I have a fun John Muir spring unit study. Too, look at my pages Best Homeschool Unit Studies and Homeschool Geography for hands-on and simple ideas and tips.
No matter the age, most children still have a love for picture books. Recently, we read John Muir, America’s First Environmentalist and loved that book.
It looks like you could use it for about middle school down to elementary. It’s just a great book no matter which ages you use it for. Not only are the pictures beautiful but a short biography read gives us a needed break in our day.

Today, I decided to do a quick John Muir spring unit study as a way to celebrate spring and our love of reading picture books.
Look at this roundup and ideas for a multi-age unit study. Don’t you love including all of your children?
John Muir – the Inventor, Environmentalist and Explorer
After reading the short biography, you find out that John Muir was not only an adventurer and nature lover, but an inventor. What a great way for a young person to spend his time.
Download this 2 page pdf to learn about a few of his inventions.
Grab some quotes for this 2 page pdf for copywork or write a persuasive essay about John Muir’s stance on preserving nature for generations.
Nature Journals
For the younger kids, about first or second grade, grab this free 3 page pdf John Muir Made a Difference with a free printable to jump start their nature journal.
Also, look at this hub page by my friend Barb for nature journal ideas and tips. You’ll love this round up.
And if you haven’t already downloaded this free WHOPPING 968 pages of Anna Comstock’s Handbook of Nature Study, it’s a must have for studying about science and nature.
For your high school kids grab this free 8 page pdf lesson about Campsite Conversation which teaches about different points of view regarding how the environment should be cared for.
This is a helpful one page worksheet with questions and answers for key to learn about glaciers.
In California
For about third or fourth grade, grab this free 4 page pdf John Muir in California to study about California landmarks.
For your high school kids, grab this free 6 page pdf John Muir’s Vision Lives On which is about land issues and how to preserve the natural beauty and issues surrounding that.
Around the World
You’ll love this free printable board game for learning about the places John Muir traveled. Around the World in 76 Years.
Backpacking and hiking
The reason John Muir knew that the wilderness needed to be preserved was not only because he spent time outdoors, but he spent time hiking and exploring.
Grab this free 245 page unit study about backpacking and hiking.
Hands-on Activities and Ideas
Learn about the power of ice.
John Muir had a love for snow and blizzards and soon his obsession turned to glaciers. Look at this easy hands-on idea of how ice shapes mountains.
Make an easy sand clock.
Also, he loved his inventions and was interested locks, water wheels and clocks. Look at this easy hands-on sand clock.
►Make a yummy metamorphic edible rock recipe.
Spending much of his time outdoors as he investigated mountains and cliffs, look at this easy Metamorphic Edible Rocks & Notebooking Pages.
More John Muir Unit Study Activities
Muir Unit Study
►Make a simple compass out of things around the house.
And then learn how to make an easy homemade compass.
►Do this easy hands on activity with an egg to see how a plant digests their prey.
Also, Muir had a love for plants. Look at this easy hands-on activity to see how carnivorous plants digest their prey and grab the free notebooking pages.
►Make an easy pendulum clock.
Muir made a machine that helped him to rise from bed because he was focused on time. Make this easy pendulum clock.
I know all your kids will love this short picture book. Be sure to add John Muir, America’s First Environmentalist to your collection and use it for a fun nature unit study.
Are you still in a spring sort of mood?
I have a couple more free unit studies you can do which have lapbooks.
Click here to grab my North American Robin Unit Study and Lapbook, then strawberries are the very first spring fruit, so grab my Free Strawberry Unit Study and Lapbook and if that is still not enough, grab this Toads and Amphibians Lapbook and Unit Study.
Happy Spring!
Don’t forget to follow BOTH of my Pinterest accounts for AWESOME pins.
Visit Tina Robertson’s profile on Pinterest.
Visit Tinas Dynamic Homeschool ‘s profile on Pinterest.
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Thank you so much for this study! I love this unit study. I personally wrote a high school jr year paper on John Muir in 2004. I loved the research I did to find out how the first national park was proposed and who was behind the push. I have been looking for something like this for my son since I homeschool him ( I went to public school >.<) to show him how the national park service was started and who pushes for it and when it was implemented. I hope he loves this unit on Muir as much as I loved researching him in my school days.
Oh Monica, you made my day. I love hearing how you can make a personal attachment to this unit tudy for your son. I hope ya’ll love it as much♥