When I first started homeschooling, it took me a long time to learn a tiny two letter word – NO.
To this day, I still ask myself if I know how to say No.
Do You Struggle to Find Time to Homeschool?

What do I try to say no to each year?
- No to over extending myself in activities outside the home.
- No to unrealistic expectations of myself, my husband and my children as I start off the new year.
- No to leading more co-ops, groups or field trips than I can do.
- No to being “the mom” that always needs to be included in hosting every baby shower and wedding shower. (This is a hard one for me because I love to plan.)
- No to filling our schedule up with so many extracurricular activities.
Homeschooling moms by nature tend to be overachievers. What is our strength can be a potential negative if we don’t keep it in check.
Trying to right all the wrongs of public school, I did plan every minute of our day when I started homeschool.
I didn’t know how to say no to friends popping in at my house unplanned or who interrupted my homeschooling day. Quality time with my kids suffered and I had learned a valuable lesson quickly.
Finding balance was not easy because then I went to extreme lengths by isolating myself from my non-homeschooling friends.
It took another year or so before I learned to graciously just say the tiny two letter NO and find my center.
The ability to not limit what you physically, emotionally and mentally can do in the homeschooling lifestyle could be a potential pitfall in your journey.
As new homeschoolers, who want to prove how successful they are, we aim too high or over reach by setting unrealistic expectations of what can be done in any given year.
The time will come when you will have smooth sailing and can give back to others. However, that time is not when you are new or struggling.
If we want to avoid pitfalls or traps of homeschooling busyness, we need to remember something very basic – say No.
What have you said no to this year?
Be sure to read my FREE 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers
Grab some more courage to say NO!