Early on in my journey I discovered easy nature unit studies as a way to make science come alive. Also, look at my page 26 Fun Nature Unit Studies for Multiple Ages.
Nature unit studies not only revive burn out in students, but they’re cost effective and memorable.
Today, I’m sharing 26 homeschool nature unit studies for multiple ages that can easily be used for a year long curriculum.
I’ve found that it’s hard to cover anymore than about two topics a month because you want to savor topics.

If you cover two nature topics per month, then you have a whole years worth of ideas here.
I have a few other topics listed so your kids can choose what interests them or mix and match.
Nature Unit Studies
You can start with any month and do this in any order, but I started with August and worked my way through to the end of what is considered a typical school year.
Please note: Some lapbooks were free for a limited time.
Also, I listed these unit studies to flow with the natural cycle of seasons in the Northern hemisphere.
However some places, like here in Texas, it doesn’t get snow all over.
Again you can choose any order, but I aimed for a schedule to follow the natural seasons.
AUGUST Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
There is an endless number of themes and ideas to study about in August.
1. Above and Below: Pond Unit Study and Free Lapbook
2. From Egg to Sea Turtle Nature Unit Study & Lapbook
Pond, river or water related ideas, a night walk or even starting a miniature herb garden are great ideas for August.
Furthermore butterflies, water bugs, and dragonflies can be studied during this time.
SEPTEMBER Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Next, September 1 marks the first of fall.
Normally with a bit cooler weather it’s a great time for a rock and mineral unit study or even prairie flowers.
Mushrooms, fruits, and ferns are more good nature unit study ideas.
Another activity is learning about the harvest moon and learning is just not complete without including apples. Be sure to grab my free Moon Journal when you follow me.
Nature Study Lessons
Too, I want to add more habitat or biomes unit studies during this month.
3. Fall Unit Study (Includes Apples, Sir Isaac Newton, Art, and Appleseed)
4. Beautiful Human Body Lapbook and Fun Unit Study
Also, there is no greater unit study about nature than learning about the human body.
OCTOBER Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
After an apple unit study or bat unit study, learn about leaves and pumpkins.
With the changing weather, storms and weather patterns make great topics.
5. Fall Unit 1 {Pumpkins, Leaves, Corn, & More}
6. Why Bats Are Not Birds Fun Homeschool Unit Study and Lapbook
It’s also a fun time to learn about gourds and squash or the changing weather and storms. Also, I have more Free Fall Unit Study Ideas– For Older Kids Too.
Nature Study Resources
NOVEMBER Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Then November is the last month of fall, but there is already a cold snap in the air.
It’s a fun time to learn about how raptors survive, how trees changes, twigs, buds, gathering, and foraging to save for the long winter months.
Squirrel watching and learning about mushrooms is fun to do this time of the year too.
7. Foraging and Feasting Nature Unit Study and Lapbook
8. Famous and Historic Trees Fun Nature and History Homeschool Unit Study
In addition, you can add lichens and moss as a unit study.
DECEMBER Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Furthermore, I love doing a bird unit study in December.
Watching animal tracks and signs is another idea if you have snow.
9. Colorful Winter Bird: Northern Cardinal Lapbook & Unit Study
10. Free Arctic Ground Squirrel Lapbook & Unit Study Resources
Another topic we want to still do is about evergreens or the winter solstice.
Science Unit Studies
JANUARY Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Next, January is a great time to focus on the Arctic region, Arctic animals, ice and snow.
11. Arctic Region
12. Winter Season Unit Study. Free Lapbook & Hands-On Ideas
Learning about wolves, hibernation, and even foxes are fun topics.
FEBRUARY Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Another month we loved to focus on rocks and gems is February.
Because February can be a hard month to get outside for a nature study, I lean toward earth science themes. It keeps the fun going.
More Homeschooling Multiple Ages Tips
- 65 Best Teaching Tips for Embracing Homeschooling Multiple Ages
- 6 Best Homeschool Hacks Teaching Multi-Aged Children
- 26 Nature Unit Studies for Multiple Ages
- 5 Days Of The Benefits & Challenges of Teaching Mixed Ages Together – Day 5: Tips For Homeschooling Multiple Grades
- How to Choose the Perfect Homeschool Planner for Multiple Students
- 5 Days Of The Benefits & Challenges of Teaching Mixed Ages Together – Day 4: Embrace Homeschooling Multiple Grades
One year we loved learning about Amber and fossils.
13. Amber – Freezing Gold
14. Free Earth Science Lapbook
If you can’t study what is on the ground, look to the sky and stars for unit study ideas.
Look at this hands-on activity Erosion Hands-on Easy Homeschool Science Activity.
MARCH Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Then at the first hint of spring, we focus on the American Robin and because not all is green yet, we have loved doing one about carnivorous plants.
Also, carnivorous plants can be studied in the summer too.

Strawberries are springs first fruit so it’s a great time to go berry picking, canning and of course a hands-on and yummy unit study.
15. American Robin Free Printables, Resources and Crafts
16. Strawberry Unit Study
Also, life cycles, migration, buds, flowers, gardening and baby animals make fun nature study ideas.
APRIL Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Because spring is in full bloom here in Texas, there are many topics we’d still love to do during this month. Viewing wildflowers is one we love.
Although we love to focus on birds during winter, this is a great time for a bird unit study too.
17. Free Wildflowers Unit Study & Lapbook
18. Easy Seed and Gardening Unit Study for Kids (Middle – Upper Elementary)
In addition, learning about eggs, insects, bugs, clouds and meadows are also fun ideas.
MAY Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Next, May is a great time to be outdoors and to study about toads or frogs. Making it a general study like amphibians and reptiles is good too.

Sometimes you want to just focus on one reptile like a snake or turtle instead of covering so much general information.
Moreover, focusing on small mammals versus large mammals can go along with a zoo field trip when animals will be out.
19. Fascinating and Fun Honey Bees Unit Study and Lapbook for Kids
20. Amazon Rainforest and Free Lapbooks
21. Loads of Toads and Frogs Unit Study and Lapbook
As well as studying about ants or doing a nature discovery walk during this month. Before the summer months set in completely, a wind unit study is great at this time too.
Also, add literature to your nature studies trough Literary Adventures for Kids. Scroll down to see all the book choices from early elementary up to high school.
It’s so easy to round out your nature unit studies.
Look at a few choices below.

JUNE Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Finally, getting to the summer months makes for great ideas about sun, watermelon, seashells and ocean life. Take a deep dive into learning different types of grasses.
Nature-Based Lessons
We have studied these topics at other times of the year, but getting to the beach and beach combing are just more fun in the warm months.
Younger kids love the topic of rainbows.
22. Super Seashore Watching Unit Study and Beach Lapbook
23. Carnivorous Plants
Any type of water study makes it a natural way to learn in the summer months.
JULY Nature Unit Studies and Ideas
Next, topics like sand or pollinators are more great unit study ideas. Also, by focusing on area of sea life like coral reefs can make an ocean unit study more memorable.
Gardening ideas are great for most summer months too.
24 Oceans Unit Study and Lapbook
25. Coral Reef Unit Study and Lapbook
26. Peregrine Falcon Unit Study and Lapbook
Find out when berries ripe in your area for another fun hands-on topic.
Also, look at these fun activities Beware of Ocean Pollution: Fun Science Activity for Kids and How to Dissolve a Seashell – Beach Hands-on Fun Activity.
Unit studies are my favorite way to teach and the homeschool approach my kids loved best.
A unit study approach works for a child that wants to master a subject and move on or for a kid that wants to dawdle and poke around a subject.
Easy and fun nature unit studies don’t usually require too much in the way of materials. Just learn in and learn about the great outdoors. What are some of your fun and easy nature unit study topics?
Look below for more hands-on nature study activities to go with each unit study above:
- How to Make an Easy Nature Paint Brush With Kids
- 20 Nature-Inspired Kids’ Novels to Nurture Interest In the Outdoors
- Fun Kids Activity How to Make Wildflower Seed Bombs
- Nature Study: Bird Color Bar Graphing Activity
- Mixed Media Flower Art Fun Nature Study
- Literature Nature Study: Simple Tree Craft
- Nature Study: Make a Fun Bird Nesting Bag
- Easy and Fun Nature Study: Beautiful Birds
- Winter Nature Craft: How to Make Easy DIY Bird Feeders
Thank you for sharing these! My son loved the one lap book we did last year. I’m trying to revamp our school days to add more fun and these will fit right in.
So glad you can use them Dawn..WE love doing unit studies like this. Thanks for being here♥♥