Today is day 6: Homeschool Socialization of the free 31 Day Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers. Homeschool hangouts socialization situations can be hard to know at first.
Grasping clearer how homeschool groups function will help you to find places for you and your children to socialize and maybe even set up field trips yourself.
Also, it is important to understand that a lot of homeschooling children are not socially inept and are very well rounded individuals.
I say this because of the many opportunities they have to participate in sports, to geography bees to drama. There is simply no need to isolate yourself.

First though I want to share some common misconceptions about homeschooling field trips that will help you to find a group that is good for you or as I mentioned earlier, create yourself.
Yes, many homeschoolers are empowered to be leaders and achievers and new homeschoolers are no different. However, there are some things you need to know about how the homeschool world is set up.
3 Common Misconceptions About Homeschool Hangouts
- 1. That there are many active field trip groups. I have a lot of groups in my area, but not all of them actively plan field trips. Every once and a while, a new homeschooler will post a question in my group and ask: “Where are all the field trips?”
Understanding that all parents are busy like you will help you to see that you have joined one huge co-op. Look back at Day 1 Learn The Lingo and New Homeschooler Free Bootcamp (& free glossary) to get the meaning of co-op.
This means there is no need to take the wait and see attitude when planning. Many seasoned veterans welcome new and fresh blood that can take some of the burden off of them.
I hope you live in a city where you have an active group that plans field trips regularly. If not and you are part of a local group or forum, can you plan them?
Make field trips happen. When I started to homeschool, I wanted to connect with others and found out that other mothers in my area wanted the same thing. It just took somebody to head it up.

{Uhmmm that is Mr. Senior 2013 holding the “Chamber Pot” I believe. A VERY valuable history lesson. Tee hee hee }
- 2. Field trips and activities are right in your backyard. Talking to any seasoned homeschooler, she can tell you about the miles and miles put on her vehicle.
Field trips and opportunities with other like–minded individuals has been worth every effort of driving long distances.
Sometimes we drive up to 2 or more hours one way for my sons to participate in events. We have created lasting memories because I have stayed flexible and planned field trips according to our family’s schedule.

- 3. Field Trips Planned By Local Groups are Balanced. There is nothing harder about running a field trip group than trying to strike a balance of field trips for all ages.
Moms of younger children want more zoo field trips, play dates, and crafts. And moms of older children want more field trips that teens and highschoolers will benefit from.
It is not uncommon for a group to have a committee that heads up field trips for either age but it is more common for a group to lean towards one age range than another. Search and ask questions of groups close to you.
Opportunities for Socialization & Homeschool Hangouts
Each area can focus on different things but if you are willing to work and travel to widen your learning zone, you will find many opportunities.

(Mr. Awesome taking ballroom dance lessons. Long story how hubby convinced them to do it. Once they started, they didn’t want to stop.)
Look at this list of classes and groups I have seen form in different areas that I have lived in. Some of these classes/groups my family has been part of. We have not been in want of any social activities.
- Spanish classes
- drama
- music
- spelling bees
- fencing
- 4 – H
- park days
- book clubs
- ballroom dance lessons
- church
- football
- choir
- gymnastics
- Bible bees
- swimming competitions
- science fair
- co-ops
- library days
- art classes

(My days at Library Day have been worth EVERY effort to raise life-long readers. Sniff sniff, but I get teary eyed looking back at how quickly it is going by.)
When you start homeschooling, try to remember that thousands upon thousands of other homeschoolers have gone before you to pave the way.
There is no need to think that you are alone and have to come up with all ideas for opportunities for enrichment and socialization; you do need to be flexible and may need to go out of your comfort zone so that your children can make life-long friends.
Too, I’m going to switch gears here on you.
Who is Tina Robertson
But before you can appreciate how I can help you here are are a few things about me. Sure, this free new homeschooler boot camp is all about you.
However, you need to know that I’m not new to the homeschool world.
Too, I have 3 homeschooled grads. So I’m well past having my oldest kid being 10 years old.

But the best part is that what I have for you works.
Also, look at a few other things about me.
- I am the author of the book Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers: When You Don’t Know Where to Begin

And I have a detailed self-paced online homeschool Kickstarter course. It is a detailed comprehensive course for first time homeschoolers.

That is enough about me.
This new homeschoolers free boot camp is about you. I’ve not only been helping new homeschoolers in person, but here at my site for years.
Online Forums & Blogs are Life Savers. Because homeschoolers hail from all over the world and even tiny remote places, a lot of us get our encouragement from online group forums and blogs.
Also look for blogs that use a homeschool approach that you are interested in. Even if you are not following that approach right now, you will still get some facts to make a good decision for your family.
I encourage you to not be a field trip follower always, but to make moments happen for your family.
I have had MANY exhausting days as I plan and lead field trips, but I have NEVER regretted planning any of them.

Opportunities to expand your friends in the homeschooling community exist abundantly and they are just waiting for you to make them happen.
What you have found so far in your area?
Days 1 – 5 of the 31 Free Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers
- 1 Learn The Lingo and New Homeschooler Free Bootcamp (& free glossary)
- 2: Homeschool Roots Matter and New Homeschooler Free Bootcamp
- 3 What is NOT Homeschooling and New Homeschooler Free Bootcamp
- 4: Confronting Relatives & Naysayers and New Homeschooler Free Bootcamp
- 5: The Wheels on the Bus Go ‘Round & ‘Round – So Get Off! And New Homeschooler Free Bootcamp

Thank you for the wonderful ideas. My kids are still toddler & preschool age and I head up the local mommy & me. Sometimes it is discouraging when I take the time to plan the dates and no one shows up, but I take those moments and enjoy something new & exciting with my kids.
Hi Dena,
That is GREAT! I do believe leadership brings blessings. It can be discouraging when that happens. Something else to think about is to see which days are attended better. Which week is it? Notice that and then you can adjust accordingly.
I am always cautious about saying to ask everybody because persons that don’t lead can and BELIEVE me they will. Instead of being appreciative that somebody is doing the work they want you to change it when it’s good for them AND then they may not even come.
So I say: 1)take notice and write down when they show up 2) cut back on days. Everybody is so busy nowadays and they need time to build a day into their schedule. So maybe every other week plan 3) be consistent. If they know you’ll show up unless its real bad weather of course, they’ll come.
Yep, enjoy those kids and keep on planning…
Thanks for sharing!