I have a mini unit study about Turkey. Too, look at my page Homeschool Geography for hands-on and simple ideas and tips.
Did you guess which country my boys chose at the Geography Quest?
Yep it was Turkey. To be honest, I was a tad shocked but happy at the same time that they chose that country. You’ll love these ideas for a mini unit study about Turkey.

My oldest son, Mr. Senior 2013, got the final say on country choice since this is his last year to school {sniffle}.
Somewhere along your homeschool journey you wonder if “too much history” is too much. {mmmm does that sense?} You pray most of what you teach your sons sticks with them.
When he chose to talk about Istanbul, formerly Constantinople, and write his essay on it, I was thrilled because of the rich history of the country.
Easy Homeschool Unit Study Turkey

It is absolutely fascinating to study about the beautiful buildings like the Hagia Sophia which still stand today, but also to learn of the diverse influence of the country.
One could spend a lengthy unit study just on the influence of Christians on Constantinople then the Muslim influence.
However, since this was our not back to school Geography Quest with our field trip group, we had to condense it to about a week of study.
One small point to remember about planning and doing unit studies is that when a topic lends itself to one or more subjects easily than others, don’t force a fit.
If you can’t find a topic for one subject like science or art, focus to enrich the subject/s that your topic does naturally flow with and teach.
Emphasis should be given to learning what interests you and your kids and it should be age appropriate.
Here are some of the topics we read about in our country mini unit study.
Mini Unit Study on the Country of Turkey

Science: Tiny, my youngest son, chose to do a report about the cape hyrax. The biology of any country is a good topic for younger children.
The cape hyrax, or rock rabbit is similar to a badger and he tied in the fact that the early colonist mistook this animal for a badger. He researched this topic on his own because that is what interested him.
Social Studies: He also wanted to show money from that country. It is important when doing a unit study about countries to point out that other money is not play money.
My husband went to the foreign exchange commission and got some Turkish money for us to take and share with the group.

My middle son, Mr. Awesome, who is my social creature had to read about a variety of topics and influence on the people.
Social Studies: He explained about a Turkish bazaar or the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. He was interested in the clothing, the fascinating way they still make carpets and rugs from ancient ways.
He just couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that after Constantinople was invaded by the Ottoman Turks they started construction on the building that is still part of the Grand Bazaar. Spices, Turkish pipes {yes he had to view Turkish pipes} clothes, and weapons he had to investigate.

Along with that he had to talk about Turkish delight which is like a confection candy.
Having never been to Turkey, we can only imagine what true homemade Turkish delight tasted like.
My oldest soon started passing out Turkish delight, that we ordered from a place in Washington, to share with the group. I told you we ate our way through the countries.
Geography of Turkey
Bible/Physical Geography: Then we focused some on the physical geography of the country. Mount Ararat is the highest point in Turkey.
The Bible speaks in Genesis 8:4 about the ark coming to rest on Mount Ararat. So we had to discuss whether the ark was discovered or not.
Studying more about the physical geography, it leads one to wonder where exactly did the ark land and Noah unload the animals.
Also, this is not the only time Mount Ararat is spoken about in the Bible. The region is referred to in the book of 2 Kings too.
Mount Ararat is called by the Turks Aghri Dagh (Mount of the Ark) and by the Persians Koh-i-nuh (Noah’s Mountain). It led to quite the discussion with all of the kids.
Of course then you have to discuss that both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Bible are major rivers in Turkey.
We could hardly leave the Bible part topic because Asia Minor in the Bible is mostly Turkey and that opens up all the discussions of the lives of the early Christians.
Phew…..you see why I was thrilled when he first chose it but wondering uhmmm how to do this in one week.
There was more discussion about the physical geography of the country because Istanbul is the only major city that straddles both the Europe and Asian continents.
Was that an advantage or disadvantage in fighting wars?

Then Mr. Senior 2013 wanted to focus on the history of not just the whole country but on Istanbul. Remember I had mentioned how a unit study is like a funnel, and you want to narrow down to the subtopic that interests your family.
Country of Turkey Homeschool Unit Study
Ancient History/Art: Before he spent time talking on Istanbul, he started off with the story of the Trojan war. He showed how part is made up, part true and some speculation that surrounds the city of Troy.
He did point out that that area is now Turkey.
He moved quickly to focus on the Ottoman Turks conquering the city as well as talking about the Hagia Sophia. The Hagia Sophia is only one building among many that are full of the intricate Turkish artwork.
People coming from Europe called Turkey “Land of the Sunrise” and the early Christians called it “second holy land”.
Istanbul is also called “Crossroads of the World” because of the meeting of cultures there.
He studied about Alexander the Great, but didn’t present this to the group as that would have been “too much”. {Whoa back Mr. Senior 2013 there are small kids too at the Geography Quest}. He did mention Sultan Mehmed II because he was the conquering invader in Constantinople.
All of this led to a discussion about Islam as well with my older two sons. Tiny was looking at pictures of his rock rabbit because he wasn’t interested in this subject.
That is the beauty again of unit studies. Stay on them as long as your children’s appetite is being satisfied.
The youngest ones can stop. Their appetite is satisfied.
One thing I did notice was that there was not a lot of what I consider good resources on this unit study topic.
There were lots of books that told the history of Istanbul. Even after several visits to our library, the books barely mentioned this area that has thousands of years of history.
Books About Turkey the Country
7 Books about the Country of Turkey
Add these books to your reading day or to a unit study to learn about the fascinating country of Turkey.
An introduction to the history, geography, plants and animals, people, economy, cities, transportation, government, holidays and festivals, and culture of Turkey.
Bring the world a little closer with these multicultural books. An excellent way for students to appreciate and learn cultural diversity in an exciting hands-on format. Each book explores the history, language, holidays, festivals, customs, legends, foods, creative arts, lifestyles, and games of the title country. A creative alternative to student research reports and a time-saver for teachers since the activities and resource material are contained in one book.
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Istanbul will lead you straight to the best attractions this city has to offer. Explore the must-see Hagia Sophia, take in the beauty of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, and don't miss out on the incredible street food.
Discover DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Istanbul.
• Detailed itineraries and "don't-miss" destination highlights at a glance.
• Illustrated cutaway 3-D drawings of important sights.
• Free, color pull-out map (print edition) marked with sights, a selected sight and street index, public transit map, practical information on getting around, and a distance chart for measuring walking distances
• Guided walking tours, local drink and dining specialties to try, things to do, and places to eat, drink, and shop by area.
• Area maps marked with sights and restaurants.
• Detailed city maps include street finder index for easy navigation. • Insights into history and culture to help you understand the stories behind the sights.
• Suggested day trips and itineraries to explore beyond the city. • Hotel and restaurant listings highlight DK Choice special recommendations.
With hundreds of full-color photographs, hand-drawn illustrations, and custom maps that illuminate every page, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Istanbul truly shows you this city as no one else can.
Turkey, located on both the continents of Asia and Europe, is the birthplace of some of the worlds oldest
A day in the life of a child in Turkey told from the child’s point of view. I See the Sun in Turkey is one of the books in the multiple award-winning I See the Sun in... series of bi-lingual picture books, each focused on one country and one day in the life of one child with a story told from the child’s perspective. I See the Sun in Turkey provides a unique introduction to the culture, family life and language of Turkey in a way that is age-appropriate and sensitive to the current culture and circumstances without becoming political. As with the other books in the series, the author has spent a considerable amount of time in Turkey, not merely as a tourist, but immersed in the environment and living with families who have opened their homes and their hearts to her. Includes facts about the country and a glossary for extended learning. Written in English and translated into Turkish.
Nasrudin Hoja was a mullah (teacher) in Turkey. He was a busy man he worked in a vineyard, gave sermons at the mosque, and was sometimes even a judge. He did all of this with a nagging wife, a constant stream of uninvited visitors, and many animals. Although Hoja’s life wasn’t easy, his heart was always light and his observations about life held a witty twist. For instance, when his donkey got lost, his neighbors offered sympathy, but Hoja found the bright side: “Imagine if I were riding the donkey at the time. I’d be lost too!”Though the ten Hoja stories presented by Rina Singh and richly illustrated by Farida Zaman are funny, each one contains such insight into human nature that Sufi teachers use them to illustrate their teachings. Traditional Turkish Hoja stories are much-loved throughout Asia, and Nearly Nonsense brings them to a North American readership sure to enjoy them and, through laughter, to learn from them.
He is in a foreign country, he is alone, and he is just a boy...Abbas Kazerooni is not yet ten, but he’s suddenly forced to leave his parents, his friends―his entire world―and flee Tehran. The Iran-Iraq war is at its bloodiest, and the Ayatollahs who rule Iran have reduced the recruitment age for the army. If Abbas doesn’t escape, it’s almost certain that he will be drafted and die fighting for a regime that has stripped his family of all they have.
On his own in the strange, often frightening city of Istanbul, Abbas grows up fast―with little more than his wits to guide him. He must conquer difficult things: how to live on his own, how to navigate a foreign city and culture when he doesn’t speak the language, and, most importantly, how to judge who is a friend and who is an enemy. Facing the unexpected as well as the everyday challenges of life on his own, Abbas walks a tightrope of survival―yearning to please the demanding father he has left behind, yet relishing his new found independence.
His quick thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, and the kindness of strangers allow him to make the best of his dire situation in surprising ways. Does he have what it takes to not only survive against these challenging odds but achieve his parents’ ultimate dream for him: a visa to England, and the safety it represents?
This compelling true story of one young boy’s courage provides a powerful child’s-eye view of war, political tumult, and survival.
Between my passport that Tiny showed to the group, the Turkish liras or money and passing out Turkish delight we got all of this in our mini unit study.
We had to save time to savor the other countries presented at the Geography Quest by the other families.
Some of the other kids wore hats that you would think come from France to the Mexican shirts worn by the boys.
We had a great time kicking off our school year and the last year for Mr. Senior 2013. {I may go into sappy mode}.

I hope these pages help you in your study about the countries.
We learned about Costa Rica, France, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Romania and Turkey.
These pages have a place to keep fast facts and then one part to do a mini report as you work your way through the countries. I do think we need to do this for another time or at least keep doing some more countries.
Country of Turkey Unit Study Resources
Naturally, we covered a variety of subjects and did not force a fit.
Too, I found these Turkish quotes.
So, when we ended this mini unit study we did copywork.
“Listen a hundred times; ponder a thousand times; speak once.”
A wise man remembers his friends at all times; a fool, only when he has need of them.”
“A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man.”
A cup of coffee commits one to forty years of friendship.”
“Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose.”

- 35 Hands-on Geography Activities to do in 15 Minutes or Less,
- The Ultimate Guide to Brave Explorers (Great and Small)
- 5 Steps to Choosing Geography Living Books Your Children Will Love.
- Hands-on Ancient Mesopotamia: Easy STEM Irrigation Activity
- Hands-on Ancient Egypt: Israelite Mud Bricks for Kids
- Hands-on Ancient Babylon: Hanging Gardens Fun Activity
- Hands-on Ancient Phoenicia: Alphabet Clay Tablet Craft
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