How to study human anatomy begins with the basics which is DNA. Today, for a human body unit study, we’re making an easy edible DNA model.Also I have this Human Body Crafts page for more fun ideas.
An anatomy unit study begins with the smallest building blocks of a cell and works its way up to DNA, genes, and so on.
DNA is usually a big part of a study of human anatomy so that is where we will focus for this activity.

This hands-on project turns a simple lesson on DNA into a tasty edible treat.
But the best part is that teaches your kid’s what DNA is made of, how it works, what changes it, and more.
Whether you’re using a boxed or all-in-one curriculum or piecing together your own study, this activity is a fun way to teach your kids about the structure of DNA.
Add in a couple great books, some videos and you have a mini DNA unit study.
If you are studying anatomy and physiology with an older child, there is no reason it needs to be dry and boring.
As a matter of fact, hands-on is proven time and again to make a bigger impact on what a child retains.
DNA Resources for Kids
So, look at a few videos to get your children learning about what is DNA.
In addition, here are a few simple books that provide great reference for DNA material.
Then, here are a few DNA facts.
DNA Facts for Kids
- DNA is short for -deoxyribonucleic acid.
- DNA is made from just 4 substances-Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine.
- There are 46 chromosomes in the human body, arranged in 23 pairs.
- DNA can be used to identify someone, just the way a fingerprint does.
- No one has the exact same DNA, except twins.
- Siblings share about 50% of similar genes.
- You have about 25% similarity with grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
- It is found in almost every cell of your body.
- Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA in 1869.
- DNA from a single cell if stretched out would be 6 feet long.
- Mitochondrial DNA comes from your maternal (mothers) line.
- A single gram of DNA can hold up to 700 terabytes’ worth of data. Cool!
- After a cell divides, it makes and exact copy of itself, all cells carry the same code.
Human Body Lapbook
In addition, you’ll love my human body lapbook.

And start out by introducing the candy and what each part represents as well as what it’s made of.
Color code everything. Give it as separate color to avoid confusion.
Make paper labels to identify each part. Also, identify which two bases can be combined for reference.
The gummy rope is the backbone. It is comprised of sugar, deoxyribose, and bonded with phosphate.
It does not contain any genetic information, but it is important because it binds everything together.
Then the small gummies are the 4 chemical bases that make up the two types of nucleotide bonds.
These building blocks are hooked together to form a chain of DNA.
A nucleotide is composed of 3 parts:
- five-sided sugar,
- phosphate group,
- and a nitrogenous base.
Bases store information and give the DNA the ability to code the phenotype – a persons visible traits.
This is called a complementary base paring.
And they are bonded together via hydrogen bonds, which are broken apart when the DNA needs to unzip and duplicate itself.
Human Body Crafts
- Simple and Easy Circulatory System Hands-on Activity for Kids
- How to Turn a Pizza Into a Fun Edible Human Cell Model
- How To Make A Fun Bones Of The Hand Labeled X-Ray Craft
- 7 Human Skull Facts and Cool Human Skull Anatomy Activity
- How to Make a Fun Hands-on Playdough Brain Activity
- Major Organs of The Human Body Labeled Fun Felt Anatomy Activity
- Fun Resources and Books About The Human Body For Preschoolers
- 8 Eye Facts & Human Body Activities Middle School & Fun Eye Model
- 12 Human Body Games For Middle School & High School
- Craft a Fun Hand Straw Model to Explore Human Anatomy Muscles & Tendons
- How to Make a Human DIY Heart Model Easy Craft for Kids
- 8 Facts About the Respiratory System & Fun Lung Craft for Kids
- 7 Human Body Facts and Kids Human Body T-Shirt Project
- Fun Edible Spine
- Making Blood + What Are the Components of Blood
- DIY Heart Pump
- Kids Stethoscope Activity
- Build An Edible DNA Model
- Edible Skin
- Rigid versus Flexible Bone Activity.
- Pregnancy Belly Female Study of Human Anatomy Kids Fun Craft
How to Study Human Anatomy Resources
Also, look at these other human anatomy resources:
- Pregnancy Belly Female Study of Human Anatomy Kids Fun Craft
- How to Create Easy Back to School Basket Ideas for Middle School (Anatomy)
- The Race Against Time Geronimo Stilton Activities: Fun Edible Spine
- Beautiful Human Body Lapbook and Fun Unit Study
- Homeschool Unit Study Human Body. Hands-on Activity 4. Making Blood
- Mega List Free Resources for Human Body Homeschool Unit Study
- Homeschool Unit Study Human Body. Hands-On Activity. DIY Heart Pump
- Human Body Books for Middle and High School Homeschooled Kids
- Homeschool Unit Study Human Body Hands-On Kids Stethoscope Activity
- Homeschool Unit Study Human Body. Hands-on Activity 5. Edible Skin

Finally, let’s make this hand-on edible DNA model for our fun study of human anatomy.
How to Make an Edible DNA Model
You will need:
- Sour Straws, Twizzlers, or other long gummy rope shape
- 4 colors of gummy dots, bears, marshmallows, sour bites, etc
- Toothpicks
Separate 4 colors of gummies or marshmallows out of your package and label each Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine.
Make four different piles of nucleotides.

Create base pairs by pressing two candies onto a toothpick.
You can only combine Guanine with Cytosine, Adenine and Thymine to create proper chemical bonds.
The colors can go on either the left or the right side.
However, the colors must be paired correctly to create a proper chemical bond

Once you have enough pairs you can then create the backbone pieces by pressing a long length of chewy rope to each side.
Press each toothpick through until secure.
This double helix is what holds everything together.

Here is what your completed model looks like.

Finally, you will want to twist in one direction from the top and the opposite direction from the bottom to demonstrate what the 3d double helix looks like.

Now you can deconstruct your DNA and enjoy tasting it.

Create more than one to compare or compare siblings to see the different versions of DNA
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