothing babyish about lapbooking or notebooking.
We still don’t glue them in our file folder at this point, this is just a visual so I know where else to place the upcoming minibooks too. We are up to 4 now.
Today, I have minibooks 3 and 4 for you.
Minibook 3 is Comparing Mountain Climate Zones. It is a book I prepared because I wanted us to focus on the climate of the Andes Mountain and compare them for our geography niche on this.
Near the equator the climate at the lowest elevation is tropical. If you were to climb midway up the mountains, you would find a more mild climate and then again at 15,000 feet you would find extremely low temperatures and icy winds.
Facts to Learn About South America
Notice on the book, the cover has 4 different colors so this is a visual to match the accordion fold minibook so that your child understands about each zone. The top part or light purple is the Tierra Helada and the light green is Tierra Fria and etc.
So here are the facts for using in the minibook. I probably should do an answer key to go with the book, but this information really finds it way to my website. So I just add it here for you in case you and the kids want to go ahead and do it.
Frozen Land or Tierra Helada .
- Above 10,000 feet
- Place for livestock like llamas and sheep
Cold Land or Tierra Fria
- 6,000 – 10,000 feet
- Place for crops: Wheat, apples, potatoes and barley
Temperate Land or Tierra Templada
- 3,000 – 6,000 feet
- Place for crops: corn, cotton, coffee and citrus fruits
Hot Land or Tierra Caliente
- Sea Level – 3,000 feet
- Place for crops: bananas, cacao, sugar cane and rice.
How to Remember the Countries of South America

Minibook 4 is a book that uses a mnemonic saying to remember the 12 countries and the one 1 French territory. Give me something that doesn’t make sense anytime to remember and that is what I will remember.
Too, help your child to understand that French Guiana is a territory like a state is here to us in the United States. If you don’t live here, then use one of your local provinces to describe a dependent area so they understand that it is not a country.
This came from a neat website called Memorize the World. Here is how it goes: The Biggest Country (Brazil). Arnie Takes his mom Tina to eat Chile. (Argentina and Chile). Cool Vegetable Guy Studies French (Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana). Every Person Boils Purple Unicorns. (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivar, Paraguay and Uruguay.) That’s it.
Project and Study Ideas for South America
To flesh out this unit some more, here are more ideas for each subject. There is NO shortage of content or ideas to spur your sparks of creativity. Unit studies have this affect on us.

Nazca Lines – The Monkey

Nazca Lines – The Dog (Pic Attribution)
Nazca is the name of the culture that flourished in Peru and also the name of the mysterious lines they created in the Peruvian deserts. These lines, carved into the desert rocks depict huge animals and geometric shapes. No one is really certain about what they mean.
Also, compare and contrast Inca society to Spanish colonial society.
Research the Galapagos Islands and the animals unique to that region.
Why did Ecuador change its currency from sucres to dollars? Also understand some about the metric system since its used there.
1. Create a travel brochure and map to show what journey you would take if you visited South America. Compare and contrast animals and plants living in the different mountain zones.
2. Also list some of the famous places like Machu Picchu in Peru. Indians build that walled city and for hundreds of years it was hidden from the rest of the world.
3. Famous places. People go to see the Gold Museum in Bogota, Colombia and there are emerald mines nearby too.
4. Quito is one of the highest cities in the world and it in Ecuador. It sits on the side of a volcano and is the oldest capital city in South America.
5. Make a map of South America and focus on the major regions: Andes, Amazon Basin, Guiana Highlands, Orinoco Basin, Rio de la Plata Complex, Brazilian Plateau, Pampas, Patagonia, Llanos, Pantanal, Wet Coast Flatlands, Southern Chile coast and color each a different color or make it different colors using salt dough.
Find examples of the art of Manuel Rendon, Eduardo Kingman and Juan Agustin Guerrero.
Research flutes played by native people from Ecuador. Listen to or watch an Argentinean tango, a Brazilian samba and a Colombia cumbia.
Did I tell you that I grew up dancing the cumbia? BELIEVE me, coordination and grace are not at the top of my skill set, but this dance is so easy and fun.
Look at a few of these videos. I love the first one because you can actually hear the music and watch the partner steps and the second one shows basic steps with no music.

Colombians often eat plantains in place of potatoes.

(Cesar Vellejo)
Language/Language Arts
1. Cesar Vallego (1892-1938) one of the greatest twentieth century poets focused on poverty and injustice. Study his poems and his life.
2. Learn some Spanish
si = yes
por favor = please
gracias – thank you
de nada – you’re welcome
buenos dias = good morning
adios = good – bye
ayer = yesterday
hoy = today
manana = tomorrow
Como esta usted? = How are you?
muy bien = very well
Donde esta…..? = Where is…?

(quipu. Pic. Attribution)
3. Do some Inca Writing. Find a picture of a quipu, the knotted cotton cords of different lengths and colors with which Incas kept records. Using thick yarn, try to imitate the pattern.
I think we need some vocabulary words and we are going to focus next on some of the animals of the Galapagos.
South America Printable Minibooks
Also, look at these minibooks which come in the free South America lapbook 27 page download.
- Animals of the Galapagos fan book which includes the Giant Tortoise, Lava Lizard, Marine Iguana, Green Turtle, Galapagos Penguins, Magnificent Frigate Bird, Blue-Footed Booby, and Blue-Banded Goby.
- Comparing Mountain Climate Zones
- Simon Bolivar Copywork
- Map of South America to label and one labeled
- Machu Picchu – Lost City of the Inca
- Negrinho – A dessert from Brazil
- How to Memorize the Countries of South America and Dependent
- Map Flags to put on your salt dough map
- 2 – The Galapagos Island layered book. One prefilled with facts and one blank to add your own information.
- Vocabulary Pocket and Vocabulary Words
More South America Unit Study Resources
- Appreciating the Culture of South America Through Dance
- Free Machu Picchu Mini Book & Completed South America Lapbook
- 6 South America Country Notebooking Pages
- South America Unit Study– Colorful Free Printable Map
- South America Geography Salt Dough Map + Printable Pennants
- South America Unit Study resources
How to Get the Free South America Printable Lapbook
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