We finished our World War II Homeschool History Free Unit Study and now have the completed lapbook showing where we put all of the minibooks.

World War II Homeschool History
Like most all of my lapbooks, you can let your student write as much as he wants or as little. Because we do lapbooks as enrichment, I never fuss too much over what Tiny writes versus what he uses premade.
Even if he writes a little, this hands-on tool is better for reviewing than a worksheet. Also, in this unit study he got to hold a primary source, which was his grandfather’s ration card. Anytime I can make a personal connection to history for my boys it makes a unit study meaningful.
Too, there are so many subtopics to cover in this unit study that we just could not cover them all. I hope you like this study as much as we have.
Because we do our unit study and lapbooks too as we plod along, I never have lapbooks in one giant download.
I also do it this way so that you can grab just the parts you need instead of downloading minibooks you may not need.
More World War II Unit Study Hands-on Activities
- Free World War II Unit Study Ideas and Fun Lapbook
- World War II Hands-On History – Make Ration Cakes
- World War II Hands-On History – Make a Secret Message Deck
- 8 World War II Historical Fiction Books for Middle School
- World War II Free Resources For a Middle School Unit Study & Make Victory Garden Soup
- World War II Homeschool History-Manhattan Project,Vocabulary & A. Frank
- World War II Homeschool History: Life During the War & Pearl Harbor Minibook
- World War II Homeschool History: Minibooks Causes & Great Depression
- World War II Homeschool History: Staged For War & Quick Facts Minibooks & Links
- World War II Homeschool History Free Unit Study and Lapbook

How to Get the Free World War II Unit Lapbook
Now, how to grab the free lapbook. This is a subscriber freebie.
That means when you sign up to follow me, you get access to my subscribers library and this freebie.
However, not all my freebies are in the library (wink).
I like to keep up to date with what is valuable to you so I can give you more, some freebies you must sign up again on the form below even if you are already a follower.
And it’s the only way I have of freely delivering them to you. Just follow the steps below.
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►3) Last step. look for my reply AFTER you’ve confirmed your email.
Hugs and love ya,

Don’t forget to follow BOTH of my Pinterest accounts for AWESOME pins.
Thank you, Tina, for these invaluable resources, also for all the links for the other resources available. I truly thank you.
Hey Tamara,
I so glad you can use them and you are just VERY welcome. Happy to have you following!
There’s no link for this…
Sorry you’re having problems and don’t see the links.♥ I hate that, but I never do one huge gigantic link because you may download something you don’t need. Each link is at the bottom of the post so it can take you to download the printable or do the activity you like♥
Thank you, Tina, for your kind response. I have managed to download the individual printables but this one, there is no link for the download, as the others you can find very easily…
I’m sorry for the confusion still. ♥♥ Again, the printables for this lapbook are ALL individual so you can “pick and choose”/ If you’ve downloaded all the printable at the bottom then you have this lapbook. Only a handful of lapbooks are “one big one” or download. This is no different. This is NOT one big download link. That could be a waste of your space on your devices so I almost never do that. This lapbook is made from ALL the printables which are at the bottom of the post which you mentioned you have downloaded.♥
IF that is not what you meant, ask again and I’ll try to be more clearer♥♥ Did that answer it or can you tell me which download you’re missing?