For the Geronimo Stilton The Second Journey Through Time book, we’re making a sun king fun medallion. Be sure to grab more Geronimo Stilton Books ideas and crafts on my page.
Let’s take a trip with our mouse guide Geronimo to the Court of Versailles in 1682 CE in Back in Time, The Second Journey Through Time to meet King Louis XIV and learn about Palace of Versailles.

Did you know that King Louis XIV (that’s #14 in Roman Numeral) was known as “The Sun King”?
It was a nickname that he gave himself.
And Louis XIV chose the sun as his personal emblem.
The sun is the symbol of Apollo who is the god of peace and the arts.

King Louis named himself such because he wanted the realm to revolve around him like the planets revolve around the sun.
Be sure to grab Geronimo Stilton The Second Journey Through Time book.
Facts about the Sun King Louis XIV
- Louis ruled for 72 years, he was just shy of 5 years old when it passed to him.
- King Louis XIV died of gangrene on September 1, 1715.
- Louis XIV built his extravagant Palace of Versailles after the civil war known as the Fronde when he had to flee from his palace in Paris at just 12 years old, He fled to the family hunting lodge 13 miles outside Paris.
- He was very strict in his protocols at court and every moment of the day was precisely organized and planned out.
- The king was an excellent ballet dancer.
- He died at the age of 76 and was succeeded by his grandson King Louis XV.
- A U.S. state is named after him. Louisiana was given its name by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier for King Louis.

Then you’ll want to add a few more hands-on activities to understand about the French.
Hands-on Ideas to Understand the French Empire
For example, look at the hands-on ideas below.
- Free Storming the Bastille Game
- Free Homeschool History Cards – French and Indian War
- 15 Hands-on History Ideas for Kids Studying the French and Indian War
- Beethoven & The French Revolution Minibook
- French Revolution Unit Study + Free Copywork
- Learn About the Geography of France by Creating A Solar Oven
- Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time Series Fifth Journey Fun Eiffel Tower
- 10 Interesting French Crafts And Activities For Kids
- Facts about France Geography Worksheet
Besides, hands-on activities makes learning stick so be sure to include a few more with this book.

Too, look at more Geronimo Stilton Book crafts.
Geronimo Stilton Book Activities
Next, look at these other crafts to go with the books.
- The Journey Through Time Book And Knights Armor Engraving Fun Kids Craft
- Journey Through Time Geronimo Stilton Time Warp Fun Lost City of Atlantis
- Race Against Time Build a Fun Greek Water Clock
- Out Of Time Fun Sir Francis Drake Ship Craft
- Stilton Journey Through Time Series Fifth Journey Fun Eiffel Tower
- 10 Things to Learn From The Fun Geronimo Stilton Chapter Books
- The Fourth Journey Through Time Fun Cleopatra Collar
- Learn About Mozart The Eight Journey Through Time Geronimo Stilton Series
- The Geronimo Stilton Book Fourth Journey Fun Egypt Game
- Geronimo Stilton Journey Through Time Craft a Fun England Tower Guard
- Mouse in Space Fun Puffy Moon Craft (Glow in the Dark)
- Down and Out Down Under Make a Fun Edible Coral Reef
- Field Trip to Niagara Falls Summary And Fun Corn Craft
- The Journey Through Time #2: Back in Time Colosseum Craft
- The Race Against Time Geronimo Stilton Activities: Fun Edible Spine
- #2: Back in Time Mayan Craft
- The Curse of The Cheese Pyramid Barbie Mummy
- Who Is Geronimo Stilton Rodent Notebooking Page
Now, let’s learn how to make this fun sun king gold medallion.

I hope you enjoy our journey with Geronimo and also making your very own medallion.
Hot glue is a fun medium for art projects because you can use it for a lot more than just attaching two objects.
It can be put into silicone molds to create shapes that harden once it dries or used free handed like we are going to do today.
How to Make a Sun King Medallion Craft for Kids
Since your child will create their medallion freehanded I am giving you some loose instructions and tips to help them create it.
You will need:
- Hot glue gun
- Glue
- Gold and black paint
- Plastic bead chain or string
- Silicone mat
Gather all your supplies and don’t forget that silicone mat. It is the best material for peeling off your glue creations and is heat safe!
Your child can create any shape medallion that they would like.
Additionally, they can design their own crest to represent themselves, the family, or they can try to recreate a King Louis sun medallion like this one.
The most important thing is to build up your layers by creating a first layer and letting it cool.

Use toothpicks and craft sticks to try and add a little shaping or detail to the glue when it is partially cooled but not all the way.
But if it’s too liquidly it will just keep pooling.

Then add layer after layer until it is thick and shaped like you want it. We tried to get a general sun shape.

Once the entire thing is completely cooled and hardened, peel it off the silicone and paint it gold with craft paint.
It will probably take 2-3 coats to get good coverage.

When it is almost dry use a paintbrush to dry brush on some black craft paint to age and patina your medallion, so it looks like an old treasured relic.
Brush off excess, you just need a bit.

Allow the paint to dry fully.
Measure a piece of chain or string to create a necklace that can be slipped on and off over your head.

Flip the medallion over and hot glue the length of chain or string to finish your necklace.
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