We all know that motherhood is the hardest job you’ll ever love, right? When you’re homeschooling, that’s even more true. Not only are you on the clock 24/7, but you’re also responsible for educating your kids while raising them to be productive people.
So how is a homeschool mom supposed to work in any time for self-care?
Here’s a list of ideas to recharge that can all be done in 15 minutes or less. Perfect for those times when we just don’t have time, but need a breather.

26 Ways to Recharge in 15 Minutes or Less
- Sit in a quiet, darkened room for 15 minutes to tune out the noise
- Use essential oils and/or a diffuser
- Grab a cup of your favorite beverage to refresh
- Take a quick, brisk walk

- Read a blog, book, or magazine
- Have a favorite indulgent snack, like chocolate or ice cream
- Sit outside for a change of scenery
- Call a friend, your sister, or your mom

- Take a shower
- Blast your favorite music
- Go for a short drive
- Do something creative, like crocheting or painting

- Zumba
- Take a short power nap
- Take some deep breaths and/or meditate
- Make a gratitude list
- Yoga
- Word puzzles
- Exercise
- Walk the dog

- Surf social media
- Do some stretches
- Watch something on YouTube
- Clean and organize a small project, if it relaxes you
- Give yourself a facial or paint your nails
- Do a brain dump — write lists or schedules to fight the overwhelm
Whatever works for you, don’t forget to include some self-care time into your days. You’ll feel more refreshed and that mini attitude adjustment will help with your homeschooling efforts.

You’ll love these other pick me up tips:
- 7 Simple Fitness Tips for Busy Homeschooling Moms
- Essential Life Skills – A Homeschooler’s Other Curriculum
- 100 Easy Ways Kids Can Fight Boredom & Celebrate Childhood
- How to Survive Homeschool Sick Days
- How to Cope Successfully With Homeschool Mental Stress
- 10 Books That Boost Your Homeschool Zen (When It May Be Sagging)
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